Lord Fearsilver’s Pitiful End

Silver bullet-like high-velocity projectiles peppered the floating barrier plates producing loud firecracker-like sounds. Hana's heart beat nervously.

After awhile, the plates held on without so much of a crack. Her eyes turned round in wonder, as round as her O-shaped mouth, when she saw her favorite 'plates' in action. So sturdy! Additionally, she noticed no 'bullets' managed to penetrate through the gaps of the barrier-plates although there were obviously some gaps in between the plates. Once she focused, she realized the bullets did hit areas without the plates' coverage but were still repelled.

Hana had a newfound respect for the refiner of such an exquisite life-saving treasure; Lord Tittua was really something!

While she had received the Lifeguard Scale from Lord Tittua, nobody had specifically explained in detail of its materials. The treasure itself didn't reflect its final composition; it was, after all, in the form of a tiny, fingernail-sized purplish shell, which was vastly different from its activated form. Ara only told her that she must hold on to the Lifeguard Scale at all times since a strong shield will automatically appear to defend the owner of the life-saving treasure once it detected high-leveled attacks in the vicinity. It also had a counter-attacking function, though Hana wasn't taught how to activate it. The only downside was the treasure was a one-time use treasure.

Truthfully, the Lifeguard Scale was so precious, only a very small number of prodigies of the Marine Waterwave Clan were given one each. No one but Ara had ever activated the treasure since they were prohibited from leaving the clan's ground. Since Ara always loved to venture outside without permission, the Crystal-veined stream Lord had no choice but to painstakingly refined extras to preserve her little life from unknown dangers. Hence, he conveniently had extras to spare for Ara's Mistress.

The multiple functions of such a treasure showed how meticulous and creative he was, which was in contrast with the boorish image Ara painted him to be. She would return the favor someday somehow. The Waterwave Marine Clan had been very sincere in their attempt to form a positive equal partnership with the Serpent's Lair on multiple occasions already. The Lifeguard Scale must be a priceless treasure of the clan. Hana was the kind of person who would return a single kindness with multiplications of kindness; she would definitely remember all the favors given.

Kuro too was quite impressed with the spectacle. Although he was a bit far, his eyesight was strong, and he had seen the clash between the two. He never knew that the life-saving treasure given by the Waterwave Clan was actually this great! He had never put stock in a gift given by someone else, especially when its function was untested. A blind trust could lead to accidents and on extreme cases, death. Hence, from the very beginning, the Lifeguard Scale had been placed outside the equation. Now he knew he had been so wrong!

As soon as Kuro arrived, he urgently pounced at Boss Eagle; Kuro desperately needed to drag the featherless eagle away.

However, his body suddenly turned rigid! Kuro immediately knew Mommy must've been controlling even him this time. To his disbelief, he was forced to withdraw by Mommy! Mommy's intent was clear; she wished to take down the eagle herself without Kuro's interference.

Kuro's heart was full of questions and worry, but an answer had to wait. Distracting his Mistress with questions will only reduce Mommy's chance of success. It could even put her in danger. He could only put his faith in the old fogey's shield. How was she going to fight the Silver-banded Eagle Monarch with just a shield? The Clawknife in her possession wouldn't cut it, since the knife was only Noble-classed material. Even without its feather, the natural defense of a Lord-level Silver-banded Eagle shouldn't be looked down upon.


The sound akin to chinaware breaking filled the air. The sturdy shield plate finally showed signs of breaking!

To Hana's dismay, the protective shield plates cracked and crumbled by the Silver bullets. Hana planned to use the counter-attacking function; that was why she made Kuro and King back off, just incase. However, the aunty still couldn't figure out how to use the Lifeguard Scale's attacking mode and was just about to ask Ara through the telepathic channel. It seemed like it was too late.

Seeing the crumbling plates made Kuro's heart turned cold with fear for Mommy's life. That old fogey must've cut corners and gave Mommy the cheap stuff! Colorful expletives threatened to spill from Kuro's mouth. He struggled hard to release himself from Hana's soul-bind to no avail.

Before Kuro could make his swearing audible, the shattered plates turned into thousands of projectiles, bombarding the clueless Silver-banded Eagle just like a rapid-fire artillery!!!

Seeing the leftover crushed plates automatically attacked the eagle, easily perforating the eagle's face, even Hana's scalp tingled. It was so gory! This time, Lord Fearsilver truly couldn't survive. In between his disappearing consciousness, his eyes emitted a hard light. He will never let off these vermins!

"Let's die together!!!"

Lord Fearsilver squawked and cackled like an insane creature. His figure swelled fast, showing signs of exploding.

Hana was helpless now. She only had one Lifeguard Scale. All of the plates had disintegrated fully and nothing could block the incoming explosion. Hana immediately hugged Shiro in trepidation. She was starting to think that she should've listened to Kuro at the very beginning. However, the past could not be changed.

She held Shiro in her arms as she closed her eyes. She was just like a rabbit frozen with fear. Shiro too, sighed and closed his eyes; he resigned with fate. If he lived, he lived. If he died, at least, he was in the arms of his Mistress. The rest of the Elemental Fiends rushed over and covered in front of their Mistress, in the hopes that they could shield Hana and the heavily injured Lord Shiro with their bodies.

Inside the gigantic Silver-banded Eagle Monarch's body, the seed flickered with a bright green light once flashes of destructive energy washed over it. The cowardly Forest Spirit was finally feeling threatened! It whimpered and immediately released an all-out attack in reflex!

The seed sprouted hard woody vines!

From within the Silver-banded Eagle Monarch's esophagus, branches erupted out in all directions simultaneously. It was like hundreds of crude needles puncturing a balloon from within. The dark brown woody branches kept on growing rapidly, extending themselves out of the dying eagle's body, while shredding it together into pieces at the same time. The sinister attack had canceled out the unfortunate Boss Eagle's last attempt at blowing itself up.

Hana was so freaked out she stood frozen in place. The hands who were embracing the placid white fox were trembling slightly. A light flutter over Hana's face roused her up as she saw the little brown Pi-chan finally showing up out of nowhere. It had an urgent look upon its face as it patted Hana's face with its soft tiny wings repeatedly as if trying to tell her to wake up. Once it noticed Hana regaining clarity, it showed an intelligent feeling-relieved look. Pi-chan's soft fluffy brown wings turned into large gold plated wings, totally out of proportion from its mini size. The mini Gold-banded baby eagle flapped slightly. Its action pushed the whole group backward by more than fifty meters!

Hana hadn't restricted Pi-chan since it went AWOL after the initial mass Soul-link. She had assumed it ran off somewhere playing again as it always does. Since it had always returned safe and sound, Hana wasn't worried about its wellbeing. In fact, she was glad the little baby bird wasn't around. Pi-chan was just a baby, and Hana didn't plan to let it be involved with any of their plans. It was just too young to understand and follow instructions. Besides, babies should just frolic around and not get involved with adult's dirty work. Hana was planning to exterminate Pi-chan's real family after all.

Pi-chan seemingly random actions saved the lives of the whole group. The giant needle-like protrusion extended outside and pierced through everywhere, including the location they had been standing before. If they hadn't move away, everyone would've been impaled to the ground where they stood. The Silver-banded Eagle Monarch managed to shriek its last death throes before its life-force totally dissipated.

Lady Eagle noticed her spouse's life force dissipated as tears of blood started to leak from the corner of her eyes. She immediately burned her blood and rushed through the numerous bubbles blocking her way.