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[Ku-chan!] Her heart nearly stopped beating as she realized it might be her favorite pet-snake.

Hana immediately connected to Kuro. The first thing that appeared in front of her eyes were gigantic blackish-brown ferocious-looking eagles with deep yellow eyes pecking at her from all angles! Hana yelp at a high pitch reflexively! She blinked and lost connection with her pet snake immediately.

Hana patted her chest in fear while trying her best to calm down. It took her a full five minutes to slow down her beating heart. It was like suddenly being forced into watching the climax part of a Japanese horror movie in high definition!

Slightly trembling, she tried to reconnect again a second time. Although she was quite shaken, her worry for her doted pet gave her the courage to do just that. No amount of tears could wash away her regret if something happened to Kuro while she looked away.

However, this time, the horrid eagles were already lying on the floor, drenched in blood all over. Most horrifyingly, whitish brain matter scattered everywhere while the eagles lost some parts of their limbs. Although they already died, she could feel her pet snake dashing around through their flesh like a crazy snake-like alien who loved to burrow through carcasses. It was very gross and scary. The worst thing was, although she closed her eyes to stop herself from seeing what Kuro was doing, the gruesome scenery was still there.



Hana called for Kuro telepathically, albeit in a weak 'voice'. She was too appalled with what Kuro was doing. After calling out to her pet snake a few times, she noticed that the ruby red 'star' representing Kuro within her Soul Hall Domain was darker than its usual color. The nucleus within was slightly black!

After awhile, Hana saw Kuro gulping down something that looked like deep blue orbs. Within, Hana could see specks of silvery stars. They really looked like the scene of space with clear stars twinkling being contained inside a miniature globe. Truly lovely.

Hana immediately connected the dots.

He must be doing this for his Mommy TT___TT.

Those orb-like things were really the kind that she like. Strung on the wrist or weaved into a bracelet watch, they could be an instant favorite among the ladies including her. Hana knew Kuro's habit of collecting beautiful things for her; he never returned with an empty hand every time he ventured out since day one. Feeling deeply touched, her aversion to Kuro's actions diminished slightly.

Already merging deeply with the ruby red 'star', this time, Hana focused on the darkening 'nucleus'. She tried to give it a hug while being in her astral form. She closed her eyes and tried to relay a generous amount of love, acceptance, and how much she cared for her pet snake. She knew for a fact that Kuro was special and had his own way of thinking. She couldn't really force her belief onto him or her other pets as they operated in a different set of values from a cultured human. She knew that all her pets have been extremely accommodating to her and followed her every whim already.

Although Hana wasn't really sure how she did it, to her delight, the nucleus slowly regained its vibrant ruby-like spectrum.

Hana observed the change happening to the red 'star' while at the same time maintaining observation through Kuro's vision. She realized it seemed like Kuro has been awoken from a kind of trance. The previous darkening of the nucleus might be an indication that her pet snake was in a state of mindless bloodlust and operated only through instinct, just like how a normal ferocious animal would. She had read this condition quite a lot in books. Of course, fictional books. Hence, she was slow to connect the two together.

The sudden appearance of more birds who radiated auras stronger than her Kuro made Hana nervous!

There were two leading ones and tens of birds ranging from light brown to dark brown trailing behind. The white one and the dark brown one leading at the forefront had three silver bands over their neck area, while the rest had two. The dark one was especially huge! It was the largest as compared to all other eagles around; it was so obvious it must be the Boss Eagle, while the white graceful one, its mate. Kuro was just the size of a worm in front of such majestic avian. Hana was so nervous when she saw how desperate Kuro tried to run away from this group of birds. At times, he was nearly pecked, while at other times, he was nearly impaled by hundreds of large silver-colored stakes!

These birds were crazy!

What had her pitiful pet did to incur this level of wrath from the bird boss?! It looked like the bird lackeys attacked her pet first before. Her pet only retaliated to save his own life (of course she selectively removed the part where Kuro maliciously burrowed through the dead birds in search of the blue orb-like gem). Obviously, the aunty hadn't seen the part where the Forest Spirit broke the egg and how, through a series of events, the wrath of the whole clan was transferred to her pet snake!


After a while, a response came. [Yes? Anything, Mommy?]

Kuro's tone didn't have the slightest bit of disturbance. As if he was just strolling around on the forest floor happily. If Hana didn't perform a full Soul-link with Kuro, she wouldn't have noticed something was amiss. The edge of her mouth trembled a little, and a bit of anger seeped within.

[Come home now.] For once, Hana gave her pet snake an instruction. Coupled with worry and anger mixed within, Hana wasn't planning to coax him gently. It was an emergency situation after all.

[Why? I'm in the middle of something right now. Won't be home for a while.] Hana used to perform Soul-links during her cultivation sessions. However, she rarely connected with Kuro to perform sense-sharing. Kuro had no idea his action was seen as clear as day.

[I can see you at the moment.] Hana scrunched her brow while feeling slightly displeased. The lie rolled on her pet's tongue too smoothly, almost. Very practiced.

Hana was reminded by Arash's messages a few minutes ago and her mood darkened. She might not be able to see her family ever again. These kids were her family now. If she closed her eyes from her pets' plight, she would soon regret it. Just like how they protected her all this while, she needed to do something to protect them too. She wasn't that stupid to not realize her wellbeing was directly proportional to Kuro and Shiro's effort and protection. Her eyes reddened again. She felt so useless. Always a burden to everyone around her.

Hana took a deep breath to calm herself. A grown-up shouldn't be so weak. Slowly, a determined look replaced her sorrowful reflection.

[Come home now. We will face it together.] She added softly while wiping away tears from the corner of her eyes.

Hana waited for a full minute before a reply came. It was filled with uncertainty and a trace of nervousness, though these negative emotions had been masked well.

[No. I don't think that's a good idea, Mommy. Please rescind that order. Currently, our home doesn't have the ability to withstand the incoming attacks from these birds. They are too strong for us, especially the Silver-banded Eagle Monarch and its Lady. Fleeing and hiding for a while will be a better option. Just give me a few more days, Mommy. Then I'll come home with the Forest Spirit! That bugger is already in my grasp.]

Hana narrowed her eyes dangerously. [Ewah-ewah, this kid. He dared defy this aunty's command?] If the little snake was in front of her right now, he will definitely receive a good amount of spanking. Hana wasn't a pampering mother who only dotes on her loved one. She will punish when one needed to be punished.

[Return now. I don't care. Don't look down on your family.] Hana spoke with a no-nonsense tone.

What she received from the other end was only silence, but she was already satisfied. This was because she had the feeling that Kuro was moving towards her location right now.

She trusted her guts immensely now, especially once she had mastered the soul cultivation technique. It wasn't considered a coincidence anymore when she could feel the general location of all her contracted pets as a whole. And yes, it included the hundreds and thousands of gigantic termites present within the vicinity and the ones within the tunnels connecting the Serpent's Lair and the Elemental Fiends' multilayered labyrinthian nest. Only, the closer she was to her pet emotionally, the more specific the information she could glean upon. She couldn't make heads or tails over the mechanics of such wonderous 'ability'. She could only attribute it to her sixth sense getting stronger due to the soul cultivation technique she was practicing.

Hana stood up abruptly and hurriedly walked out of her cave-dwelling.

Standing at the edge of the elevated 'hill', she noticed that all the animals were already facing her, at full attention. The large spirit avian were there as well.

Since at the very first moment when the Soul Hall Domain shook, the soul brethren had noticed and stopped performing any tasks while the rest followed suit. All of them had been waiting patiently until the Mistress emerged from her sudden 'closed-door cultivation'. Almost everyone was reverently gazing towards the Mistress, eager to please the ultimate figurehead of the Serpent's Lair.

"A group of spirit avian with malicious intent is approaching us! They are currently ganging up on Lord Kuro, who was defending us wholeheartedly. Because of this, they are enemies in my eyes! I will not stand by and let this continue! Anyone who wished to run, dismiss yourselves now and never step back on my land!" Hana spoke loudly with conviction.

Hushed murmurs, blops, and chirps were increasing in volume.


The Mistress paused for a moment and continued when the spirit beasts focused their attention on her. "Whoever stayed, will be compensated with fifty percent slashed price for their next advancement meal! They will also get Serpent's Lair eternal gratitude by being given the opportunity to guard the future Spirit-agriculture Field while cultivating!" Hana grandly stated her condition.

Loud chirps and droning sounds filled the clearing below! Everyone was excited!

Fifty percent off! That's a steal!


The Serpent's Lair inhabitants moved at the same time, industriously performing different kinds of tasks at the Mistress commands. They were racing against the clock. They heard who they were going to face and had turned pale from fear.

The Serpent's Lair Administrative(1) had given them a guarantee that as long as they followed instructions to the T, they will definitely feast upon high-leveled spirit avian meat soon! At a slashed price to boot. In the face of danger and opportunity presented upon them, everyone had forgotten the competition between one another. Instead, everyone was working together seamlessly for once for the sake of rewards!

Authors' Note:

The Serpent's Lair Administrative = The ones that govern the Lair.