Rotten luck

The journey back to the hidden leaf went a smoothly, aside from being attacked by wild animals every now and then no major bandit raid or shinobis attacking and with mokichi around wild animals would basically end up as food for them.

The most noteworthy among the wild animals who ambushed them was a tiger in rei's previous life if you were stalked by a tiger in the wilds you are basically close to death it's just the largest feline alive in his previous world but now it was dealt with by his father like nothing. Mokichi didn't really want to kill the tiger but since it was hunting nearby the road any civilian that encounters it would end up dead if left alone.

Mokichi decided to look for the tiger's den to make sure there's no more than one tiger around in the vicinity making the roads safer for civilians and merchants to his surprised he found two young tiger cubs at that time his mind was only contemplating on where the other tiger went, since he knows tigers have extreme good sense of smell he thought maybe it'll hunt him down if he brings the two cubs along.

Back on the carriage where Rei his mother and sister are staying a Roar of a furious tiger was heard. Rei saw the tiger lurking around the corpse of male tiger that was slain by his father mokichi he realizes that this must be the female partner of the one lying dead over there. Rei was contemplating what to do since his father was not around and his sister and mother are non-combatants he is now frustrated on why his father had to leave and search for the tiger's den or why did he not even properly dispose of the tiger's corpse before being a good Samaritan.

Rei: Mom, I think the tiger that father killed has a partner.

Fuyuki: Yeah, I heard the roar don't worry We're inside the carriage I'm pretty sure it won't just come after us.

Rei: I actually rather fight it outside than be stuck here defenseless besides I'm sure I can hold it off till father gets back, please trust me on this mom.

realizing that the three of them would be dead if they're stuck in the carriage when the tiger attacks she agreed inside to let rei fight the tiger since she's seen her son's skills but she knows rei would be in a huge danger despite her worries they have no choice but to let him.

Fuyuki: ok but how are you going to fight it you can't possibly protect yourself with a kunai.

Rei: I'll go get the broadsword dad got from that strong bandit.

Rei rushed to find that broadsword he knows for sure that having a short range against a tiger is just plain suicide besides he knows if the tiger is the same kind in earth he would somehow be able to do deal with but chakra's presence in this world would probably make the tiger much more terrifying than what he knows. Holding the broadsword, he got out of their carriage, rei saw the tiger's furious gaze he knew for sure that it's going for the kill he took on a defensive stance waiting for tiger to make its move.

Rei: How unlucky. first time I got out of the village we encountered a bandit ambushed with someone from the bingo book being the leader. Now I'm just going back home and I actually have to fight a tiger, I just hope I don't have this kind of rotten luck when I become a genin.

Rei is now really complaining about his rotten luck and wonders how he is going survive his current situation. The Tiger now finally lost it and charge towards him. Rei stabbed his broadsword to the ground and tried to slow the tiger's advance with a barrage of shurikens.

The tiger completely ignored the shurikens about to hit her and just increased her advanced towards rei when the shurikens hit he thought that maybe it'll reassess the situation but the flesh wounds only made it stop for second then it suddenly rushed towards him in a berserker state. Realizing what just happened rei is now on a difficult situation the shuriken were supposed to make the tiger slow down giving him a longer time to think of a counter attack but instead it actually made things worst.

Rei grabbed the broadsword and regrets not learning C-rank Ninjutsu right away, because if he has one right now that would probably save his life and the new genjutsu he just learned wouldn't affect a berserker state tiger with no rationality. The tiger swiped down with his claws towards him. Rei stepped back but realizing that there's no use since the tiger was faster he used "body replacement technique"

he escaped the tigers assault but saw the power of its swipe crushing the log he used to substitute his body with. after seeing that he realizes his current plan of using "transformation technique" to transform his weapon to fight the tiger in close combat was a no go since he can't risk dying with just one swipe.

Rei is now out of plans and thought of the things that would really help him right now like wires, explosive tags, poison, and a c-rank ninjutsu. Rei continued to used his kiting strategy where whenever the tiger charges towards him he throws shuriken then when he's about to be hit used "body replacement technique" or "Body flicker" but later on rei found out that their stamina are worlds apart. The tiger got used to rei's repeated technique and decided to rush him again rei responded with the very same strategy but then the tiger followed her sense of smell to track where rei's going to move to then leaped and swiped with all her might.

Shocked by the tiger's response to his strategy rei jumped backwards with all his might while blocking the tiger's claw. The tiger's attack sent him flying but the damaged he received was reduce due to jumping backwards and partially blocking it just enough to prevent him from being killed in one hit. Now wounded with a battered body rei is now almost losing his senses and consciousness he decided to risk everything with one blow. He has trained with fuma shurikens but he knows that it's useless towards this tiger since sure it didn't dodge the shurikens but once it sees something flying towards it the could bisect its body it'll definitely dodge so he decided to stab it the broadsword he's holding.

The tiger saw rei weakened and decided to deal the final blow to have its revenge. Rei saw the tiger lunging at him and said to himself that good you're still rushing towards me I don't have the strength anymore to come after you. As the tiger lunge at him rei tried to time it perfectly so he could finish it in one blow.

The tiger bares its fangs prompting to bite at rei's neck realizing that move alone present an opportunity for rei to finish it as well realizing this he instantly use "body flicker" to increase his speed and stabbing the tiger's neck with all his might rei was never able to use "body flicker" instantly before but threatened he was able to forced it out of fear of dying. The tiger loses its life by the hands of a 4-year-old child but rei already lose his consciousness.

Mokichi kept on strolling around looking for the female tiger since he didn't see it around the den but then he realized that if it's sense of smell can find him through its cubs then It can definitely find its partner as well fearing for the life of his family he rushed back at his maximum speed. Seeing the scene around the carriage Mokichi only felt frustration for the decision he made leaving his family defenseless

since he thought that there will be no more attack coming towards them, and despair at thought of losing his family he walks towards the carriage seeing his Wife and daughter hugging each other and shaking out of fear. Mokichi went inside and hug them.

Mokichi: Dear, I'm really sorry.

Fuyuki: it's ok we're alive, but where's rei?

Mokichi: I'm not sure I'll go look for him now.

Fuyuki: I really hope he is ok. -said fuyuki with tears

Fuyuki could only hope and pray, since she was a powerless individual the thought of her son dying would probably haunt her for life specially that moment when he didn't try harder to stop her son for facing off against an adult tiger as a four-year-old child. Mokichi look around for rei finding him hidden from plain sight just underneath the body of the dead female tiger he hurriedly checks for rei's pulse and found out he was ok.

Mokichi then pulled the dead tiger's body on top of rei's and seeing that it was pierced through its thoat he realizes how daring his son was at that moment. Mokichi applied first aid treatment seeing that his son has claw marks across his chest he felt guilty that he wasn't there when his family needed him most.

Rei woke up in Hidden leaf's hospital feeling beaten and battered.

Rei: Mom, where are we?

Fuyuki: Hidden leaf's hospital.

Rei: Did the tiger die?

Fuyuki: You stabbed through its throat, of course it's dead.

Fuyuki: You stabbed through its throat, of course it's dead. Promise me rei if you're going to become a shinobi in the future you should only gradute the academy to become a genin if you are strong enough I don't want you to get home this hurt. So, train really hard I don't want to see you in this state.

Rei: I promise, I'll only graduate apply to graduate if I become strong enough to defend myself!

Rei was glad he didn't die just at the hands of a tiger he promised himself to train much harder if a mere tiger could already do this much what can those S-class shinobis he'll possibly encounter in the future, he's seen the what his father can do at an elite jonin level it wasn't flashy but he's sure he could have done more.

A week pass by and rei is now doing some light training in their backyard since the doctors at the hidden leaf surpassed even the best doctors of his past life. Mokichi's and rei's light sparring become an interesting event for mokichi since his son uses "body flicker" instantly that used to be only activated in a sec, which is a huge difference considering that shinobis fight usually relies on high mobility rei's "body flicker" might not that be fast at the moment but he is only four-years-old and hasn't entered the academy yet by the time he matures he'll definitely reach jonin level of speed and the possibility of being faster actually exist.

Mokichi: Interesting, since when can you use "body flicker" instantly rei?

Rei: When I killed the tiger dad... When I was about to be mauled I countered attack stabbing its throat.

Mokichi: you're not fast enough to do that.

Rei: I wasn't really dad... I risked everything at that moment forcing myself to use "body flicker" instantly to land a counter blow.

Mokichi: it's a good thing it worked but not all the time bets like that works in your favor so we better train as hard as we could.

Rei: Yes dad.

Mokichi: well since you can do "body flicker" instantly you could probably use "body replacement technique" instantly since it was derived from previous one.

Rei: I'll try.

Rei was able to do the technique instantly as well proving his father's statement.

Mokichi: good, sparring with you would now be little more interesting continue to train your techniques you should be able to perform them instantly.

Another week has gone by and the time to visit the miyano family has finaly arrived.