Behemoth Class Danger

Einar was nearly frightened out of his mind. "Behemoth class?!?!" This kind of danger could wipe out entire countries. And the even more disturbing thought was that when monsters reach such a level, they often understand human speech. In the case where Foo's words were effective, but he would still have to escape... This was frightening indeed.

"Oh. I took swift actions to neutralize the danger." Foo explained. It was a close call, but since he managed to escape, that woman would surely just continue her businesses. As long as she did not come looking for him, everything would be fine. "It should no longer pose a threat." He assured.

Only then did Einar sigh in relief. Danger of such a level was nothing that he, or the country they where in could handle. Even with the support from the guild, it would be troublesome. The whole continent would be doomed. Either by that danger itself, of by the resulting clash when the guild went to fight it. And as the surrounding oceans had something that disturbed the spatial movements of the teleportation formations; with the low quality teleportation formations that they had here, it would be impossible to evacuate.

This Foo was impressing him even more. To be able to handle such a situation... he surely is a capable man! Einar was curious as to what kind of danger it was, and how he resolved the problem. But as he noticed that Foo was still shaken by the encounter, and that the result was depressing him, he knew better than to ask. If the memories were so depressive, he should definitely not stuff salt into his wounds by inquiry about every single detail.

The fact that it was taken care of was enough. He did not even have the qualification to discuss such matters. Now the only thing he should think of is how to ensure that the higher-ups of the guild does not get the news, as they might even decide to exterminate the continent, just to ensure that the threat really is gone.

Busily thinking of how to save the world from destruction, Einar could just give some distracted grunts to answer Foo's further questions. As such, Foo decided to leave. Now he that he had completed an adventurer mission, there was no point in continuing. In fact, in this city he had no way to increase the rank, as this rank was too high. He would have to go to a higher level city to do that, so the only reason to do quests were for money.

Judging by Einar's reaction, he might not know about the bill from the inn yet. If he were to hang around, Einar might changes his mind and insist that he helps to pay it. Especially if he does some quest so he cannot complain on not having any money.

Exiting the guild, Foo ponders about what to do next. As he does not know about the value of money yet, he could not be sure if what he had was much or not. So the first action would be to check out the market prices, and then to increase his founds.

As the Adventurers' Guild was no good, he had to inspect the market instead. Now that he was a F rank adventurer, he could use that to deter the more energetic merchants in a pinch.

Setting off in this new world to gain riches, Foo started humming when he thought of how fat the shark-like merchants' pouches was. Suddenly feeling the impending doom, the wallets of this world could only shiver in fear!