A Tiny Bit

Of course, Foo was one of those that was not deterred by the word `impossible`. In fact, it made him want to do it even more.

Thus asking the skull: "So this miasma thingie is created when you emit evilness into the surrounding?"

Almost doing the thing with the eyes, that he did not have, again, the skull answered: "Well, you make it sound simple! In fact, it is not even an intentional action. When you are evil enough, it will seep out of you, regardless if you want it to or not."

Remembering the time he talked to the `God`, where he had projected his thoughts, and also the more recent episode with the poopy trees, Foo had a rough idea how he could achieve it.

Basically just think of evil thoughts, and then project it into the surroundings. Easy!

Stopping on the spot, Foo closed his eyes and started to concentrate on evil thoughts. There were lots of cruel ways of torture that he knew of, and some would even be applicable on spirits, and even the mana itself. There were also some thoughts on how to collapse the entire universe, boosted by some scientific theories from his old world.

Then he started to think on even worse horrors. like not leaving a 5-star review on the web novel that he liked, or not giving positive comments to the chapters...

Without Foo noticing it, a dark aura started to emerge from his body. Actually, to describe it as dark was an understatement, as it was pitch black. But then again, one could clearly see through it too. An odd sensation, as if it was not "seen" but felt.

It was not just transparent. It was so solid that nothing could pass through it, but seemingly not even existing at the same time.

It seemed to be so massive that it did not even fit in our spatial dimensions, and thus filled a couple of others. Existing on a higher level.

However, instead of an increase in miasma, as Foo had expected, the existing miasma suddenly seemed to escape in panic. In the rush, it suddenly left a sphere of many meters radius around Foo.

But that was not all, even the trees that seemed to have no intelligence at all, suddenly uprooted themselves, and started to run away. The sight with the roots that made it look like an octopus running away would have been hilarious, were it not for their grotesque appearances.

Even the skulls in the pavement, that were definitely not alive, were clearly emitting a feeling of wanting to be anywhere but there.

As Foo started to get fired up, and were going to amp it up a bit, he was greeted by the now familiar sight:



Your mere presence have redefined pure evilness.

The title [The Devil] gained!


[The Devil]

Please don't! (づ-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ _-̩̩̩-̩̩̩ )づ


Foo was stunned, losing all his concentration, making the aura of evilness disperse so quickly that he did not even notice it were there. But this time he was actually intentionally projecting evil thoughts, so this should be seen as an confirmation that he was successful? This time it was not really that insulting... if one ignored the fact that it sounded like it stated that he was the personification of pure evil...

He was just projecting some evilness for fun, but he himself was definitely a saint! And whats up with that emoji again? And should the description not be more helpful than that?

He could only sigh and shake his head. This time he could agree that it was his fault that he got this unexpected title. It was just that it might lead to some huge misunderstandings, like that he was evil or something.

Leaving the depressing thoughts behind him, before they even started to manifest, he took a look around him to check how much miasma he had produced.

Only to meet with... nothing. The area around him was completely void of anything resembling miasma. Not even the earlier trees were to be seen.

Only the pure white skull road were left. It felt as if they where shivering, but that must just been Foo that were mistaken...

Looking around for the talking skull, Foo realized that it was not that easy to find against the skull road when it was not jumping around and chatting.

The odd lighting, which now contained no gloominess at all, no longer gave any shadows. It was as if it was the miasma that were responsible for making the light have strategically placed shadows to make things look more creepy...

Due to the lack of shadows, distance were really hard to discern, and thus he could not spot the skull, no matter how hard he tried.

However, the problem were easily fixed by using his head; placed against the ground, to make out any objects elevated from the ground against the backdrop.

Thus he quickly found the skull and picked it up. But it was not responsive at all.

He would have tried to shout it awake, but it felt that any noise could now travel a really long distance, and it seemed like he might have... broken something...

He would not want to bring any attention to himself, or he might have to compensate for the ruined decoration of the place...

Thus he could only give the skull some gentle knocks.

Finally the skull seemed to respond.

"What the hell was that?!!!!!!!!!!!"

He was clearly shocked beyond measure, as the number of exclamation marks would suggest.

"That was so freaking scary! I got so scared that my soul left the skull!"

Seemingly still frightened from the experience, he then continued.

"I was making my way to the gate of death, where it was calling me with open doors. But then it seemingly caught a look of you, and shut the doors as quick as hell! Even an arm that was stretching for me were chopped off because of it!"

Shivering at the mere thought of that there were something that even death seemed to be scared to death by.

Where it not that this Foo guy seemed to be quite nice, he would not be able to remain sane in his presence.

"Ahaha, I might have overdone it a tiny bit. Anyway, we have to run!"

Carrying the skull with him, Foo started to run down the road again.

The skull could only curse in his mind: ``A tiny bit? THAT WAS A TINY BIT?!``