A Heartfelt Present to Dearly Beloved

Mama: Ayang, I need to let you know the truth. I was away for three days because I was in deep cultivation due to a little internal injury. As I said before, we've conquered the nest! As of now, we got thousands of helpers to chart out the map we required. I just need a little time to train them to understand my instructions. I'm sure it won't take too much time.

The message was successfully sent after a while, but the sought after italicized 'read' was not present. Hana scrunched her brow in worry. Where did Arash go for him not to be able to read her messages? She changed the interface to check for the day and date. It was supposed to be a weekend. He should be spending time with the kids at home.

Kuro could feel the rising panic and worry radiating from Mommy in his mind. Be patient, Mommy. Perhaps Papa is busy with something, or his phone might be out of battery, and he is charging it at the moment. He tried to appease her by flaunting his in-depth knowledge of the black rectangular treasure in Mommy's grasp. It had invoked the envy of Shiro at the side as he rolled his eyes upwards while grimacing.

"Yeah, maybe so. That's true, that's true. My phone also always has no battery during the oddest hours of the day. Only with you present now that it had always stayed on when I want to use it. Thanks, sweetie. You're my lucky star." Hana nodded like a pecking chicken distractedly. She patted Kuro's horn which made him bloomed in happiness from the simple gesture while Shiro rolled his eyes yet again.

Hana paused to contemplate for a while. After a moment of deep thoughts, her fingers started to type again while her eyes radiated with determination.

Mama: Ayang, I'm sending over the cultivation chant. I had a breakthrough and was finally able to chant by myself. This is the proof of me not deceiving you. Please stop being skeptical and just try to listen to it, please? At least for one night? See if you could follow what I chant? Who knows if you could gain something from it. This chant is good for the soul, Ku-chan told me. It could indirectly improve the constitution of our soul. You might not get stronger physically, but your heart will be durable to any tribulations ahead. Humor me and please just listen to this little gift from me, okay? I love you and I miss you. Just treat it as me singing for you...

She righted herself well and sat in a lotus position, with her left hand holding her smartphone, ready to record.

"Sweetiepies, Mommy will need to cultivate for a few rounds for a while, alright."

Before they responded, she immediately pressed the record function and chanted loudly, startling both Kuro and Shiro.

They looked at each other with a confused look, 'what is Mommy/Mom up to again' decorated their faces. Looking at the weird posture of their mistress, passionately chanting while holding the black treasure upon her mouth, their minds couldn't catch up to their mistress' random ideas. Her other hand was even making a series of movements like flying. Did she get an inspiration to fly or something? And why did she nodded continuously too?

Don't ask me. The chant is from your clan... Your turn to look after Mommy. Shiro immediately walked away. He needed to manage a lot of things since the 'Big Bro' was slacking, especially in the management field. He still needed to inquire Hana on the specifics of these Elemental Fiends clustering around their abode's vicinity once she exited her cultivation later. There're too many of them! He also needed to visit the Grand Elder of the Waterwave Marine Clan in person while bearing some sort of gifts to show some appreciation for their help. The spirit bird was another thing. He needed to pacify her and delay her until Hana was ready to help her deal with her bottleneck. He still needed to check on the little herb garden on his way later.

Since he knew Hana, his workload had increased multiple times.

A gardener. A kitchen helper. A butler. Even a pillow, ah, and don't forget the occasional mount.

While Kuro sticks to an all-time bodyguard.

Shiro could feel some semblance of peace only when he thought that Mom trusted him more and relayed more critical tasks to him due to his level of maturity.

Mom knows who's the best and who helps her the most.

Shiro walked away while arranging for a few Worker-classed and Warrior-classed Elemental Fiends to follow him towards the Crystal-veined stream. It was better to clear off some agendas and not blindly waiting. More tasks will only add up later.

The long-awaited minions had finally arrived, it was almost a sin not utilizing these fellows efficiently. Shiro was glad he could finally get as many helpers as he wanted after this. The future felt so rosy <3

...read ASTHW in scrib blehub or webnovel and vote/like for us to make us happy =mrandmrsmooncat

Hana recorded two rounds of the modified version of Lightning Emperor's Divinity Soul chant. The first round was very slow, while the second one was at an average pace. She meticulously rechecked her voice-recording and nodded with satisfaction before sending the voice-message multiple times until a double tick appeared. It meant that it had successfully gone to the other side, only waiting for her beloved to open the chatting app to receive it. That action alone took more than an hour to be completed. In her mind, she already envisioned Arash's sweet words of apology for not believing her. Her intentions were clear; she wanted her beloved to master the heartfelt 'present' she sent over. Who knows if he could also benefit from it. The modified chant was different than before as she could perform it herself without assistance. Hence, as long as Arash tried his best, he'll surely be able to perform the chant competently after enough practice. Hana was slightly nervous and was anticipating Arash's reply.

However, how would she know that at the moment, her dearly beloved was severely injured while being soaked under the rain in an obscure corner of a rainforest? In fact, Arash's experience was a couple of times worse than hers. At least she wasn't hurt when she got lost, and life had been very fulfilling with an ample amount of food, water, shelter and an increasing amount of adorable pets to coddle.

Hana waited patiently for ten minutes.

Hana kept on waiting for another half hour while flipping the photo gallery in her smartphone, immersing in nostalgia.

Hana prodded the fireplace absentmindedly with a blank expression for another hour. Her aura slowly got oppressive, as Kuro quickly slithered a little further away.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A loud shout left Hana's throat as her chest heaved heavily for a few minutes.

She felt like flipping a table! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Forget it. When he wants to reply, he'll reply. I don't care anymore! The aunty bad habits started to emerge again as she sulked while folding her arms with an extremely aggrieved look.

She had forgotten that she had made her hubby waited in agitation for three whole days for her, while she only waited for less than two hours before losing her composure. Also, her absence was what prompted Arash to go on a death-seeking adventure out of nowhere.

The sky was already dark as the last vestiges of the sun disappeared in between thick roiling rain clouds. The resulting rain was pouring like the heavens had just watched a particularly tragic soap opera. Yet, Hana's abode and its surrounding territory were glowing with multiple colors of yellowish red, green and white, as if there was a festival. Not knowing what to do, the Elemental Fiends started moving and patrol their Empress supposed 'territory' in a neat formation without anyone telling them. Their glowing antenna flickered slightly as the rain hit them, but they weren't extinguished, as they were the manifestation of their owner's element, borne from their owner's spiritual energy.

The Elemental Fiend King had returned to the Queen Mother's side once he had ascertained the coordinates of their Empress' 'nest' and left the rest to protect the Empress. Now that he knew, he shared all the information of their Empress' nest with the Primordial Queen Mother via telepathy while moving en route.


The soul chant had traveled from Hana's magical forest to reach Arash's smartphone. A shame that the smartphone couldn't receive the digital sound file from the lack of signal. Additionally, Arash had switched off his phone and placed it deep inside his backpack, protected by layers of bubble wraps for the sake of safety.

The rain had reduced in intensity, leaving only droplets of water passing through the layered tree canopy above. A pair of golden eyes stared at the unconscious Arash from within a nearby bush.

It was just five meters away from the unconscious human. With the appearance of night-time, nocturnal beasts started to emerge from their lair to hunt. The owner of the pair of golden eyes was one. It had been prowling in search of food until it was attracted by a lingering faint scent of blood in the air. Following the light scent had proved to be a correct decision as it was presented by a sizeable immobile creature in between the bushes.

Easy prey!

It lowered its body on all fours vigilantly and crept forward in silence, sinewy muscles rippling under the shiny gloss of black fur. It effortlessly blended with the darkness. It had to make sure this is not a trap first. It stopped and waited patiently for a full ten minutes to ascertain the condition of the prey. As a soft breeze blew from the direction of the unmoving human, it sniffed the air and perked up its ears. It could feel that the vitality of the human was very low, as its breathing was very light and irregular.

It waited again for another five minutes to observe the surroundings with caution. It knew a large human nest was not far from here.

It took its breath and flexed its well-defined sharp claws, eyes focusing on the prey's jugular.

At the distance of two meters, it pounced lightning fast!

A hand shot out and grabbed the skin at the neck of the ferocious black creature with golden eyes. Upon closer inspection, the hand looked frail and dried up, contrary to the energy it possessed.

"This is not destined for you, o little cat." Out of nowhere, a wizened old voice resounded in the ancient Bateq language.
