Clearing up Misunderstandings

Misunderstandings should quickly be cleared up. The longer they persists, the more trouble will be created.

As such, Foo decided to attack it at its core, "Listen up, students! Regardless of what impression you have of me, I am not a god!"

Should be clear and concise. No room for misinterpretations at all.

But Foo was one to go the extra mile for the sake of eliminating threats towards his laziness. To ensure that they understood, he continued, "I just made up all that you experienced. It was just a virtual world that I put together to—"

However, he was interrupted by an odd feeling in his shoulder, accompanied with a gasp from the students. Turning his head, he could see the angel munching on it.

And yes, it was the angel one saw, as the contact with his body had destabilized the illusion.

It was not that it hurt or anything, except for the headache that was emerging.

"What are you doing?!" Foo shouted. It was one of the worst things that could happen. And it was completely unnecessary too.

"Eh?" the angel answered, confused. Looking around innocently, and then confirming that Foo had indeed addressed him.

"You was just being so boring, and I wanted to see if you had given me the sense of taste when you created me."

The angel regarded himself completely reborn after Foo's reconstruction. He took the opportunity to discard his whole old life behind, to anew be birthed by Foo, living a new life with a fresh start.

Of course, the matter with his love what something that reached way beyond such simple things as life and death. This new life he could dedicate to repay his creator - or father if you will - Foo, and the search of his beloved.

As Foo was just nagging about some boring stuff, he took the opportunity to discover more about the new body that he had been granted. Like a curious child, exploring the fascinating world.

"I did not create you so that you could start munching on me during a critical speech when I try to make the students think that I am not a god! I created you just some minutes ago, and you are already here and causing trouble!"

With huge eyes, Abner interjected the scolding, asking a question that everyone present wanted answered, "Y-y-you said that you c-c-created him? Some minutes ago? As in you being able to create life?"

Taking a step back, Foo realized that he might have misspoken. He hurriedly tried to come up with some excuses that refuted that notion.

However, as he was thinking, his darting eyes happened to land upon the angel.

The angel was currently staring at Foo with big eyes filled with hope, as if a child that wished to have their existence confirmed by their parents.

How could he possibly deny those eyes?

As such, his headache further intensified. He had to somehow say that he did not create the angel, but that would at the same be like a father denying the relationship with his son.

Had he been a bit faster, that might have worked. But those darn eyes made it impossible. Even if he was to turn his head away, or close his eyes, he would still be haunted by those eyes.

It was impossible to do it!

Cursing the fearsomeness of his creation, he could only grumble an affirmative, hoping that only the angel would hear it. But with no luck.

"You really created him! And I have never seen anything like it before! I have only heard about something similar before in the legends. The servants of The True God, angels!"

Feeling the despair of sinking so deep in the mud that it would be impossible to convince anyone that he was not a god, Foo sent a glare at the angel.

However, seeing the radiant smile from the angel, who now had found a loving family that he had lost so long long time ago, his heart could only melt.

The only thing left was the even further intensified headache.

Blinking, the angel then asked Foo, "You are a god then? I did not think of that before, but it makes perfect sense!"

The happenings behind in The Abyss was nothing a human could do after all. Not to talk about the creation of his new body.

But snapping at this mischievous child that only seemed to want him to sink even deeper, Foo shouted, "Do not compare me with those things called gods!"

His memories about the god from Earth was still clear. Such a lazy and irresponsible thing! And it seemed from what he said that the others were similar.

"The title `God` used to mean something!"

The religions and stories in his old world often glorified gods, making them awe inspiring and unfathomable.

"But the trash that now proclaim themselves as `gods` brings down the title, so that it is now nothing more than an insult!"

He still remembered the unlikable god from before, he definitely did not want to be associated with him!

"So do not go around and call me god!"

After venting a bit, Foo felt much better.

However, he suddenly had a bad premonition when the people present collectively uttered a "Ah!" in understanding.

"No wonder that he did not want to be called a god! He did not want to be mistaken for those small fries!"

"So that's how it is! I was confused over that he seemed so much stronger than the usual gods!"

"We can't call him god then!"

"Yes! He is more of an archgod!"

"Archgod! Yes! That must be it!"

Realizing that he surely had lost any possibility to make them think otherwise, Foo gave up. Thus the next logical step would be damage control.

"Ah, you can't call me that! What if others heard you? I am trying to go undercover!"

If he could not change their thoughts any more, then he should at least ensure that they did not go and spread this huge misunderstanding.

Murmuring in agreement, the students seemed to understand.

"As such, do not speak of such matters to outsiders, alright?"

Finally able to lay this ordeal behind him, Foo then tried to divert the topic, "Everyone should have had a great powerup from the training?

Make sure to not waste this opportunity, and ensure that you train your bodies too!

I might need to make a training course for that, but it will depend on if you are able to do a satisfactory work yourselves!"

Thinking back on the terrors in the training world, the students shivered. As one, they all clenched their fists and swore to train their bodies properly. After all, if they failed, there would be an training course that surely would be in the spirit of the earlier training...

That must be avoided at all costs!

Feeling the resolve of their fellow students, they felt a newfound sense of camaraderie. They had all endured the same hardship, and were now as if a big family.

Together they could stand up against the world! ...Or at least the other two sections!

After calming down some more, they started to converse.

"That training was hell!"

"Yes! But I feel reborn! There is nothing that I can't achieve!"

"I feel the same way! Just don't send me there again!"

"Yes! We have to ensure that the body training goes well."

"Luckily we did not have any weaklings in or ranks."

"Yes, if there was someone new to the academy, they would surely be crushed by just one percent of the intensity of the training!"

"Luckily young people that are admitted are often geniuses, and would as such be taken in by the other sections."

"We on the other hand are those that have struggled through hardship to reach here. Our mental fortitude is what kept us sane!"

"Yes, luckily there was no young fragile little girl that was put through that, that would be horrible!"

Hearing the harmonic conversations between the students, Foo felt as if he had forgotten about something...