
Chapter 8 ~ The Bigger Person

"No!"Kai fights. I take his arm and pull up his sleeve. Up and down his arm are crossed cuts. I start to tear up.

"What the hell Kai!!!" I say. Sakura is stunned can't even say anything. I can't believe it. "How long....." I say.

"Well it uhm....." He stammers.

"No tell me how long Kai...." I say. I'm holding back the tears.....Why is my world feel like it's corrupting?

"4 days...." He says slowly and my heart drops.

"Kai....What happened?" I ask.

"Rakia...." He says. "She emailed me yesterday.....She said that I was the worst person in the world and that she will never be my friend again because I took you and Sakura's side in their fight." I see him upset. "And I am the worst and no, it's not that reason but she is right maybe I shouldn't have picked sides but even so even if I didn't I'm still a bad person I should have been there for her like you guys were at first until she started to fight with you two. You two were trying to make her feel better I barely did that."

"It's not your fault she needed it." Sakura says. I know she is right and so does Kai. Honestly it was mine.

That day her boyfriend Ikeo broke up with her. She thought it was the end of the world. She was crying in the gym and Sakura was holding her.

"Hey he doesn't matter." Sakura said.

"Yes he did! He was the love of my life!" Rakia yelled.

"Obviously not...." I mumbled but she heard her.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!" She snapped at me.

"I mean we don't know our true loves yet and even if we did we are young too young to know what love is sometimes." I said.

"Yeah she is right." Sakura said. Kai was in the background he didn't want to get involved Ikeo was his friend at the time until he found out the truth.

"Kai! Back me up." She said.

"No, because they are right you are acting like it's the end of the world just enjoy our time don't always act like you're falling in love because you haven't if it didn't work out." He said. He didn't yell he was quiet about what he said. That was his friend since 2nd grade though.

"You know what! Fuck you Kai. And you two too. You all can go to hell." She ran out of the gym.

Kai and her haven't spoken in a full conversation since she refuses to talk to him even though he says he wants to talk or he is sorry. It's been 3 months how could she just show up now? He hasn't talked to Ikeo either when he found out he was cheating Rakia.

"Kai....." I start. "It's my fault and she is wrong you are amazing." I give him a hug.

I put people before myself. Which in my case is a distraction. I like helping others instead of myself....Kai used to notice that about me I remember in 7th grade I was crying because my dog died. Kai saw me and I wiped my tears quickly and got up walking to Sakura. She was going through a issue and I needed to be there for her. He stopped me taking my hand and pulling me to him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Aiko you don't have to act strong in front of me." He says with a sly smile.

I pushed him away. "This is bigger than me Sakura is upset. I need to be there for her." I started to walk away but his hand was holding on I couldn't move from his grasp.

"You don't always have to be the bigger person. You can be the one who needs help once in a while." He said with his big blue eyes. I looked away.

"I need to stay strong...." I confessed and he sighed and took me to Sakura.

I am always the strong one. I always have been since 1st grade. Kai noticed that. Sakura is too oblivious to see it sometimes but I'm ok with that. I mean it's enough having Kai always on me about my feelings and if I'm ok. I think he's the only one that knows everything that happens in my life other than me.

And then my phone rings.

My phone rings and it's my Nino Tokoto.

"Hello?" I say. "Nino is everything alright?"

"Naokatsu....He well.....Wants you to be here....."

"Where?" I ask.

"Well right now he's well...." My Nino's voice drops.....I was shocked.....