New world

When the count reached zero, the youth body suddenly suddered and he wake up.

"Where am l? No... wait.... shouldn't l died? So how could l can still feel my body?"


*host soul was summoned to this universe because of the system that was the reason why the host can feel it body*

"Who's there? Show yourself"

The youth said as he became wary of his surrounding and put up his guard.


*l'm the conquering the universe system or CON system for short and it was basically impossible to show myself in front of the host as l was inside the host brain*

When the youth heard what the system said at first he was shocked before his face become strange especially when the system introduce itself 'fuck, it have a cool name but it nickname was 'con' just like conning, wait don't tell me this system job was to con me?'


*the system job was to guide the user in conquering the universe*

The youth was dumbfounded when the system suddenly answered his thought 'Fuck it can hear what l thought, wait lf l'm not wrong the system said that it was in my brain, shit now it all make sense, l should be careful of what l thought from now on', even thought the youth was embarassed because of his deed he still keep a straight face as he asked the system.

"System tell me where is this place and anything that related to this place"


*Host was now situated at the void disaster continent, long han empire, outskirt of the devil conquering forest.

This forest was the habitats of many demonic beast*

"That s-"


*DANGER...DANGER...DANGER...the presence of strong demonic beast was detected...ten kilometer north the host location...demonic beast will arrive in 48 second... host adviced to run away and search for a shelter*

"What is a demonic beast?"


*demonic beast was a beast that can cultivate and some of them love to hunt human and from host current situation the host have a 99.98% chance of being hunted by the approaching demonic beast, the system advised the host to run away quickly...the demonic will arrive in another 29 second*

Hearing the system said that he have almost a hundred percent chance being hunted by the approaching demonic beast, the youth remained unfazed and even become excited, 'l want to see what this world can offer to me'


*host stand no chance again the approaching demonic beast as the host was still a mortal and the approaching demonic beast was estimated to be atleast at the king realm*

"Huh, what is this supposed king realm?"


*king realm was one of the realm in the cultivation grading system*

"Tell me about the realm in the cultivation"


*the demonic beast will arrive in five second...the system estimate that the host was now in a state of danger...preparing protection mode...analysing threat...analysing mode start...*


Suddenly arround the youth appeared a black metal, the black metal then encapsulate the youth.

The black metal that encapsulate the youth then started to become round, after it fully become round the black metal then started to shrink into the size of pebble and fallen to the ground.


Five second later the beast that just hunted the last black robbed man appeared, the beast scanned it surrounding and found that one body was gone.

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

The beast sniffed his surrounding, the beast then making a bewildered face as if in confusion because from the smell that he just sniffed he found out that the body that was gone didn't even move and was still in it place but the beast clearly saw with it own eyes that there was no body can be found, the beast was confused and decided to throw his confusion to the back of his mind and started to eat the severed body of the other black robbed man.

A moment later the beast was done devouring the body and started to leave, a few hour after the beast leave the black metal become bigger again and dissapeared leaving only the youth.