Just Call Me Gold

Lyndon carefully walked towards wherever the direction the arrow was pointing at. He did not say anything for half an hour because he was on his guard in case anything strange popped out. The further in he walked, the less light crystals were poking through the walls.

He soon became stress. He was getting anxious from the darkness and the total silent. Even he can't see where he was going, the arrow in front of him was like dim light bulb around the blackness.

"Where are we going A.S.?" Lyndon asked to calm his nerve.

[There was detection of cold air but due to USER size, it was concluded that USER will not fit. Currently taking the surfaces of the map to create a mental map.]

A.S. projected a 3D map for Lyndon to show his location and what was ahead.

"How are you able to know what it is ahead before I got?" He questioned as he moved his hand to zoom in and out the map with a playful look.

She replied to him saying that she was able to sense the air current through the way Lyndon's hair moved from and since he was naked, it was easier to detect it. Thus, she was able to make a rough map ahead for Lyndon based on the vectors the air hit Lyndon.

Lyndon gave a meek laugh knowing that A.S. used his body as a tool, but he did not mind it much.

Since he couldn't see what was up ahead, he had to rely on the map that A.S. created to guide him.

After an hour had passed, the arrow pointed to a tall passageway based on the map since there was not a hint of light in the cavern to see anything. It was three times his size and what was ahead was a wide room bigger than he woke up from before.

[Unknown Life Form Detected]

The 3D map slowly created a model for Lyndon to see.

"Wh-What is that?" It was huge. Based on the model alone, it could swallow him whole.

[Unable to answer USER]

"Is there another path we could take?" Lyndon felt he had no chance to go up against that.

[Not an Option. USER body will incinerate to flame when heat-resistance fluid loses it affect by the time USER reach another way out]

Lyndon sweat a bit when he heard that. No wonder he was getting hotter. It was not from just the hiking, but the black fluid on him was gradually losing it affect.

"Then what is the chance of me winning against that thing?" He really did not want to go against it. He just got a new lease on life and he was already in a life and death situation.

[The chance is 23% of winning]

"Wha- That low? There's no way…" Lyndon looked defeated.

[Would USER like to initiate Battle Assisting Protocol]

"Y-yes." He was not sure what that meant, but it sounded like it could help him.

[Initiating Battle Assisting Protocol - Golden State Slaughterer]

Then AS voice suddenly got cut off. Lyndon did not hear any immediate feedback from AS nor felt any changes so he waited for her approval before he goes in.

Ten minutes went by so Lyndon decided to sit down to rest.

Twenty-five minutes came and go with nothing happening. 'Did AS just went to sleep?' He pondered. He could still see the arrow and the map.

An hour had passed still nothing while Lyndon anxiously was waiting something to happen.

"Hey dipshit, are you going to enter or not?" A soft grunt came out of nowhere.

Lyndon immediately got up putting up his guard. It sounded like it was whispering in his ears. His heart was beating faster and faster like a set of drums.

"Where are you?" Lyndon nervously waited for several minutes without no response.

"I'm right behind you, dipshit." The voice nonchalantly said. Lyndon quickly turned his head to see nothing. "Wow, so dumb. Bet you're retarded. Why did the professor had picked this person?"

"Hey, I'm not retarded!" Lyndon yelled back.

"Did I struck a nerve? If you were any smarter, that hour you wasted could be used to find the exit." The manly voice retorted. Lyndon was now clear where the voice was coming from. It was the same for AS.

"Are you the Golden State Slaughterer?" He was sure that this voice did indeed belong to the Golden State Slaughterer, but he knew nothing about him.

"At least you have a brain cell. And I hate that title, just call me Gold." Lyndon guessed 'Gold' was a pseudo name but it did not matter to him.

Even more, the mannerism of Gold was getting on Lyndon's nerves but he decided to not make a big fuss about it.

"So how are you going to help me get through this?" Lyndon said. Gold could felt Lyndon's rebellious tone. If he still has eyes, he would make Lyndon submit just by staring at him, so instead, he came out with a different idea.

"I'm going to guide you on how to fight." Gold said while hiding his true intention from Lyndon.