
Chapter 32 ~ A new Face

I look up at him....He has beautiful eyes...as blue as the ocean.....His hair is really dark brown maybe almost black like mine kind of except mine is a bit litter more of a hazel color....His smile is charming.....Looks like a f*ckboy.

He helps me up. "Sorry about that."

"Whatever it doesn't matter. Thanks for helping me up though. You don't seem like the type to." I says. I start to walk away and he follows.

"Wait! Miss what do you mean I don't seem the type to." He asks. I turn around to him and he's looking at me confused.

"Well you look like a jock. Not some nerd. And you look popular and charming. So, yeah you kinda look like a jerk. So, you surprised me." I turn and about to walk.

"Don't judge a book by a cover." He says with a anger in a voice.

"I don't! Just you tripped me and most people wouldn't help. So, yeah you surprised me." I say turning at him.

"You make no sense miss." He says.

"Hmmm sorry I don't think like most kids my age or yours." I say annoyed. He's tall and I can tell he's about Kiatsu's age.

"Miss I-" He starts.

"Save it! Thank you for helping me up. Thanks for saying sorry and I'm sorry." I say. "We done here?"

"Yes, miss....Good-bye and have a nice day." He says.

"You too." I give him a smile because I feel like a jerk at this moment. I watch him leave the store. He's polite. He calls me miss like he knows my age. He looks about 15 and I'm 14. He doesn't treat me like a child. Yet I did judge him by his cover but I don't mess around at all.

I walk over to the cash register to pay for the pillow and skate off. I skate pass my favorite Skateboard store. The Zoom. I decide to go to after I go to fluffy cloud to get Naokatsu a panda. A feel better gift.

I walk in and look around. When I see this huge panda that is so adorable and cute. It comes in pink, blue, and Black. I pick the blue one up and make sure the white part isn't dirty. I smile and bring it to the cash register. I go in here a lot. Mama June is the owner. I call her that because she knows me so much from me growing up always buying things from this store. I would get things for myself, my friends, or my family members since I was little.

"Hey, Aiko!" Mama June smiles.

"Hey Mama June!" I smile back.

"A panda today." She explains.

"Yeah, for my cousin Naokatsu. He is in the Hospital but I think he is leaving to." I say.

"Wow, Sweetie. Your such a great cousin."

"Hehe thanks." I watch as she rings up the bear. She's 51 and she works this store with Aunt Kami.

"That will be $20." She smiles at me. I look into my bag and give her $20. I watch as she packs the back and she slips in something.

"Uhm, Mama June. What's that?"

"Something special for you.

"I-I thanks but I can't take it. I didn't even pay for it." I say.

"It's fine dear. It's for you." she says in the sweetest voice.

"Thank you so much Mama June." I smile.

"No, Thank you. And have a great day alright sweetheart." she smiles. I skate out and I look into the bag. It's a sterling silver ring with a flower made out of Saphires. I can't believe Mama June gave this to me....This is the best day ever! I skate to zoom and walk in.