Father's Might!

Rei was surprise at what just happened seeing the two shinobi being knocked back and coughing blood He knew for sure that a troublesome opponent popped out of nowhere and his father confirming that the man has a skill of Tokubetsu Jonin further confirmed the danger of the situation. Come on it's my first trip out of the village and I'm already at this level of danger, I don't remember being this unlucky in my previous life he whispered in his heart.

Rei: Dad, are you going to help the big brothers over there?

Mokichi: I hope not to if those two could take that guy down on their own that would mean there's two more young talented shinobi in our village that would shoulder responsibilities in the future.

Rei: Ok, dad. But wouldn't it be better for everyone if this ends now.

Mokichi: That's also true Rei, but in battles like this you must never be reckless you'll never know when someone's plotting a trap. You must be alert and calm at all times and striking at the right time. In this case though I don't think there's somebody else behind that man besides even if I want to step in and finish this meaningless battle I can't just leave you guys on your own.

Rei: So, I have to be able to read the situation at all times?

Mokichi: You might become a legendary shinobi if you could that.

Rei: Really, even when I'm not that strong?

Mokichi: Yeah, having that kind of skill as a shinobi is extremely valuable even in fights because you'll know when danger is coming not only that you'll be able to smoothly make the right decisions and plan resulting to easier victory you might just come out unscathed with all your fights. The best way to achieve that is training your attention to detail and staying alert and cautious at all time you might not read every situation at all times but a having a good grasp of things is enough then when situation goes south you must always have an exit plan if you don't then it's do or die.

Mokichi may sound paranoid but it's in his nature to be always alert and cautious of his enemies even when he has absolute advantage this is what he learned and deeply ingrained to him as an anbu doing covert missions, intel gathering, stealing techniques, assassination, and spy work he has seen too much plotting and the weak biting back killing the stronger ones that this nature became a habit for him. The battle continues Kotetsu and Izumo are doing their best to defend themselves but Junichi far outclass them in kenjutsu this appears to be a really bad matchup for them since their fighting style revolves around the use of bukijitsu cooperation with the support of ninjutsu.

Junichi: Damn, hidden leaf shinobis messing up my day if you guys just give me the money and goods, everyone would have gotten home safely.

Izumo: Like we'll believe you, that's what all bandits say.

Kotetsu: tsk tsk, seriously Izumo we took on an escort mission that's supposed to be easy because the number of mercenary present their security already tight but now we have someone from the bingo book as an opponent.

Izumo: Come on, we should have figure it it out by the time we meet up with our client having that kind of security but still hiring shinobis that could only mean trouble, so stop complaining.

Kotetsu: Right, we better try out that move.

Junichi: I'm on the bingo book, that's interesting well this would work for me since some people that would hunt me has a bounty in the underworld.

The duo dash towards junichi engaging in a battle blow after blow was exchanged until Kotetsu unsealed an oversized spiked morning star and smash it towards Junichi.

"Unsealing Technique"



Junichi hurriedly move towards his right to avoid being smashed to a pulp and kotetsu hitting nothing but the ground. Standing beside

an armored man he realized that the attack of Kotetsu was in fact leading him towards where he was at now, looking up he saw two fuma shurikens about to hit him coming from two different direction. He hurriedly grabbed the man beside him and throw him towards a fuma shuriken while using his freehand to wield his sword and defend against the other one.



Swish! swish!

Schlik! tuff!


The amored bandit struggle to move holding on to fuma shuriken stuck on his torso, not dying right away was the worst because now he has to feel every second of blood loss and pain.

Armored bandit: Junichi why? *sobs in pain and feeling betrayed.

Junichi: Oh, didn't you just save me from dying I'll reward you now for your loyalty. I'll finish you off now to spare you from pain.

Junichi slash the armored bandit's neck swiftly killing him right away



Mokichi saw how the Junichi use his own ally as a shield like it was nothing and killing him thinking that as reward for doing such a great job. The chunin duo felt disgust to Junichi because they weren't just built like he was. Shinobi of the hidden leaf grew up with a belief that everyone from their village is family so they weren't capable of doing that they also pity the armored man for following the wrong man. they maybe enemies now but having that kind of ending is just pitiful.

Mokichi: If those two boys arent able to deal with that wanted man I better ask the hokage to assign them for training in bukijutsu, and that junichi is not getting out of here alive -mokichi whispered to himself.

Kotetsu: Damn! such a ruthless man. How the hell could he do that to his subordinate?

Izumo: tsk, that man doesn't deserve to be alive. let's go kotetsu!

Junichi: hahaha! you talk as if you have the ability to kill me.

Izumo and Kotetsu are getting better, their combination attacks and covering for each other is becoming more and more natural which lead to the two of them getting the upperhand. Rei saw how the two were overwhelming their oponent and thought to himself these guys even survive a great ninja war what's a missing-nin gonna do to them.

Rei: Wait were they really supposed to be a part of this mission or my existence sort of made things this way. Not much was known about the duo's history before their appearance on the chunin exam so Rei was now uneasy of butterfly effects that his existence in this world cause. -he whispered on his mind.

Kotetsu: Izumo, we should really finish this fight while we have the upper hand.

Izumo: I think so as well, but I can't help but feel this danger coming from him.

Kotetsu: that's why we should end it quick and not let him do things.

Izumi started attacking jinuchi with multiple shurikens forcing junichi to block and parry because he doesn't want to be caught in a trap like before.

Swish! swish! swish!

Clang! clang! clang!

Junichi's focus on izumo made him lose track of kotetsu giving him a chance on exploiting junichi's blind spot, kotetsu dash toward junichi realizing he was notice and not going to make it in time for a decisive hit he threw his spiked morning star violently. Izumo seeing junichi look towards Kotetsu's position he hurriedly use "Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field" trapping junichi's feet preventing him from dodging.



"Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field"

Junichi realize his feet was glued to the ground having escape from being mushed cut off, he decided to give it his all and swung his broadsword towards the spiked morning star.

Junichi: Tsk, you guys really done it!

Junichi held his sword I little more tightly and reinforce it with lightning then slash towards the spiked hammer cutting it into two.

"Chakra flow: Lightning element"



Kotetsu: How the hell did he sliced off my weapon?

Izumo: That looks like lightning chakra flow!?!

Junichi: You guys just made me reveal my true skill now there shouldn't be any witness after this I don't want to raise may rank in the bingo book having chunin and jonin hunt me are ok but elite jonins capable of stopping a kage is troublesome.

Mokichi saw what just happened sword itself shouldn't be normal if adding a chakra flow is enough to cut off metal like that, this missing-nin in front of them the is not a tokubetsu jonin at all this guy is definitely jonin level and above. The information on the bingo book is either outdated or this guy was smart enough to conceal his level of skill all this time if that was the case they are dealing with an A - class level of danger at worst S - class.

Fighting with that kind of person is not what a chunin could do except for those geniuses and the two in front of him are talented but not close to being a genius. Mokichi decided to blow off his cover as well and slaughter the bandits in front of him to eliminate the danger around his family and deal with the danger Kinjo Junichi.

Mokichi: Captain Masami, I'll leave my family's safety to you.

Masami: Mister Mokichi what are you trying to do?

Mokichi: Don't worry I'll reduce the bandits number before going off to fight that guy.

Masami: Mister, don't get me wrong but that guy is dangerous we should be fleeing.

Mokichi: Don't worry about that. Rei keep on doing the good work ok.

Rei: Dad, are you sure about fighting that guy he sure looks troublesome.

Mokichi: I've fought guys like him a couple of times no worries.

Fuyuki: Dear, I'm worried but I trust you... go beat him up!

Shizuku: Father! uhhmmnn beat him upuh - shizuku repeated her mom's word in baby's way.

Mokichi: HAHAHA! now I'm energize, don't worry It'll be over soon.

Mokichi then turn serious dashing towards the bandits killing off a bandit with each slash eliminating the immediate danger towards his family. Some of the bandits in the battlefield saw the horror Mokichi did and terrified them making them hesitate and retreat, the few bandits remaining who still has courage to fight doesn't pose a threat towards the caravan and his family.

Junichi stands with his feet stuck on the jutsu izumo casted on the ground losing his temper he stabbed his sword towards the ground forming hand-seals to cast "lightning release: Spider web" this ninjutsu form a spider web on the ground electrecuting everyone who's in range.

"Lightning release: Spider web"

hiss! hiss! hiss!* moving electricity sounds.

Two shouts of pain were heard.



Izumo and kotetsu surprise by the ninjutsu suffered being electrocuted rendering them immobile for a bit, but this time frame given to junichi is enough to cast another lightning release.

Junichi: Goodbye meddlesome things! HAHAHA!

"Lightning release: Lightning strike"

defenseless this jutsu is enough to kill izumo and kotetsu but Mokichi was already in front of them after using Body flicker.

"Wind release: Violent Whirlwind"

The clash of two ninjutsu pushback the lightning release proving that wind nature has advantage over lightning nature seeing that the wind release ninjutsu travels towards him junichi forcefuly freed himself from the sticky fluid that's trapping him tearing his footwear apart.

wwooosshh! - sound of violent whirlwind towards junichi


Junichi safely dodge the violent whirlwind and released a sigh of relief.

Junichi: Another meddlesome shinobi, why do you guys keep messing on my business.

Mokichi: Don't worry after this you won't have to worry about us in hell.

Junichi: Is that right, you sound pretty cocky.

Mokichi: let's see what you can do then.

Mokichi dash forward seeing that his opponent is using "lightning chakra flow" on his broadsword he concealed the kunai on his right hand behind his back, and injecting "Wind chakra flow" he slashes towards his opponent diagonaly.



The clash of their weapon gave mokichi the upperhand given that he has the advantage with the nature of his chakra flow.

Junichi: Damn this bastard using underhanded tricks!

Mokichi: Do you really have the right to say that to me, using an ally as a meat shield my trick pales in comparison.

Junichi cancelled the chakra flow on his broadsword and decided to fight straight on with kenjutsu he slash towards mokichi with Chakra Sword wave. Junichi defended with his kunai wrap in wind chakra flow.

"Chakra Sword wave"


Mokichi: Pretty good!

Junichi: tsk! I'll get you!

The battle continued and they exchange blow after blow Junichi realize that the fighting style of engaging Mokichi in bukijutsu is not effective because he is actually outclassed. Furthermore, his opponent occasionally landed punches and kicks, sure they did not hit him devastatingly but it's actually depleting his endurance his fury made him unleash chakra sword waves. But his opponent expected it and dodge or block it with his wind chakra blade. Realizing this he decided to try a chain of combo attacks if it doesn't work he has to make his escape.

Junichi retreated and form hand-seals to use "lightning release: spider web" seeing this junichi jump up not to be caught in this troublesome ninjutsu.

"lightning release: Spider Web"


Junichi saw mokichi jumping so he threw up kunais with attached explossive tags, seeing this mokichi used "wind release: great breakthrough"

Swiish! Swiish! Swiish! Swiish! Swiish!

"wind release: great breakthrough"

The kunais with explossive tags was push back, junichi realizing this hurried to use body flicker to escape his area.

"body flicker"


Mokichi used a shadow clone midair the same time the explossion occur, the explossion that was supposed to be in junichi's favor now was used to cover he's used of shadow clone he hurriedly used body flicker away to reach a place where junichi couldn't see. Junichi saw mokichi midair not yet landing so he used another set explossive kunai. Mokichi saw this and he let his clone use Body replacement technique.

Swiish! swiishh! swiish!

Tuff tuff tuff - kunai hitting wood


Junichi: slippery bastard!

Mokichi's clone dash towards junichi while doing so junichi perform hand-seals to use "lightning release: Spider Web"; Mokichi on the other hand prepared his own ninjutsu from far away "water release: water blade javelin form". The lightning release hit the clone.

"lightning release: spider web"

"water release: water blade javelin form"


Mokichi threw the water javelin piercing through junichi.


Junichi: what?! -pierced and coughing blood.

Mokichi: that's why you need a good head to win your battles.

Mokichi approached and cut the missing-nin's throat to make sure he's dead.