How About a Little Competition, Everyone?

"A mount?"

"As in ride these animals to Ara's home? Seriously?" Hana peeked again at all the marine lives floating within the Crystal-veined stream. Most of them were quite gigantic and surely could support her and her group's weight. But, seriously, some got spiky fins where one would have to place one's buttocks. Some had thorns and barb-like bodies. Wouldn't her group suffer a lot in silence later?

They perked up to show their best parts to the "Very Important Person (VIP)" in question. This must be the highest 'Lord' for this territory, even stronger than the notorious serpent. And most importantly, they heard that she was mild, warm-hearted, and the forgiving kind. She was the only being that the princess of their clan will listen to; even Lord Tittua and Grand Elder Watershade didn't get that privilege. Chomper did an excellent job elevating Hana's status in their hearts, retelling tales of the benevolent Goddess of Water while they were traveling together. He did it to indirectly remind them to be in their best behavior and to cooperate at their one hundred percent. These volunteers finally realized that they might just step on a goldmine. Obviously, all of them wished for this being to ride them. They puffed up their chest and gave the most adorable smile they could muster to attract Hana. Although the differences in species had prevented Hana from acknowledging their efforts, she can still felt the heated gazes making her felt a tad bit uncomfortable.

The corner of Kuro and Shiro's mouths were twitching slightly. These weaklings really know how to flaunt themselves in front of their Mommy!

[Who should I choose, Ku-chan, Shi-chan? Won't the rest feel hurt then?] The aunty was having an 'oh-i-am-so-stressed moment' on how to take care of the hearts of all the animals here.

[Mom, just pick one that you like most. Shiro's bored telepathic-voice entered her head. Make sure the one you choose must not be able to hurt you. You're quite strong now, but not omnipotent. Although to us, these minnows are just... minnows. At the level of your strength, you still need to struggle a lot to defeat them. That is if they didn't try to drown you since water is their home advantage. I remembered you said you didn't know how to swim, right?]

[But, but, although some are practical, some others were a little too scary.] Hana peeked at the crocodiles and eels. If Kuro and Shiro were not beside her, she would've started running and screaming in a panic to save herself. They looked extremely dangerous!

[Aiyahh, Mommy, just throw a little competition and let them compete. Just select the winner. Don't bother with their facial appearance. Although they might look somewhat unappealing to you, they're not that dangerous. Additionally, Shiro will accompany you all the way, Mommy. In the worse case, he could solidify all the silly little minnows on the spot if he finds that you're in danger. Right, Bro?]

Shiro nodded eagerly at the side to give their Mommy reassurance after he got a signal from Kuro.

Hana pondered for a short moment, "Hmm... what shall we do..."

Hana clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention after she took a deep breath. "How about a little competition, everyone?"


A merry song resounded in the spacious cleared area in front of Hana's elevated cave dwelling. Obviously, the sound came from her loyal smartphone. She had saved a few upbeat songs within for amusement even before she was trapped in this unknown land. All of the marine animals were on land inside their own water bubbles while feeling somewhat afraid. Although everyone knew the Water-barrier Art, no one had entered land for the longest time. In fact, Lord Tittua had issued a Land Restriction Law after the massive massacre by the notorious snake. Lo and behold, they were currently on the serpent's territory, being stared down by him personally.

Hana clapped her hands to call to everyone's attention, "Alright, everyone. Let's play a little game. Give yourself some two-meter space between each other. Stay still, alright?" Hana chuckled enthusiastically.

She called for Shiro beside her and made him elevated a little bit by conjuring an ice platform on her right. "On my right is Lord Shiro. He will perform a series of movements. Everyone with limbs below must follow his steps without fail."

Then she asked for Kuro to hover on her left. "On my left is Lord Kuro. He will perform movements in sync with Shiro but adapted the movement for creatures without limbs. Creatures without limbs must follow his steps properly without fail."

"My people will move around between you guys." She signaled to hundreds of Elemental Fiends waiting at the periphery. "Anyone who makes a mistake will be disqualified and will be pulled out from the game. The top twelve will be used as a mount for all of us. From there, we will find the top four. Then, we will go to the next round of assessments! Are you ready!!!"

No reply was heard.

Hana cleared her throat bashfully.

[Guys, why are you not translating for them. This is so embarrassing.] Hana closed her face with her two hands. It seemed that she was the only one who was enjoying this.

"Little sh*ts. Follow the fox and my moves. Who failed will be roasted." Kuro hissed menacingly. As if understanding the cue, the red brawny Elemental Fiend's flame atop its antenna flared up. Once it did, the rest of the Elemental Fiends of different elements started flaring up their own elemental flames as they moved to encircle them. Chomper was sweating buckets with worry at the side. He was excluded from joining the competition since he was a little bit too small to carry either Hana, Shiro, or the Elemental Fiends.

The marine animals started to shiver inside their own water bubbles. They were still baffled with what was going on. In the beginning, they thought the main 'Lord' was asking them to compete amongst themselves to show their prowess to impress her. But these arrangements caused them to be so confused. They couldn't make out what it was all about. But what was real was being surrounded by hundreds of these Elemental Fiends! These spiritual insects could devour them up in minutes!

Hana sat down cross-legged and closed her eyes to Kuro and Shiro's surprise.

[Mom, are you not showing how it is done? We're clueless here on how to proceed.] Shiro quietly asked.

[I'm showing it to you guys now. Soul-link with me now and see how it is done in the Soul Hall Domain. I wasn't really well versed with the moves, but at least if I showed you guys from within, even if you make a mistake, it will not be reflected outside. Besides, both my darlings had different morphology, so they won't notice. As long as they could follow you guys, it'll be fine.] Hana explained confidently while maintaining a straight face.

The chant reverberated through their telepathic connection. The rest of the Elemental Fiends automatically tuned in with fervor as they started to drone quietly in sync. This time it was slightly different. Hana tried to specifically link up with both Kuro and Shiro at the same time. Only the residues were passed to the rest.

Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, Lord Shiro slowly stood up on his two hind legs. He scrunched his brow and closed his eyes gravely, making everyone nervously swallowed their saliva. Suddenly, Shiro extended both of his forelegs slowly to his sides while opening his hind legs a little wide. Then he jumped and clapped with his foreleg at the top of his head while closing his hind legs! Our lovely white fox was performing the famed jumping jacks!

Marine animals, "... " O_______O|||

"Whaa... What is going on? Do we need to copy that?" They whispered to each other. Some hesitatingly started to try out the moves, especially the animals with limbs like the crocodiles, crabs, and tortoise. Finally, they realize, even the first step of standing upright was extremely challenging, especially for the heavy tortoise! TT________TT

[Don't pull them out first, dearies. Let them acclimatize first with standing up before starting the warm-up.] Hana sent her orders to the Elemental Fiends, who were about to pull out a few falling animals.

Shiro was extremely ashamed of what he was doing. But he tried his best to hide it. He blushed deeply and kept on going forward with whatever Mom wanted.

On Hana's left, Kuro casually started to move his body in a zigzag manner from bottom to top. Then, he somersaulted backward and redo the steps of zigzagging his elongated body upwards. Well, that was his interpretation of jumping jacks without limbs he created on the spot.

The fishes and eels looked at each other hesitatingly and slowly turned their body vertical, preparing to zigzag it upwards. They faithfully moved upwards and jumped in a somersault fashion outside their bubbles and reentered them. It was a sight to behold.

"Fantastic!" Hana exclaimed while clapping her hands.

In front of her, all the animals were performing jumping jacks in their own way. Some fell, and some did it wrongly, but she just closed one eye and ordered the Elemental Fiends not to pull them out. Looking at Hana's excited face, all of them perked up and were eager to please her, doubling their efforts! The initial awkward movements became smoother by each cycle, and everyone was starting to enjoy it in wonder. They were still clueless about what they were doing! However, it felt good doing it in groups!!!

"Alright! Since everyone is already on track, let's start our Zumba session!" Hana shouted with delight.

This time the response was lively with hoots and pips and loud roars!
