
Abner had not even finished speaking when Odelia rushed to the meat and sunk her little teeth into it. Shocked at her charge, Abner raised the meat in order to protect it until he had finished distributing it. However, raising the meat just caused Odelia to dangle from the meat, a bit up in the air.

At a loss for words, Abner finally said: "Hey, the meat is not going anywhere, just wait for me to divide the meat between all of us. There is enough meat for all of us to eat as much as we want, and there would still be much left over."

However, his words only rewarded him with a low snarl from the adorable dangling girl. After some fighting with the meat, he finally succeeded with separating the leg, that the little girl had claimed, from the rest of the body. Only then did she sit down and contently nibble on the leg.

Yorick felt a pain in his heart. His sister must not have had any real food in a really long time. Compared to his sister, the crappy food that he ate was still like the heaven compared to poop.

Laying the depressive thoughts behind him, he started to eat the meat that was handed to him by Abner. They all gobbled down the food until their bellies were stuffed. After a content burp, Adner said: "That was quite good! Although we had some decent meals in the city, it always taste better if you hunt it yourself. It is a shame that we have to throw away the leftovers."

The statement made Yorick confused: "Why would we have to throw it away?"

Regretfully Abner answered: "As a part in the training we do, we cannot stock up on food. We have to procure it anew every day. And although you could keep it, it would soon go bad, and it will not compare to the fresh meat that I will provide each day."

The two men could only lament regretfully over the waste of such good food. That boar could cover their meals for at least another day.

With such depressing thoughts, the looked at the boar again to say goodbye, but to their shock, the boar had been completely eaten. There was only some bones left around Foo.

The culprit to the situation was absentmindedly chewing on a leg bone of the boar, while watching the apprentice warriors do some sword exercises. No, wait! He was not just chewing on the bone, he was actually eating it!

Not noticing that he had eaten the bone, Foo then took another bone from the now vanishing heap. To this sight, the two men could only dumbly stare in fascination. What a great appetite, not even sparing the bones!

Both men had the same thought; he must be so starving that he would eat a planet or two!

Unaware of their thoughts, the little girl sat at the side, in an imitation of Foo, she was nibbling on a bone, wondering what was so great about it, and why it was so hard!

She had only one thought: ``I will not lose to a mere bone!``