The Attack

After two hours of walking, the group could see the ending of the woods, and where the rocky paves of the yellow mountain began.

"Just another thirty-minutes' walk and we will make It to the black-market, Heaven's No Eyes," Loy said. The Heaven's No-Eyes was created and under the protection of a small Sedict. This was where all the shady people go to make deals, but it is very exclusive and only those with the connection will know about it and only those qualified can enter it without danger. "After that, Norm, and your team will be paid as promised. Unfortunately, we will have to depart soon after as I have matters to attend to."

Norm simply nodded with a smile. The job came with little to no trouble and the pay was well worth his time.

"Uwaah," Lyndon was getting anxious for a reason unknown that he tried to Michael attention. Lyndon did not understand what it was but he senses something that ordinary people would not be able to tell with their five-senses alone.

"Lyndon, what is it?" Michael questioned him. He felt annoyed by Lyndon.

"Ahh. Waah" Lyndon replied to Michael, but Lyndon could not cleary say out any words, much less speak.

"I know that you are tired, but hang on a bit," Michael said without enthusiasm because where ever the next destination was, it was not going to be pleasant. The other children saw how Lyndon was acting and simply ignored him with a disdained look in their eyes. They did not have time to care for the less fortunate nor someone as troublesome as Lyndon. Michael was the only one to tolerate him to a degree, but he felt the same about Lyndon as the other children.

In a sudden turn of event, the painful cry came from the very back from the young girl. Lyndon and Michael widen their eyes as if they were a deer in the headlights as with the other children.

The young girl eyes were wide open with tears spilling out from the pain. Her mouth was wide open but there was no sound coming out soon after. She has breathed the poison mist that was emitted from the thing that had attacked her and left her partially paralyzed. It was unknown whether she could still feel the pain or not.

"That's a fantasy beast, Para Green Claw Jackal." Norm quickly shouted to his team and Loy. Fantasy beast used to be on the verge of extinction, but after the war of 'twenty-three power,' the population grew exponentially and what came along was more variants of fantasy beast that had never existed before. "You two, stall it as long as possible. I will get the client to the Heaven's No Eye. Save the children and be careful of that mist." Norm and Loy hastily ran to the mountain to gather reinforcement leaving the rest of them.

The children ran to where the adults were with fear in their eyes. The Para Green Claw Jackal saw its prey was escaping. It opens its pores allowing more of its poisonous mist to quickly erupted into the surrounding area. The children could not escape in time as they breathed it in and were quickly paralyzed.

One of the two mercenaries revealed a black cube-shaped box and swiftly pressed on the surface. A white light appeared revealing a sleek sword with a trail of green light flowing throughout the blade of the sword. He slashed the air with his sword and a gust of wind was summoned pushing away the mist from them and the children.