Leaping Through Dragon's Gate

"..and this is the final test before a true clansman could become part of the Waterwave Marine Clan." The Grand Elder signaled everyone to go near the four-tiered waterfall at the edge of Waterspring lake.

Although Hana was confused, she still followed faithfully to see what kind of wonders will the old silver catfish showed to her this time. Chomper added with a small voice while reminiscing the olden days, "When the little me was younger, this was the part that I failed to complete."

"You're not part of the clan before, Chomper?" Hana was surprised by the revelation. Chomper's past was unknown to her as he was not chatty about it at all. He only knew how to talk with flowery tactful words to make all of them feel good. Even the stone-hearted Kuro was secretly affected by Chomper's words and compliance as he viewed the little guy with a much softer gaze compared to the clueless Ara.

"No. This undeserved one just entered the clan around a month ago due to a series of chances coupled with the Mistress' benevolence." Chomper blushed as he bowed low.

"Me?" Hana blinked her eyes a few times, unable to relate.

"This young lad here entered the clan as a reward for finding our family's Aranyella before. Mistress Hana's further strengthening regime had solidified his standing to become one of the most promising younger generation of our clan." Grand Elder Watershade explained with a smile while patting Chomper's head with one of his long silver whiskers.

Chomper blushed again heavily as he swam faster to lead the congregation. "It is only luck, Grand Elder. Let this humble one lead the way, everyone."

The Grand Elder smiled kindly, "Luck is also an important factor in advancement. It is undeniably your talent that led you to get the opportunity granted to you by the Mistress."

Hana couldn't hear what the Grand Elder was talking about anymore. She was so dumbfounded when she saw Chomper swam 'upwards' with ease against the roaring currents of the gargantuan waterfall, defying gravity! It reminded her of the extremely famous term 'carp leaping through the dragon gate' from various c-novels!

The four-tiered waterfall was very high; at least the height of a multiple-storey building following the natural shape of the steep mountain as its backdrop. Although it was not as majestic as the famed Niagara falls, it was still a sight to behold.

Next, the compressed four-meter Grand Elder swam upwards with ease.

Hana's eyes nearly came off.

She was wondering how did the huge three-meter Grand Elder maintain its vertical elevation without falling down. Slowly, her turn arrived. Before Saras started swimming vertically, the Grand Elder didn't forget to remind them to hold tight upon their mounts, and provide a bubble 'helmet' filled with air each with his Water-barrier Art. However, Hana was a special case; the bubble-helmet conjured by the elder for her was extra large, as it covered her from head until her thigh. She felt like she was inside a unique 'car' filled with incredibly fresh air. It was like breathing beside an expensive air purifier with HEPA and carbon filters together!

Covered within a unique air-filled weightless 'car', Hana nervously looked around as her group started their ascent. Nearly a hundred freshwater creatures simultaneously moved upwards against the waterfall's harsh currents, giving Hana a wondrous feeling. The ones with limbs like the tortoise just behind her, crabs, prawns, and even crocodiles climbed the waterfall just like performing wall-climbing sports but with added water resistance. Their bodies sometimes disappeared behind the splashing waters, while at other times resurfaced.

Hana took out her smartphone to record the majestic sight!

In fact, anyone would've done the same! Who wouldn't record such a sight? These freshwater creatures essentially were swimming against the current as well as against gravity! Another step further than the famed salmons during the mating season!

The group only took just around forty-five minutes to 'climb' the waterfall at a steady pace. Once they reached the top, Hana was greeted with the sight of a picturesque small lake with crystal-clear waters at the edges, but a deep emerald blue hue at the center. The beauty of the lake reminded her of the iris of a Caucasian with a deep blue tone, extremely enchanting. Nonetheless, the lake was not as large as the Waterspring lake below, but Hana could see that this small unseeming lake must be the water-cache for the whole network of Crystal-veined stream in this area. It must be immeasurably deep, even deeper than the Waterspring lake she traversed previously. The lake was nestled within the sides of the mountain with thick vegetations and treacherous terrains around it. Beautiful colorful moss and tiny flowers decorated the edge of the waters.

Hana was currently within the lake itself, but nearing to the edges, where the waterfall was situated. She was still riding Saras' back. Her body was still dry within the large bubble; only her exposed legs were wet. Safe within the enclosed 'bubble-car', Saras had no qualms swimming within the lake's water itself while giving Hana a priceless underwater view! Surprisingly, Hana couldn't see any kinds of freshwater creatures within the lake, which puzzled her.

Grand Elder Watershade swam by and enlarged the bubble to accommodate Shiro and himself. He explained, with the help of Shiro's translation by the side, "The last test of traversing against the current is known as 'Leaping Through Dragon's Gate', a tradition amongst us. Embarking on the long and winding path of cultivation signifies defying the heavens. One must persist on this path, although it might take countless years and endless suffering. For the young ones from outside the clan's ground who wished to join us, this test is a tough one, but a must. It needed persistence and the will to never give up, the only values that we want from new clansmen." Looking at how Hana watched him with a weird look and a twitching half-smile, the Grand Elder asked, "Is everything alright, Mistress Hana?"

"...Did you guys ever read C-novels?"

"Excuse me? What's a C-novel?"

"A kind of enjoyable book filled with the things you just said. Haha. What a coincidence." Hana was having a hard time to stay serious when a large silver catfish was talking Xianxia-esque materials with a reverent look beside her.

A light flashed in the Grand Elder's eyes. "A coincidence indeed. We didn't know anything about a book. In fact, we don't even know what 'book' is. Mistress Hana's broad knowledge astounds this humble one greatly. We really need to have a discussion about this 'book' you mentioned."

"Ah? Err.. just forget about it. What I remembered is just some sporadic stuff only. I can't help at all if it's about providing information from those books. I just vividly remembered that some clans do practice such a method to assist them for future breakthroughs in cultivation." Hana flapped her hands multiple times with an embarrassed look.

"Just a question though."

"Do ask away, Mistress Hana."

"Do dragons existed? Or is it just a figure of speech? Have you actually seen one with your own eyes?" She really wanted to know the origin of the test's name. Could've been someone who read Xianxia books and could tame fishes at the same time?

"Of course there are. I've seen one when I was a youngling. To be exact, it was a fight between a Water Ember Dragon with a Flaming Condor. They just passed by above us. At that time, the accompanying destruction was too terrible until we had to migrate. I lost a lot of my clansmen at that time." The Grand Elder sighed as he reminisced about the past.

"Lord Tittua and I are the pioneers of our clan once we won the Spirit Crystal Lode. We're just a new low-tiered clan over a thousand years old, with next to no legacy. However, there are stronger experts with immense strength out there. We're safe at the moment since the value of the lode was below their expectation. Another thing is, not many knew about our Spirit Crystal lode."

"I did hear about Water Dragons and Flood dragons existing in the vast oceans where our Crystal-veined stream network connects to. As you adventure further out, you must be extra careful, Mistress Hana. This realm is wonderful and full of opportunity but full of dangers. If you couldn't carve out a piece of land for yourself, the probability for you to live will reduce very fast. You will keep on encroaching on someone else's territory and will be attacked ceaselessly from all sides. Around here, one who enters another's land without consent is viewed as a challenger to wrest the land from the lord of the area." Grand Elder Watershade spoke faintly with a severe gaze.

Hana's eyes were as round as boiled eggs, unable to believe what she heard from the old silver catfish. It was not about the Grand Elder's advice. It was the fact that the Grand Elder had seen a real life dragon!

The Grand Elder added, "Mistress, you need to increase your strength fast. Your special abilities, they could be a gift or a curse to you." He felt that he should at least remind this bubbly creature out of goodwill. After all, with the lack of awareness, the dangers she faced will double or even triple. Their princess' little life was at stake as long as her Mistress was as reckless as ever.

As if awakened from a stupor, Hana heavily sighed and answered, "Thank you for your reminder, Grand Elder. I will keep your advice in mind. Anyway, your place is beautiful." Hana complimented wholeheartedly as she pushed away the shock she felt deep into her heart. The view of the lake's area was absolutely stunning. She was thinking about where should she ask the pink dolphin to land. Her back was already hurting and she needed to rest for a short moment before the meeting with the Grand Elder started.

Grand Elder Watershade chuckled lightly, "We're not there yet, Mistress. This is just one of the many entrances. Follow me."

With a swift motion, the silver catfish separated himself from the main bubble and swam off into the depth of the lake. Before Hana could say anything, the whole congregation moved towards the darkness at the bottom of the lake.
