Can You Fly?

Within the boulder formation enclosed by a mysterious translucent barrier, two men were seated opposite each other in a cross-legged position. One was young and fair, with bare upper parts, while the other was old and decrepit, with sinister-looking bony fingers. The old one was facing the young one's fair back and was moving his hands everywhere, just like performing a massage. However, the young one's facial feature was one of restlessness and trepidation.

[F*ck, am I being molested?!]

Arash was having a hard time withstanding the mysterious old man's supposed 'treatment session.' In truth, he was used to going to a professional masseuse for an excellent rejuvenating massage session with Hana once a month. However, the old man's 'treatment' didn't feel like a proper massage. It felt more like a butterfly-like fluttering of fingers touching everywhere as if they were looking for something and were still in the process of finding it.

"Generous Elder, is it done? I don't feel too well. Can we just pause?" Arash face was drained of color the longer he was 'molested' without reserve everywhere. He was a proper and chaste person, loyal to a fault to his wife. He only let his wife touched his body, and no one else. Now, the mysterious elder had entered the sacred list. He felt like crying, but no tears came out. Was this a sick kind of revenge for messing up with the medicinal poultice?

Arash felt violated.

The old man gave a kindly smile and tried to appease Arash with a pat to the shoulder, "It just started. I can't stop now unless you want to die at such a young age. Be obedient and sit tight without talking." However, to Arash, that smile looked like a sinister grin from a predator. He started to tremble slightly and wondered about the old man's sexual preferences. He really hoped that the old man was straight! Even if it looked like the old man was going to die tomorrow, shockingly his grip and gait were extremely stable and full of explosive energy, just like a man in his prime. As a gravely injured person, Arash knew he wouldn't stand a chance at all if the old man decided to succumb to his inner desires!

As such, he kept on praying to God so that this old man will let him off.


Oblivious to Arash's wild spicy thoughts, Tok Batin Silihan was using fifty percent of his ability to scour Arash's internal injuries, meridians, and inner spirit due to his excellent impression on him. He had not expended as much effort like this to anyone for tens of years. Usually, as long as there was a reward of herbs that he needed, he would use at most, ten percent of his means to remedy the patient's situation.

In fact, he was currently tracing out several investigative spirit runes on Arash's back using his spiritual energy to obtain all the data he needed. Connecting to the Spirit of the Woods was a laborious process, he admitted. But, this sensible young one deserved it. If he had a girl descendant, he would marry her off to this young one to build real family ties. That was how much Tok Batin Silihan was fond of Arash. It was tough to find one so fine, proper, and sensible such as this. Although the boy was too fair, too ugly, and too flabby, he could be whipped into shape in no time as long as he stayed. Additionally, grilling him under the sun a few hours a day would definitely give him a healthy tan he desperately needed.

Tok Batin Silihan lamented on his less than ideal bad rep in his own community. All the villagers of his Bateq tribe, especially the young ones, will run and hide from him once they noticed his presence as if he was the plague! So infuriating! Thinking about it made Tok Batin Silihan's heart felt stifled!

Alas, he had been too out of touch with the community as a whole for the sake of cultivation. He didn't even know any of the current younger generations. All this while he didn't care, since none of them had the spirit root to cultivate, which left him frustrated again and again. He only knew a few of his exemplary descendants, who were all males. Additionally, it seemed that this boy was already taken and was firmly attached to his partner.

However, if only Tok Batin Silihan could read Arash's thoughts, he would've slapped him and hanged him upside down on a tree, with all the painstaking goodwill built on the foundation of chicken masak merah, gone like a puff of smoke.

As Tok Batin Silihan traced the last bit of runes, he could feel Arash trembled upon his touch.

"Are you in pain? Is it so unbearable? Tell me where? I'll patch you up after this." Tok Batin Silihan's concerned inquiry made Arash trembled stronger.

"Uh... I'm not sure, Mysterious Elder. I feel pain everywhere. Can we stop and let me rest? Maybe after a short nap, I'll feel much better?" Covering his aversion expertly, Arash tried to make the elder stop for the second time.

"Nonsense. It's nearly over. Sit tight. You'll surely feel much better after this."

Tok Batin Silihan closed his eyes as he placed his right palm at the center of Arash's back. Intangible murmurs could be heard reverberating around the boulder formation as Arash nervously tried to keep himself still.

Tok Batin Silihan slapped the earth beside him with great momentum while producing a loud booming sound. His left hand sank three inches in, and a faint light started to glow, starting from where his hand connected to the earth. Slowly the soft light traveled through his arms towards his heart and from his heart to his right palm on Arash's back.

Arash could feel something cooling entered his body from his back. He panicked, but all of a sudden, he couldn't move his body. It felt like he had been petrified. Slowly, the cooling feeling traveled from the center of his back to permeate throughout his whole body, like a wave created from a drop of stone upon a body of water. As the cooling feeling passed through each location, he felt so much better! His eyes went wide with astonishment!


Did he chanced upon a Divine Doctor?! Are Divine Doctors even real?! The story of a certain accomplished young master of the Tang household(1) resurfaced in his mind.


Tok Batin Silihan scrutinized Arash's internal body for three times. To his disappointment, Arash didn't have a spiritual root too. His meridians were also locked, just like an average person. Tok Batin Silihan quickly transferred the channeled healing energy he absorbed from Mother Earth to repair Arash's internal injury meticulously. He focused more on Arash's bones since there were multiple fractures, his bowels, since there seem to have some problems there, and his injured right knee. He also helped strengthened Arash's thighs and calves, so that the boy won't hurt himself so bad again if he was to fall in the future.

All in all, the boy's constitution was pretty bad. It was the worst he had ever seen in a patient.

It was fairly logical since Tok Batin Silihan had never healed a person not of his own tribe before. Since the main activities of the Bateq people were hunting and foraging, it was natural for them to be extremely fit. Nobody was fat in his community.

After nearly an hour, Tok Batin Silihan removed his palms and exhaled turbid breath three times. It seemed like he aged a little more just after the treatment session.

As Arash turned around and looked at Tok Batin Silihan's condition, he rushed to pour a cup of water for him and even helped placed it over his lips. He could see the elder's hand trembling while holding the cup.

"Are you alright, Mysterious Elder? Do you want to lie down for a while?" He tried to help the old man but didn't know what to do. His genuine concern warmed the old man's heart.

"No matter. Just give me some time to recover. Don't call me Mysterious Elder anymore. Tok Silihan (2) will do."

Tok Batin Silihan sat crossed legged and closed his eyes again to readjust his breathing.

Arash smiled radiantly while feeling a sense of victory in his heart. Finally, the grumpy elder had lower down his guard from him and let Arash address him familiarly.

"Tok Silihan?"


"Are you a Divine Doctor?"

"..." Tok Batin Silihan opened one eye and knocked Arash's head. "I'm a spiritual healer. Stop chatting with me. I need to meditate for a while."

Ten minutes passed by. Arash had so much to ask, and finally, he couldn't contain himself from asking the most important question, "Then, can you fly? Or at least ride a sword, er.. your walking staff? Have you reach Xiantian at least?"

"..." Tok Batin Silihan's green veins slowly protruded but he tried his best to ignore Arash.

"Do you have moves with projectiles like Kamehameha?" Due to Tok Batin Silihan's refusal to answer, Arash didn't give up and changed to a different question. He thought, maybe Tok Batin Silihan couldn't understand his reference. After all, there existed so many cultivation systems out there. He exaggeratedly showed how a 'Kamehameha' posture looked like in front of Tok Batin Silihan with eagerness. 'Kamehameha' was so famous, he had not heard of anyone who didn't know what it referred to, be it young or old.

Tok Batin Silihan stood up and kicked Arash butt resentfully!

"Sit quietly and wait for this old one to get better! Gosh! I nearly regretted treating you! Such a chatter! Noisy!"

The kick was very mild and only made Arash rolled to the side like a baby panda. He tried his best to suppress his grin and just sit quietly like a good little boy while pondering about the wonders he just felt. His eyes glittered as his inner chunni (3) flared a little bit. It's like when a fan suddenly found out that the Samaritan who saved him was his big-time idol!


Authors' Note:

1) young master of the Tang household = the MC of Returning from the Immortal World, Tang Xiu

2) Tok Silihan = Grandpa Silihan. Silihan is the elder's name.

3) chunni = a short for chunnibyou, a mid-schooler syndrome/eighth-grader syndrome where a person was so keenly believed in superpowers from the superheroes manga/anime/lightnovel. Usually, it goes away once a person grows up into an adult. However, some did retain that belief deep in their heart (laugh). Talk about being childish XD

Mrs Mooncat:

Woot woot..the political upheaval which happened due to our previous prime minister stepping down without appointing his successor had been remedied after around 3-4days (which is today). There were two strong candidates, A (previous PM) and B (the supposed future PM) both got suckerpunched as the third person who did not come into the picture, C, got the post haha. All of us plebeians kept calm and go for roti canai and teh tarik as usual every morning.. (shruggg..)

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Mrs Mooncat

1st March 2020