Admission of Defeat?

So far, Foo had been regarding this world as a combination of a game and a novel. As with all games that he plays, the first thing he does is to avoid any tutorials and guides. Following the tutorials removes the charm of adventure that exploring the game mechanics on your own gives.

As such, the first thing to do when playing a new game is to look around for some fun, without bothering too much about the guides and other information. To explore the unknown is more exciting after all.

In the beginning, one would just look around on the graphics, and casually stroll around to find anything interesting. Of course, since it also reminded of a novel, becoming an adventurer was a must. And of course, the first mission of hunting goblins.

Of course, the excitement of exploring the unknown can quickly become boring. For example when you learn that you cannot use magic. When hitting such walls, you have to take in more information, in order to overcome the problem.

So far, he had not wanted to explore the game mechanics too deeply, as that usually leads to... err... creative use of the intended functionality?

When playing a new game, one should start with just observing it as it was intended. Just casually follow the story line, as long as it is interesting. Of course, should there be boring explanations and such, it is imperative to skip them.

So far, Foo had followed along as he usually do when he play games. However, that pesky system seems to stop at nothing to pin the cheater title on him. He had not even begun... eh... exploring yet, and the system keeps babbling that he was cheating all the time.

He had still not overcome the chock over what happened when he cheated a tiny bit in his last world. He even got killed because of it. And games can easily get boring if you cheat too much.

But now that lazy God and the evil system seems to try to force him to cheat; throwing classes left and right, as well as heaping cheaty titles over him!

As both the God and the system were trying to make him cheat, Foo was certain of one thing; he must not cheat! He would properly enjoy this world first. Not that he would cheat after he enjoyed it... he was always following the rules after all...

As a result of this resolve, not to cheat, he had tried his best to ignore the status pane. Too much information often let to way too interesting thoughts after all. Of course, it is hard to ignore in the instances where the messages just pops up, and it can be vital information too.

But now it seemed that he had no choice! There were magic in this world, but he could not use it! Whoever designed it this way must've had all their screws loose!

As such, would he have to give in and admit defeat? Try to fix this disastrous flaw, by using some creative thinking?

But Foo was not one to give up that easily! Information is key! Before he had to make own ways to use magic, he should investigate whether there already was any alternative means.