The Capricious Elder Kicked Us Out!

The group of four men was walking briskly amidst a sea of gargantuan trees with canopies connecting them together. It was already noon, and the sun was high upon their heads. Yet, the surroundings were cooling, and the temperature was fair. Three of them carried a big backpack each while another one, a bronze bare-chested man with short curly hair, carried another man on his back. His pace was a tad slower than the rest. The person being piggybacked was slightly pale, and he looked weak. However, he was adamantly holding a GPS while observing the surrounding vigilantly.

Around them, a group of bronzed bare-chested men was walking while sending out signals in the form of bird sounds to each other. Most probably, they were alerting each other with information ahead.

"Tanahan, I'm still unsatisfied! I understand that your Elder wanted us out, but why must we let Mat go through this ordeal?!" Rob's indignant voice resounded in the woods, as he turned to look at his pitiful co-worker. It hadn't even been 24 hours since they reached the village, but that single capricious elder had kicked all of them out, their client included! It really ticked him off!

"We are deeply regretful of this matter. In fact, we hope that Mr. Arash could stay longer. However, this is the Exalted Elder's order. Even Pak Jaya couldn't rule out Tok Batin Silihan's orders." Tanahan was carrying Mat's backpack for him. He too felt ashamed by their lack of hospitality. They were used to entertain guests for days since it was quite hard for outsiders to reach their village. All of them would have been weary along the way and would've taken more than a few days to recuperate. Setting a good rep among the tourists will earn them quite the revenue too as they will bring more adventurous tourists over after that. They could also barter more provisions with them.

"It's alright. Dr. Chang had checked me before we go. No complications after administering the antivenom. I already received a referral letter from him too. I just need to go directly to the nearest general hospital after we send Mr. Arash to his car. Don't sweat the small stuff, Rob." Mat tried to diffuse the tension in the air. He didn't like to become a burden in the group. Pity the aborigine who had to carry him. Although he was fit and was quite small in nature, he was at least 70 kgs. It was his first time being piggybacked by others for such a long time. They didn't even change people.

Nonetheless, he could see that the young aborigine wasn't even sweating or had a labored breath. He must be used to carrying heavy things. Mat could only sigh in helplessness as he tapped the aborigine's shoulder guiltily. "Brother, we can stop and rest for a while if you're tired. I'm really sorry for all the trouble."

"It's alright. I can still keep on going." The aborigine smiled jovially, revealing a series of pearly white teeth. Upon closer look, he was actually chewing on some kind of herb calmly.

Arash was quiet along the way. Deep inside, he felt guilty.

Tok Silihan didn't actually kick them out. Truthfully, Tok Silihan had tried to persuade him to stay on multiple occasions. Still, he vehemently refused because of his children. No one else knew about his talk with both Tok Silihan and Pak Jaya that morning. Once the discussion was over, both elders gave out instructions to the villagers waiting outside. Lo and behold, one hour later, he was already on his way back, with everyone in tow. He knew the other two were forced out together to accompany him along the way. It was Tok Silihan's way of showing he cared. If not, there won't be this many villagers following them hiking for three hours, all the way to their jeep. The other two guides served as a companion to make sure he reached his home safely for the rest of the way.

Looking at his own right knee, he could only sigh in gratefulness. He could match the others' pace this time with nearly no problems at all. He wondered what did Tok Silihan do to make him feel like he had become younger internally by ten years. He really needed to find a way to transport Thai fragrant rice and the ready-to-eat meals to the village the next time he came. However, he still didn't discuss this yet with Rob and Mat. Will they still be willing to accompany him again despite all the ordeal they had gone through with him?

[It's going to be okay.] Arash whispered internally after he took a deep breath of fresh air.

He felt like he could almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tok Silihan's ponderous look was still fresh in his mind. It was as if he had a clue! He was eager to meet up with Tok Silihan's descendant, the Ramlee fellow, or something. He felt that he could get his answer soon. Tonight, he was going to sleep with his beloved's fairy-like lullaby again after accompanying his two little girls. He was glad that his ad hoc adventure seemed to produce some kind of results. At least, all the pain and suffering were worth it.


"Mom, do you have a minute?" Shiro poked his head through the finely carved rectangular entrance of the cave.

"Yes, sweetie? Anything?" Hana was absentmindedly playing with the clingy little baby bird. The baby bird was making its adorable 'pi-pi' noises as it tried to nip the luxuriant tail of Markisah. Markisah had just dropped by with a hefty amount of mind-cleansing spirit fruits again. Together with that, she brought with her a single pink colored glowing leaf.

Markisah was jumping around and make a series of loud chirps unhappily while looking at Shiro, "That fat creature is trying to pull my tail feathers! Tell it to stop!!!"

Shiro made a weird face to the frantic bird and walked in. He expertly walked around Hana and swished his tail, to sit while enveloping Hana within with his body and tail. "Mom, the two birds are not playing. The naughty little one is trying to hurt Markisah." He helped the yellow passerine bird a little since she did bring so many sweet Bidara fruits. Shiro had been pining for some honeyed coconut water sorbet with chunks of these mind-cleansing fruits. However, they had been so busy as of late, and their stock of the spirit fruits was long gone. He already had the recipe from Mom; he could whip everything up himself later and made Mom awed and happy at the same time. He knew Mom would be very gratified when someone appreciated what she taught.

"Aiyo, really?" Hana immediately caught Pi-chan's leg and pulled the naughty little bird into her embrace. "Sorry, Markisah. I thought Pi-chan was just playing with you." She smiled apologetically at the little yellow bird. The bird was like a new perso... ehem, a new bird. After her tail had been pulled off by the brown bird, the new ones formed were extremely long, beautiful, and luxuriant, just like the bird-of-paradise (1). She even developed some sort of orangey feather crown on top of her head. Markisah was slowly turning into a full-fledged spirit avian. Everyone, including Hana, knew that, except for the bird herself, of course. Although they had communication problems, Hana will never ask Markisah to be her soul-slave. In a way, Markisah was her benefactor. She had saved her when she has shown her the way towards the Crystal-veined stream on their first encounter. She didn't want Markisah to be bound to her in life and death. Although Hana was fickle and her conviction was like a weed, she was someone who holds dearly to personal sentiments and feelings of gratitude.

"Please tell Hana the pink leaf is a present from Suria. With it, she could reach the highest tier of our sacred tree where we lived. Without it, the defensive measures will attack any intruders, no matter how strong they are." Markisah chirped with a low voice while she looked around with worry. She was worried that her words will be heard by the notorious snake. That cheap fellow was so easily offended for the littlest thing.

"Anything else?" Green veins were beeping over Shiro's head, but the pitiful bird didn't notice. He hated when someone else acted all high and mighty towards his mistress when they were the ones asking for help.

"Don't forget to bring whatever needed for the advancement. The sooner, the better." Markisah added helpfully.

Shiro was eerily quiet after that. But, Markisah could suddenly feel her blood froze when she was being stared at with a sharp gaze. "Give the leaf to me. It seemed that that pompous bird needed an extra lesson from me."

"Ahh?" o___O|||

Markisah didn't know what she did that made Shiro so pissed off. She could only keep mum that she might have screwed her friend again in some way.


"Done discussing, deary?"

"Yeah, Mom."

"Is there anything?"

"Can I have some cuddles too?" Shiro blushed a little. It's the first time he became quite vocal. He felt a bit disgruntled that Hana had been focusing on the baby bird all day long and had disregarded him. Suddenly he knew what Bro Ku must felt before. His position had definitely gone down a step lower, while this shameless little bird dominated the highest hierarchy.

Hana smiled happily and placed little Pi-chan beside her. She gave the shy fox a five-minute cuddle and rubbed his head vigorously to make him happy. Shiro's tail swished rapidly in happiness and contentment. Not knowing what to do, the abandoned little bird waddled off while losing its steps for a couple of times towards the already-properly stacked mountain of pearls at the back of the cave. It then immediately jumped in and feasted without reserve.

Hana, Shiro and Markisah, "... " O______O



Authors' Note:

1. Bird-of-paradise = a species of bird with beautiful feathers. Check it out here (