Kewang Yun 2 – A Show of Dominance

Kewang Yun's figure flashed out, as the spear that had picked up an incredible amount of speed descended upon him.

A blinding glow started to emanate from the bent wooden stick he was holding. As his opponent saw it he squinted, not being able to focus or face forward properly.

[Serving himself up on a plate!] Kewang Yun smiled to himself.

He quickly pounced on the boy with a flurry, knocking the head on the spear to the floor. Following up with another quick blow, to the throat, and back of the head. Sounding like eggs being dropped.

The boy opposite didn't have a chance to surrender, and was now unconscious on the floor, with his breath rattling.

As everyone witnessed the scene they were bewildered. The stick in his hand was splintered, and the boy on the floor looked pathetic. Even the hierarchy of the Clan didn't see what happened clearly.

Many lips trembled, and the only word to describe them – astonished. Most thought a move that fast wasn't possible to achieve unless one reached the Body Construction Realm. This made the audience think.

'Has Kewang Yun already reached Body Construction Realm?!'

Observing their reactions Kewang Yun slowly walked off stage, [Trash, all of them. They thought that that spear swinging fool could harm me.]

Seeing him walking off stage, the referee quickly recovered his wits. He announced loudly "Winner, Kewang Yun!"

The crowd started cheering, mindless sheep he thought to himself.

Upon the stand, the Patriarch could be seen with a gleaming smile on his face, and the elders surrounding him were congratulating him.

Slowly gazing at the stands where his father was he couldn't help but feel disgusted. [Those old men, sucking up to my father… worthless, perhaps more than the trash on the floor. No ambition. No pride. If they were true cultivators, they would vie for control of the clan! But instead, they're a bunch arrogant laggard!]

For some reason Kewang Yun found himself fuming unable to control his rage. He looked down at his hands, they were too tightly clenched, that his fingernails had ripped into his palm, and blood slowly started to ooze out.

Looking at his hands, he didn't think that he was hurting himself. No, not at all. [My skin, it's too weak.]. He thought quietly.


Kewang Yun was sitting in a seat, close to the patriarch, his brothers were surrounding him, two were teasing, whilst the other was happy of his victory.

After the display in that grouping, many thought that he may have broken through to Body Construction Realm, so the other three all conceded, allowing Kewang Yun to pass through to the second round.

The fact that they surrendered didn't bother him too much, as he honestly thought it was a waste of breath to be on the same stage as them.

His brothers were all called up one after another. Unsurprisingly, they weren't placed in the same starting group, and of course, nobody dared duel the three of them. The three 'Blazing Jewels' of the Kewang Clan. The thought made him enraged.

He knew that his brothers wouldn't have advanced so simply, yet the people of the Clan were just bowing to their will, just because they have a little talent!

[Soon there must be changes in the Clan. This is no way to create warriors! If someone more powerful, or of a higher status to my father came along would they bend to them like slaves?]

Kewang Yun shook his head heavily. [This must – absolutely change]. He thought solemnly.

Kewang Yun didn't know whether it was a sign of loyalty or pride that he felt such things, perhaps it was just the need to weed out the weak. Not even he himself knew the truth.

As Kewang Yun was lost in thought, the referee announced the final matchup of the first stage. It was the boy Kewang Jin. He had made waves in the Clan recently, flaunting his talent. Although Kewang Yun slightly admired him, he felt that his bosting ways were a short path to an early grave.

[Even if he is talented, if he pisses off and humiliates enough people, he won't have a good ending. After all, there's always a bigger fish.]

Seeing Kewang Jin ascend to the 2-meter-high stage in a hop couldn't help but put a smirk on his face. Kewang Yun thought to himself [He may be a fool, but at least it will be entertaining to watch him crash and burn].

Kewang Yun had scouted his competition before, and Kewang Jin although talented wasn't his match. His techniques were extremely intriguing though. It was a flowing technique, one that allowed him to move like water, adapting to any situation.

Pairing this with his palm strikes means that he was a very entertaining fighter, and would often tease his opponent, and unbalance them until he could take advantage and strike.

[The method is very effective against the undisciplined, and short-sighted, but against those who have an iron will, and a sturdy base…] Kewang Yun chuckled to himself. It would be water rushing against the rocks.

Kewang Yun leaned forward to pay attention to the matchup.

"Kewang Jin, you may be able to swagger and roll over everyone else our age, but I Kewang Hun am not afraid of you!" A short muscle built youth said. His dark eyes beaming, in defiance.

Opposite him, Kewang Jin broke down in laughter, "Little Hun Hun, I shall take that to heart."

Hearing him talk like this Kewang Hun's face scrunched up, agitated beyond belief. "Damn you Kewang Jin, I shall make you bow to me before day's end."

In response, Kewang Jin quickly took out the silk which was holding up his hair, and let his long gentle golden hair fall down. Pretending to look at Kewang Hun shyly, he said softly "I hope you don't speak to all the ladies in such a way, what your future wife think?"

Kewang Hun's face instantly turned green, not knowing how to reply. But before he could say anything Kewang Jin interrupted again.

"I don't know what she could possibly think? Sigh. Perhaps I could teach her how to bow properly, like I your father, do to your mother nightly!"

"Ahh!" Kewang Hun screamed and charged forward.

Slashing with his sword like a madman. The referee didn't even announce the match and didn't stop them, in his opinion the troublemaker Kewang Jin deserved whatever he got.

In the stands, the parents, of both children were making different faces. Kewang Jin's father was laughing madly like he had seen the funniest play of his life, whereas Kewang Hun's face was livid. Both being elders, they wouldn't dare attack a junior, they could only hope they sorted it out between themselves.

As Kewang Hun continuously chopped, slashed, and lunged at Kewang Jin, he was breathing heavily. Tiring out, he started to growl and grunt. All the while Kewang Jin repeatedly dodged everything by a hairs length.

Still laughing Kewang Jin said, "Little Hun Hun, you're making such sounds, while being worn out, haha! You know what they say, like mother like son!"

Kewang Hun finally coughed up a bit of blood, hearing this as did his father. The crowd, unlike the other matches, was silent purposely, occasionally bursting out in laughter and sniggers.

Kewang Hun didn't know to respond, so he just raised his sword overhead, and shouted: "Let's end this!"

Kewang Jin burst again into laughter, "Well, that's not what she said."

"FLAME HAWKS FURY" Kewang Hun shouted as he replied, his sword being set ablaze, soaring towards Kewang Jin.

Kewang Jin smiled, he knew it was time, he had unbalanced Kewang Hun's, state of mind. Forcing him to attack wildly and opening him up to at least twenty vulnerable points. Kewang Yun slowly nodded in approval.

Kewang Jin, dodged the Firebird, effortlessly, letting it glide right past him into the stands, where the patriarch waved is quickly dispersed it, with an upset look on his face. Kewang Jin then quickly advanced, landing a palm strike on the centre of Kewang Hun's forehead. Causing him to collapse straight away.

Seeing Kewang Hun on the floor out cold, he could only smile. He then bowed in all four directions, (N, S, E, W) "I thank the God's for my auspicious victory today." Half the crowd wanted to cough up their insides, the other half wanted to laugh them up. Never had such a shameless person graced the proving grounds in such a way.

Kewang Jin simply smiled, and but before jumping down he looked at the stages, at Kewang Hun's father, and next to him, Kewang Hun's mother, he sent a wink. This naturally infuriated Kewang Hun's father to the point that some of the other elders had to hold him back.

[Such an interesting display… Of course, he's a Yang Spirit carrier, he would act like this] Kewang Yun slowly shook his head disapproving.

## Author's note Part 1 Too long to fit.##

Thanks for reading everybody! Be sure to leave a review and comment. This was my favorite chapter to write so far, what do you think, did I go too far with the shamelessness?