Mysterious Elder, Can You Tell Me Where Can I Get Mobile Reception?

Tanahan (1) brought the group of young villagers with him, including the outsider called Mr. Robbie down the gentle slope with careful steps. Looking at several visible signs, he could already deduce that the missing person must have fallen from the hill and might be critically injured. He hoped that they reached the pitiful man in time to help him. After a while, although the rain had washed away most signs, they managed to find a broken compass barely visible in the mud.

He observed Mr. Robbie face pale expression once he showed the compass, which meant that it did belong to the missing person. Tanahan walked through the gnarled roots expertly, evading possible natural traps that could make him stumble. The others followed suit to reach the bottom of the hill. He immediately issued a search command to the rest of the villagers after repeatedly asking them to be more meticulous but fast. All of them knew they were racing against time.

Just before everyone could go that far, an old man appeared out of nowhere in front of Tanahan and Rob, startling both of them.

"Ehemm Ehemm, this is just old me." The ancient old man said with a stern look with both of his hands placed on his back.

"Esteemed Elder!!!" All of them prostrated low immediately. Tanahan pulled the bewildered Rob to prostrate beside him with reverence.

"At ease, at ease." He waived at both Tanahan and Rob to stand up. Rob felt goosebumps appearing on his arms when he looked at the wretched-looking old man. He looked so old and frail, yet was quite menacing. He felt like a little critter being observed by a dangerous predator. The old man had a wrinkly copper-colored skin and was actually wearing a shabby old shirt and a faded checkered sarong (1), just like an old farmer, nothing like an old aborigine man at all. His twig-like grayish-white hair was as messy as the nest of a bird. However, his cloudy eyes were sharp and judging, scanning him and Tanahan up and down a few times. He could see Tanahan broke a sweat and was quite fearful to meet the old man's gaze.

This kind of grandpas was not to be trifled with. They were the kind that was Hercules-like strong and could carry a large tree trunk on their shoulders with ease while clearing land. They were especially lovely and doting to their grandchildren or great-grandchildren, but extremely notorious to their own children and in-laws. Analyzing Tanahan's respectful posture mixed with a slightly fearful look towards the old man had made Rob formed such an absurd conclusion on the dot.

The awkward silence ensued for a short minute before the old man continued speaking in Bateq, "Young one, did you bring the children to find a city dweller boy?"

Tanahan's eyes lit up. "Yes, I did, Esteemed Elder. He is this person's friend, Robbie. Robbie had just saved my life from being attacked by a python today. He is my benefactor. As such, I will do my best to return the favor by finding his missing friend."

"A python you say? Humphh!" The old man flicked Tanahan's head a few times while he endured the embarrassment of being treated like a kid. After all, he was already in his late 40s. He was the one who always reprimanded the younger generations, who would've thought that his turn will come so soon. He blushed heavily, but thanks to his dark undertones, his face was not that obvious. However, Rob who was just by his side, could clearly see it. He was having a hard time holding the urge to chuckle until he trembled slightly. Although he didn't understand the exchange between the two parties in front of him, he could guess what it's all about. The other villagers averted their gaze as to preserve the dignity of their ace tracker. Some of them were his colleagues, but the majority of them were his direct students.

"You better brush up your tracking skills. Our Bateq people were once could be one with nature to seek its guidance and hear the sounds of the world. Your practice is lacking! We can't lose our forefather's hereditary skills! I told you not to let the kids play games so much!!!"

He bowed again, guiltily, "Please forgive this useless one, Esteemed Elder. I will work harder once I go back." Tanahan didn't try to explain the conditions and the predicament he was facing to the capricious elder of his tribe. He knew if he wanted to defend himself, it would seem like an excuse. Owning up to his own mistakes was the best course of action to appease the old man's heart. He might even give a favorable impression to the reclusive esteemed elder.

"Esteemed Elder.. err.. About the city dweller just now.." Tanahan tried to return to the main subject. He really needed to know the condition of Rob's friend.

"He's with me. His condition is quite bad. Unless you want him dying when you carry him to the village now, you should just leave him to me. I'll make sure he'll be in good shape before sending him personally to the village a few hours later. You guys go back first." The old man explained expressionlessly as if he was talking about the weather. Tanahan blinked his eyes a couple of times before he could get a grip of himself. The corner of his lips twitched slightly.

"Or, are you unwilling? Want him now?" The old man narrowed his eyes. His sudden shifting mood made the villagers jumped with fright.

"Err..No, no. We are absolutely willing! It's just that, are you sure it's the same person? Esteemed Elder, is it possible for Mr. Robbie to visit the person in question just to make sure it's the right one? Only a glance will do." Although he felt apprehensive, he still plucked some courage to ask permission to visit the sick patient for Rob's sake. What if it's not the same person they're looking for?!

"Nope. Can't do. I don't feel like helping the kid anymore if you insist. If he died, it'd be on you." The Elder casually threw a careless sentence while digging his nose with his pinky.

Everyone's lips were twitching as they looked at the Elder incredulously. This was involving the life of a living person! Why so troublesome?!

The old man sighed, "Alright, did he wear dark blue shoes, a black backpack with a little red at the sides, a light blue shirt with dark blue long sleeves? The long pants were dark grayish black."

Tanahan immediately conveyed the Elder's words to Rob for confirmation. He quickly nodded while feeling relieved.

"Then, no more problems. Just go back before I change my mind and become lazy to help. I'm actually a little tired and wished to go back and rest if you don't need my help."

The capricious old man started to throw some threats to chase them away. Tanahan pulled the disagreeing Rob hard and rapidly walked away while issuing an order for the others to disperse.


Arash opened his eyes to a strange-looking environment around him. He remembered that he was slumped in between the shrubberies. But now he found himself lying face up on a hard surface. His view was dominated by a series of gigantic grayish boulders of different shapes and sizes, which provided some sort of relief from the rain.

[How long has it been? Where am I?]

He tried to raise his shaky hands to see clumps of greenish wet mass covering them.

[Eh... What's this?]

He smelled the poultice and found that it had a pleasant herby fragrant, which reminded him of hospitals. His mind immediately clicked.

[Ahh.. I see.. Somebody must've saved me. Thank God..]

Arash was extremely grateful to God for sending over the person who saved him at the nick of time. He was convinced that it was divine providence. He tried to push himself up but couldn't. But then he noticed that he was half-naked!

[Which pervert had the gall to remove my shirt and pants away?! Da*n!] Only his dark purple boxers with pink polkadots were left on, thankfully, safeguarding his last bit of dignity. However, whoever saved him had already seen his embarrassing undergarments! His face burned a shade of pink from extreme shame while blaming his naughty wife for purposely pranking him with a series of 'cute' designed boxers for his birthday present this year. She even discarded all of his old boxers, claiming that they're not cute enough for her eyes. When he wanted to buy new ones, she started to sniff exaggeratedly and made an aggrieved look, making him resigned with his fate.

[Thank goodness I didn't wear the penguin-shaped one or the one with a crowd of cute doggos in space suits...] TT_________TT

A myriad of expressions decorated Arash's face as he sighed helplessly.

While wallowing in the present predicament. Arash had not realized that he wasn't feeling cold at the moment, even without clothes on. There's not even a fire anywhere, and the boulders around him weren't impervious to air from entering. The walking stick stuck a meter away from him was actually emitting translucent waves encompassing him within, providing some sort of protection as it sealed the exposed openings around the boulder formation. However, he didn't notice anything unusual.

"Already awake, ait? Kid, your luck sure is good." A wizened voice with thick accented Malay resounded in his ears, making him panicked. His eyes looked around wildly, trying to find the source of the voice. It was really creepy, especially when it was night time, devoid of light.

An old man suddenly appeared not too far from him, startling him for good. "Aiyoooo! Gramps! You make my heart jump!"

The old man chuckled mirthfully with Arash's reaction as he found the kid to be funny. However, in Arash's eyes, the old man's laughter sounded very sinister. Goosebumps appeared on both of his arms and neck.

"Thank you for saving me, Gramps. I owe you one." Arash spoke seriously with respect. He knew he must've been a burden for this little old man. He was even being nursed to health.

"Shut it! What 'Gramps, gramps' ?! I'm not your gramps! Call me Mysterious Elder!" The old man snorted grumpily. Why were all the youngsters nowadays have no respect, huh? Shamelessly calling him grandpa even when he was not this old one's descendant!

The corner of Arash's mouth twitched a few times as he blinked his eyes and nodded mechanically. He was just trying to be nice, and it was actually a norm to try to increase familiarity by affectionately called all elders as our own grandpas and grandmas.

"Good boy! Do you have anything to say to me?" The old man looked expectantly towards Arash. Obviously, he was asking for more praises, but the clueless Arash didn't know that. After all, he had just thanked the old man before.

"Mysterious Elder, can you tell me where I can get mobile reception?" Arash returned the old man's expectant gaze with one of his own. His eyes were bright with a slight hint of fawning within.

The old man nearly slipped and fell.


Authors' Note:

1) Tanahan = stems from the word 'tanah' which means 'soil/earth'.

2) checkered sarong = a piece of cloth, usually known as batik cloth, which is widely used by the older generation as a skirt-like garment (men or women, both will wear them), there's no band at the waist, so one needs to learn how to tie them properly without it falling down and impacted one's own dignity. The difference between men's sarong and women's sarong is in its design and length. The ones for men are usually simple checkered or lines, while for women, the designs are generally flower and animal motifs. The men's sarong is longer and bigger. They often tied their money or wallet together with their sarong at their waist, while the women's are shorter and livelier.

Men's sarong:

Women's sarong:,g_1:corak:pqnzzbgzfoQ%3D&usg=AI4_-kRDUVvGl3ll0loohG9umM3wKjDqvg&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjumZOg67HnAhUBSX0KHWT-CuwQ4lYILSgC&biw=850&bih=714&dpr=1.25