Who Got the Bigger Cable?

Alan listened to the intelligent-looking mid 30s senior engineer before him with interest. This man might have been misunderstood by many due to his mild temperament. However, it seemed that this man had a hidden fire within him. He was quite intrigued by how this man persevered through for years while still delivering every single project with perfection. It showed how exemplary he had been, but his achievement was most likely being watered down by his own superior. That was the reason for the low yearly percentage bonus and a 'Meet-expectation' performance evaluation. Even with suppression, the man's performance level could still deliver his work well, which spoke of his dedication. Similar cases had happened all the time to excellent workers as they failed in office politics.

He wasn't sure why, but he felt connected with this man somehow. He couldn't understand how that Rama guy could dislike someone like this. He could only felt goodwill for this person. There must be a story behind all these. Deep down, he felt that he had to extend an olive branch for this senior engineer. If he didn't do it, he'd be a sinner to the company. Who knows how the company could benefit in the future from this single act of goodwill. After pondering for a moment, he made an important decision and held up his hand to stop the man from talking.

"I will investigate this matter personally. Your grievances are duly noted. You can return to your workstation." He laced his long fingers and placed both hands under his chin while eyeing for the senior engineer's expression with a smiling expression, his thoughts, being obscured by the other two.

The eyes of the senior engineer showed a slightly startled look, but it was gone just moments later, replaced by a calm nod.

"Thank you, Mr. Alan. Truly appreciate this."

Alan acknowledged his nod with just a tilt of his head.

"You may return to your station. Please cc the latest finalized Project Kemsah's report to me. I would like to have a look."

"Noted, Mr. Alan."

"Oh.. write a short report on the ongoing projects you're currently working on and their stages."



Tze showed a speechless look.

The man had briskly left the meeting room without even saying a word. He had thought today's meeting will be filled with drama drenched with sob stories, tears, and snot to invoke their sympathy. Lo and behold, the personnel didn't even bat his eyelid.

"Isn't that a little bit too arrogant? Why didn't he showed even a sign of relief or at least a bit of gratefulness?" He shook his head with a wry smile. However, deep in his heart, he was happy for the man. He deserved to be given a second chance. He himself wasn't sure why he felt so amiable towards the man, though it was only the first time for him to actually interact with the engineer up close.

"Tze Young. Shut up. Most probably, he already anticipates and accepted to be retrenched. Just looking at how he dressed, we can judge how he spends his salary. Someone who is supposed to be in the T20 income bracket (1) could still wear a poorly crafted office shirt daily with a calm face, this is a first for me. Though I have no issue with it. I can see how practical the man is. His shoes are not bad, though. It meant that he prioritized the health of his feet over others." He gave an amusing chuckle.

Tze blinked his eyes a few times as he tried to process Mr. Alan's remarks. He hadn't realized such a tiny detail; he just felt that senior engineer dressed neatly, which was good enough. Mr. Alan was really observant in a bizarre way. He was beginning to doubt the young prodigy's 'preferences'. However, he immediately pushed it as far as possible to the back of his heart. Such a dangerous thought, if it was detected, will spell his doom. Mr. Alan's 'cable' wasn't simple. It could be as thick as an electric pole, as far as he knew.

"He must have a sizable saving and a backup plan. He wouldn't care if we let him go. He could soar high in other places too with his level of competence." Mr. Alan added quietly while scrutinizing the report on the tablet again.

"Ohhhh... Haha." Tze laughed sheepishly while sweating. He nearly dug his own grave.

Tze didn't understand why he kept on reading the same information again and again. Was he looking at who authorized the report?

"Do you want me to inquire who authorized this report?"

"No need. I think I already know who. Just a little minnow. Let's see who will win this little game." Mr. Alan gave a devilishly handsome smile, though the smile did not reach his eyes this time. Tze shuddered a little when he noticed a dangerous glimmer in the young prodigy's sharp gaze.

Tze's eyes showed signs of being surprised. It seemed that Mr. Alan was quite fond of this personnel and was planning to go all out for his sake. He had never shown any interest in other aspects of the company since he arrived from HQ three years ago. All of his decisions and actions were taken based on his own data analysis. He only weighted what could benefit the company, and what couldn't, just like a robot. He had never taken any interest in mingling with the local personnel before. Even he who had accompanied the young prodigy from the very beginning didn't know what he was thinking the majority of the time. He knew he had been assigned by the head branch to assist this young man in any way he can because they were nearly the same age. However, until today, he could only respectfully call the prodigy as 'Mr. Alan', without knowing the last name!

That was how distant they were even after working together for three years. It had become a sensation during the first year of Mr. Alan's arrival, especially towards the office lady workers. However, once the retrenchment plan began, no one dared gossip about it anymore.

Tze pondered for a moment as his heart felt a complex feeling. Is this a good development?

The committee was actually at a 50 to 50 concerning to this Senior Engineer's problem with the Department Manager. Although it was against the company's policy to sack such a competent personnel, usually when there was a problem between a personnel of a lower level and a higher one, they will almost always side with the higher one instead to maintain the harmony of the office environment. Although he felt that it was wrong to lay off such an excellent personnel, he had encountered such situations many times. Initially, Mr. Alan's interference was due to his curiosity only.

He had no choice but to observe how the young prodigy planned to settle this issue.

He predicted that a storm will be here again soon.


In the next three days, a major event occurred in the engineering department. A sudden major reshuffling of personnel occurred yet again with the start of the retrenchment of the General Manager, Mr. Lee, and the Head of Department, Mr. Ramanathan. They had only been given with a two-days notice and one month's salary as compensation!

Everyone was in jitters as they were guessing, which unfortunate fellow was going to be next!

Until they got a company-wide announcement for the replacement of their Department Head! It was their mellow, gentle co-worker, Arash!

Even Arash himself was unaware of this development. Heck, the pieces of Thai BBQ beef slices nearly choked him after he heard the news!

As he coughed and coughed to clear off his airways, he could feel penetrating gazes from the colleagues around him in the pantry.

"What?! I didn't do anything. Seriously! I'm also as shocked as you guys."

Some of them chuckled lightly; Arash's flustered demeanor was somewhat funny. The others were looking at him with a weird look.

"Don't forget to open table ya (2). Pity these bros of yours." Razali slapped Arash's shoulder good-naturedly. He was truly happy for Arash.

"Was wondering when that old fogie will kick the bucket. Who knows, didn't have to wait for that. I thought his cable was quite big?" Another colleague whispered with a low voice.

"It seems that someone around here had the bigger cable." Razali grinned as he sped off with a mug of coffee to his own cube.

"I don't have any cable!"


"..clean up your stuff and head to the office by tomorrow to assume your post."

Arash just received another call. It was a confirmation of promotion by the management. He stared blankly at the phone receiver for a few seconds, as he couldn't comprehend what was happening.

[Did that Mr. Alan truly did this to help me?] He remembered the talk he had with the two higher-ups three days ago.

Opposite him, Razali mouthed the word "CABLE" again to tease him before he chuckled and return to his work.

[Did I just seriously obtain such a big cable?] Arash sweated slightly.

Nothing was free in this world.

What will Mr. Alan want from him in the future?


Authors' Note:

1) T20 income bracket = In Malaysia, the household income is divided into 3 major categories. B40 (RM0 – RM4850), M40 (RM4851 – RM10 970), T20 (RM10 971 – no limit). Average income of T20 is +-RM15 000.

2) Don't forget to open table ya = open table means to treat a person to a meal for free. Usually being said to someone who just got a job or a promotion as a form of congratulation. It isn't a necessity for the promoted/got a new job person to really treat the one who said it. However, in our community, it is a norm for the person who got promoted/new job to use his/her first salary to treat her close family members and close friends to a meal, though it isn't compulsory.