It had already been thirty seconds since his heart stopped. Lyndon warmth was escaping his body causing his skin to turn deathly pale. The corpse was turning cold at an extreme rate as there was hardly any blood left inside his body to keep it warm.
[Scanning User]
[Scanning User physical features… No data found]
[Scanning User biological… No data found]
[Scanning User DNA… No data found]
[Scanning User Brainwave... No data found]
[User is of unknown origin]
[Creating New Set of Data Based on User Specification]
[User heart rate is at zero. Blood Loss at 75%.]
[Preparing for Revival]
[Searching Database for Compatible Specification with User]
[Searching...Found...Golden Crown Slaughter… 30%... Status: Compatible]
[Searching...Found...Unnerving Demonness… 0.001%... Status: Incompatible]
[Searching...Found...Great Gaia...45% Status: Compatible]
[Searching...Last Kind...0.000001% Status: Incompatible]
[Reached End of Data]
[Compiling - Golden Crown Slaughter]
[Compiling - Great Gaia]
[Transcribing and Translating between specifications of User and Subjects]
[Success rate of Revival - 67.12% - Estimated time - 5956504 seconds]
[Beginning to Disassemble User]
[Releasing A-AB974… Beginning to liquefy User body]
[Commencing Stage 1 of Reconstruction - Molecular arrangement…]
Inside the coffin-like-capsule, Lyndon's corpse was liquefied into a thick liquid. For something that was once human was nothing more than a bloody slush.
From the sides of the capsule, millions of small pores opened up to introduce a green fluid into the dark red liquid. The fluid easily mixed with Lyndon's liquefied body that eventually, the chemical reaction caused the two different color to turn into one translucent solution.
Outside where the Blue Nightmare Alligator growled with confusion on what had just happened. When Lyndon bodied disappeared into the capsule, it tried to stab it opened but it did not even leave a dent on it.
It was truly inconceivable. For something to withstand the alligator strength was rare. None the less, the alligator did not make a big deal about it, not until it noticed that its eggs were endangered.
On the outer of the capsule, the heat it released was usually around 37 Celsius which was enough to warm the eggs. However, the heat spiked to 50 Celsius. The Blue Nightmare quickly reacted by swiping softly at three eggs to the side with its nostril. The Blue Nightmare Alligator was furious that it slammed its arm on top of the capsule. With a boom, the pressure blew the nest apart into pieces. None the less, the capsule refused to crack. The only thing it did to it was indented onto the rocky ground below.
The alligator blew air from its nostril in frustration.
The capsule continued to spike until the heat reached a level that was hot as lava melting everything around it.
The alligator realized that its body could not withstand the heat for much longer and had no choice but to evacuate. In a rush, it picked up two the three eggs as gently as possible with its mouth. It could not find the other one and with the temperature continuing to rise, it had to regretfully leave behind one of its future children behind.
It crawled back to where Lyndon was found and dived into the water escaping to the outside.
The capsule was now black on the outside along the series of fibers that was hooked up to the capsule. The wall of the cave glows red hot as the capsule heated up to the point that anyone who would see it will think it was hell. The sturdy capsule soon stabilized, however, the temperature did not decrease.
Outside on the surface, the river began to boil as steam dissipated in the air. Those that were lived whether they were animals or fantasy beasts were boiled alive.
Following down the river several miles away, there was a small town thriving there.
"Father, look!" A small girl pointed at the corpses of creatures floating on top of the boiling river.
"Wha- What is that?" The father and her daughter were strolling about till they spotted something unexplainable. The father approached the river for a closer. Feared flickered in his eyes.
"Emily, do not get any closer!" He warned causing his daughter to stop from getting closer. The water was boiling that just being near it caused his skin to dry out. "I have to report this to the council, no I need to directly report to the Head. On his wrist, he tapped it to materialize a mechanically crafted board that floated in mid-air. Underneath were lights in shape of geometric shapes. "Emily, get on, we have to head back now." They flew away in a hurry as the river continues to get hotter.