Simply A Butler

Dragon Sr looked at the back of Alex as he walked off deep in the forest, his last words still reverberating in his head.

"We'll meet again in 10 days!"

Dragon Sr looked at Jeffrey who now looked to be in his 50s and asked, "Mister Jeffrey, will master be okay on his own out there?"

Jeffrey seemed slightly surprised at the question before he smiled at Dragon Sr, "Don't worry, the young master is much stronger than you know. Even I don't understand his methods; If he says he'll take care of the spirit beasts he naturally has a way to handle them."

Dragon Sr nodded and looked at his new Junior bothers and sister, "Alright guys, you heard the master, we have ten days to bring all the villages down."

Jeffrey stood behind Dragon Sr and added, "Whenever you're ready, I can bring you around to the villages. I'll handle the chiefs while you nine take care of the village warriors."

"I forgot to inform you. Before the master left, he informed me to tell you this."

Jeffrey looked at the nine disciples, "The senior title Dragon received was because he showed he had the strongest will. Some of you may think that he only got it because he stepped forward first to become my disciple. Some of you might accept him currently as your senior. That's fine. The senior amongst my disciples should also be the strongest, so you all have the right to challenge Dragon to become the senior of the nine disciples."

Jeffrey said everything Alex had told him in one fluid motion. Dragon Sr, after he heard what the master had told Jeffrey to report to his fellow disciples, looked at the other eight and saw some secretly look away or rub their nose helplessly.

"So some of you really thought like that! That's fine, Come one! I'll accept your challenge anytime and give you some respect for your Senior!" Dragon Sr yelled as he pointed at his fellow disciples comically.


"Fine. So What? I don't believe you're stronger than me anyway, and Emperor Sr sounds way better than Emperor Jr," Emperor jr retorted.

Dragon Sr patted his fighting suit and raised his hands in front of him in a fighting position, "Come on then, show me what you got!"

The other seven disciples quickly moved away to make space for Dragon Sr and Emperor Jr. They were indeed intrigued and wanted to see the power of their so-called senior as well as the arrogant Emperor Jr.

After they moved far enough, a powerful aura exploded off Dragon Sr and his fighting spirit that had been reigned in gushed out once more. The disciples' faces changed as they felt Dragon Sr's aura.

Emperor Jr's face also changed, and he got into position while circulating his four seasons qi. He waved his right hand and swiped it across the air towards Dragon Sr. A draft of frozen air quickly formed and flew towards Dragon Sr.

"Winter!" Emperor Jr shouted.

Dragon Sr dashed towards Emperor Jr as soon as the words left his mouth. The draft of frozen cold air caught him mid dash and he felt like he was standing in the middle of a winter valley. His skin could be seen turning blue and he slowed down considerably.

"Oh, that easy?"

Emperor Jr smirked cockily at the sight of this. Dragon Sr's eyes looked down at his new blue body and looked up at Emperor Jr.

"Not bad, a pretty good attack."

His aura once more exploded out and his blue body had actually returned to normal. Dragon Sr once more continued to dash forward. Emperor Jr ground his teeth,


The surrounding trees seem to have heard a command as their branches grew madly and moved to confront Dragon Sr. Seeing a large number of giant branches attacking him, Dragon Sr clenched his fists and swung forward.

"Crimson Knight Barrage!"

Dragon Sr's fist attacked the giant branches wildly and accurately, with each attack destroying a branch. He continuously moved forward with each attack, destroying all in his way.

Finally breaking out of branches reach with an imposing aura, Dragon Sr practically flew over to Emperor jr. Giving him no time to react, Dragon Sr swung his left fist upwards, Hitting Emperor jr in his stomach and sending him flying off.

Emperor jr crashed near the other disciples and slowly stood up with only a couple of scratches appearing on his body. Clearly, Dragon Sr had held back and had no real intention of hurting Emperor jr. This also showed his character as a Senior brother. Even if you challenge me, I'll only show you I'm the better of you and won't cause you serious harm!

"Anyone else?" Dragon Sr looked at the disciples.

"Whatever," Emperor jr walked away too embarrassed to show his face to the others after his defeat.

"We're good Senior brother," Fire jr said after Emperor jr walked. Sword, Heaven, and Hell jr all nodded at Dragon Sr indicating they were cool with the outcome. Beast jr only rubbed his nose and smile at Dragon Sr. Ice and Thunder jr were quiet but it seemed they agreed with the group decision.

"Alright," Dragon Sr looked at Jeffrey and asked, "Mister Jeffrey, when can we start to head to the villages?"

"Naturally whenever you're ready," Jeffrey smiled.

"Good, Let's set off then!"

Jeffrey nodded.

"The first village is on the outskirts of the northeastern perimeter of the forest biome. It's called the Hidden Blade village. The village chief has reached the 4th level of the demigod realm, so I'll be fighting him. You call can take care of the rest."

The group started moving in the northeast direction towards the hidden blade village.

After two hours of continuous movement, the group finally arrived outside a clearing deep in the woods. Within the clearing, they could see the village walls made with wood logs sharpened to a point at the top.

Without giving it any thought, the group continued to walk towards the village gate. Outside the gate, Dragon Sr looked at Beast jr. Beast jr nodded and walked towards the gate, with every step he took he grew bigger eventually reaching his natural 4 meters of height.

Beast Jr threw a punch at the wooded gate.


A giant sound was made as the gate was crushed to the ground with a single punch from Beast jr. The rest of the group felt shivers go down their backs looking at his feat. Sounds of running and scurrying could be heard inside the walls of the villagers running about as they heard the sound of their gate being broken.

"What was that!"

"Where did that sound from?!"

"The Gate!"

"Chief! Someone broke the Gate!"


The group walked through the gate as the villagers screamed for their chief. One by one, a large group of villagers started forming around the nine disciples and Jeffrey.

"Who are you?! Why have you broken our gate!" An older man that seemed to be in his 40s gradually walked out of the group of villagers.

Jeffrey looked at the man indifferently and glanced at all the villagers before raising his voice, "I am the servant of His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince, Alexander. I am here with the decree written by His Majesty, Percy the King, awarding the great biomes to His Son Alexander, The Fifth Prince. All subjects within the great biomes are to become His Royal Highness Alexander's subjects."

Jeffrey held up the golden decree that radiated power. The villagers exclaimed and looked towards the middle-aged man that had stepped up. It seems he was the chief.

"I am the chief of this village, and we have never sworn fealty to this king or prince that you speak of," The village chief said in a smart manner.

As if guessing this was what would happen, Jeffrey looked at the nine disciples. They immediately got into a fighting position, not bothering to waste words with these villagers.

Nine villagers stepped out and got in fighting positions opposite the disciples. Fire, wind, and thunder could be seen and heard as the fight began. It not an even fight at all. The disciples rushed forward; Dragon Sr knocked out his opponent with one punch.

Beast jr's opponent flew from the pressure of his fist, Sword jr appeared behind his opponent with great swiftness and knocked him out with a simple strike to the neck. Thunder jr's opponent was fried as she snapped her right-hand middle finger and thumb and attacked him with a spark of lightning.

Ice jr's opponent shivered in his spot and couldn't move. Emperor jr's opponent was blue and frozen, while Hell Jr's opponent barely moved before small cuts and scrapes started appearing on his body, knocking him out from the pain and blood loss.

Heaven Jr's opponent's every attack was seen through and broken, leaving him helpless.

"How dare you!" The village chief looked at the bitter loss of his warriors and was enraged before unleashing his rank 4 demigod realm might. He threw a giant fist toward the nine disciples as he tried to quickly end them.

Jeffrey who was watching over the nine closely while they fought was ready for this. He threw forward a giant palm, catching the chief's fist and crushing it before going on to smash the chief into the ground.


"W-Who are you?"

The badly injured chief called out from the ground.

Jeffrey patted the specks of dirt that had gotten on him from all of the surrounding fights off his robe before looking at his defeated and replying with a bow,

"I'm Simply A Butler."