
During the rest of the meeting Foo was deep in thoughts on how to play his hand. The meeting itself was basically pointless, it was just the elders sitting there and urging him to chase the trash away. Although with not such harsh words, their intentions was clear.

And they also made sure to, in sweet words, tell him how low his status was compared to them. Trying to convey that he would not have this opportunity without their cooperation.

Of course, Foo had mastered the art of responding to a conversation without listening on it. And as the elders just seemed to love to hear their voices, there was no problem to just ignore them.

After leaving the room with the elders satisfied in their genius plans, Foo and company headed to the third section.

The first thing to do was to take inventory of his available resources. As such, he turned towards the group and asked, "Alright! Where is the management office?"

However, the question only succeeded in awaking the group from their daze.

"Amazing~! You are someone amazing~?" Odelia chirped with big eyes glowing like stars.

"You are... a section head?" Yorick asked, clearly stunned by this revelation.

"Totally worth skipping the receptionist duty! ... Probably..." the irresponsible receptionist that was still following them stated.

Foo were highly impressed over their ability to state the obvious. To be able to hear what was being said, and repeat it, this was truly a marvelous skill...

"Even the other section heads were in awe of him! Stating each and every sentence that they had high hopes!" Yorick exclaimed in awe.

Which made Foo retake his earlier statements... They were clearly not listening at all during the meeting...

Since when was the elders awed? They were just trying to plot and manipulate.

"Yes, stuff happened, and it seems like I am the new section head. Can someone please show me the way towards the management office?"

The group were taken aback at the nonchalance at being a section head. A section head! That was the highest status in the academy! If you overlooked the principal position of course, but that seat had not been able to be filled without all section heads present.

Being ever so helpful, the receptionist then took the lead, "I know where it is! Just follow me!"

After walking a while, they reached a slightly taller heap of rubbish.

"Here it is! Hehe, not many knows about it! But I am confident in stating that I am probably the most knowledgeable in the history of the academy!"

A bit doubtful of her statement, Yorick asked, "Ain't being the building closest to the central tower a bit of a giveaway... And anyone would know its location, especially since the other sections are designed the same way..."

"Tehe~ Anyway~ Here we are!"

At the sight of the heap of rubbish, Foo could only stand speechless. Should not at the very least the management office be taken care of? It is just one building!

The utter disregard for the third section did explain the confidence of the elders in thinking that it was an impossible task to make it great again.

Just the sight before him would deter anyone from attempting it. Anyone but Foo, that is. How could a minor setback dispirit him?

Upon closer inspection, Foo noticed that the heap of rubbish was not only debris from the old building, it was actually used as a garbage dump!

He had no idea if it was a protest from the residents, or some kind of plan made by the elders to lower the status of the third section. The only thing he knew for sure was that it smelled really bad even from where he stood.

Hoever, Foo was not one to give up easily. And he even had a group of loyal companions that could help him reach his goal.

"Come! Lets see if there are anything usable left!"

"*caugh* Odelia and I have to do some things... regarding her enrollment into the academy. Yes, that's it! It is really important, so you have to excuse us!"

"Eh~ But I wanna—"

"Just come with me!"

And with that, Yorick dragged along a protesting Odelia, disappearing in a flash.

"My old bones have started to ache, and it is time for a quick nap." the old man said, and run away with speed that defied his proclaimed old age.

"Eh? Ah! I have to return to my receptionist duty! It was a pleasure to meet you!" the receptionist that suddenly seemed to have turned responsible exclaimed, as she run away.

Foo could only stand there, speechless. Alone with only some occasional whifts of stench, carried from the rubble by the wind.

"Ah, yes!" Lucifer exclaimed while emerging from Foo's body, "I have something importa—"

"Not a chance! You are staying with me!"

At least Foo had one companion that was willing to stay with him.


Tugging him back inside, Foos heart felt warm as there was someone that was willing to endure hardship with him.


The sacrifices that Lucifer made for their friendship was truly heartwarming.


Skipping into the debris and trash, Foo felt his spirit rise again. At least he was not alone in this misery, forcing Lucifer to suffer with him almost made it bearable.

Eh, wait, no. The fact that Lucifer was willing to suffer with him was what made it almost bearable. Yes that's it, such comradery. Not any malice at all.

As such, one man and a wailing spirit were making their way through the rubbish. This peaceful scene only disturbed by the pitiful screams from the spirit.