Guest Teacher

The weekend pass by like it was nothing although it was a bit of a boorish weekend for rei since he only stayed home and talked with his father that cleared up his doubts and gave him a direction to follow besides blindly training on his basic foundation as a ninja. At the academy everyone is still the same some eager to prove themselves, some to hang out with friends, some just can't wait for the day to end. On the other hand, Rei is quite excited for today since there will be a guest teacher he has no idea who the guest ninja would be but it is usually those with some kind of reputation or an expert in a given field. In rei's opinion it would be for the best if it was someone like might guy or hatake kakashi since they were probably the two strongest jonin of the village and the paths they took are quite possible for rei to follow except probably getting a sharingan implanted on his left eye or achieving eight gates in a short time.

Iruka: ok everyone let's wait a little for our guest teacher to come since he is quite busy.

everyone agreed and waited for a bit... before a man with a robust build and a shaggy brown hair wearing a standard hidden leaf's ninja outfit with a flak jacket with a utility sash that looks to be holding a lot of scrolls walked in in their class appearing to be quite jovial and laid-back. Rei was sure that he'd seen this man before but he just can't remember where since he probably only showed himself briefly in the original series, possibly in a filler episode or this guy was in some naruto movie that was on his list to watch. Rei suddenly lost his interest since he didn't really know the ninja who just came to be a guest teacher.

Robust man: Hello everyone, I'm going to be your guest teacher for the day. My name is Kanden Tekuno... Kanden as my last name and tekuno is my first name you can all just call me Teacher Tekuno let's all have fun and learn something new today.

Rei wasn't really into the class since the topic might just be something he already learned at home from the countless time his father taught him crazy things or thrown him into the wilds with his best friend. Until Teacher Tekuno mentioned that he was an armament and traps specialist with kenjutsu as his means of fighting in close combat. Tekuno explained the importance of weaponry to the young aspiring ninjas in the class he explains that weapons like swords, kunai, shurikens of any form are just the basic weaponry of a ninja there are those ninja who make up for their lack of chakra to continuously use ninjutsu with armaments like artillery and explosives like he did some other uses specialize weapon like multiple jointed swords or weapons that releases multiple shurikens and senbons some take it even further with explosives attached to their weapons.

Tekuno then further explain that weapons are not limited to this some uses poisons and puppets like the sunagakure ninjas who pose to much trouble on the field. Even one of the most talked ninja deemed as one of the strongest legendary ninja to exist Hanzo was not an exception since he used poison and explossive tags in advance levels to kill his enemies.

Rei already heard about hanzo since he was a huge fan of the sannins, hanzo was the one who bestowed the three students of hiruzen the said title. The three young ninjas back then gain the title when they fought hanzo and barely survive since hanzo was kind of a weird person he rewarded the three of the title of sannin to address themselves with pride and further told them that they were the most outstanding among their generation. Rei was reminded how strong hanzo was in his prime, with this information he was given a rough idea of how he would overcome his lack of chakra and still be able to use destructive attacks since there will be a point where he would be left with no choice but to fight power with power he has to learn something to ensure his survival if that ever happens. After tekuno's talk about the importance of different kind of weapons he then decided to explain the importance of traps and their uses in defense.

Tekuno then wanted to show a demonstration since some of the students were doubtful of their uses so along with the other teachers they brought along the kids to a training field. Upon arriving and putting some distance to the students tekuno took out scrolls and released the objects sealed inside. What appeared are number of customize weapons like a sort of a Gatling gun contraption with arrows and shurikens serving as its bullets, tekuno showed its power by firing on a distant tree covering it up with arrows like pin cusion. Rei thought of it like a medieval kind of machine gun but with explosive tags attached on it would surely kill whoever's hit aside from that the range and accuracy are just way over the top for a handheld weapon. Things just got more ridiculous as tekuno showed weapons after another, he even took out a a flail like weapon that explodes upon impact then afterwards his long-range weapon that looks like a ballista.

After class rei wanted to approach tekuno to learn how to make explosive tags since he has been wondering about it for a long time and there were times that he wishes he had explosives since it would have made his fights easier and he wouldn't have come close to breathing his last.

Rei: teacher tekuno can we learn how to make explosive tags?

Tekuno: I'm not sure if I could teach you that though... but sure if they allow me to.

Iruka: I'm sorry teacher tekuno but they are only kids it would be troublesome if they learn explosives this early since some are still doing pranks.

iruka looks at naruto like he knew naruto would use the explosives somehow to pull off much crazier pranks... naruto just sweated thinking that how come teacher iruka is thinking of me pulling pranks with explosives.

Iruka: it would become a special class for everyone that's qualified to take it but no worries for the students who are not able to since it'll be taught in the future as well.

Rei was quite disappointed that he won't learn it first-hand from tekuno since the person was clearly making a living out of explosives. Tekuno probably has some special ways on making it and with experience that's more valuable since he looked to have made tons of explosive tags his teachings would prove to be more effective than the teachers inside the academy.

A day later mizuki ask the student follow him and lead them over a cliff nearby the academy. Clueless at what's going to happen rei lazily followed his fellow students still thinking about weaponries and such that could save his life in the future and came to a conclusion that such things could only help him when he has made enough preparation but like what happened when he was thrown off by his father on unknown grounds his own ability is what helped him survive.

Simply put rei would never allow his skills not to develop fully because of weaponry and explosives but having a few to save his behind on crucial time is always welcome. Below the cliff mizuki was in front of the students talking about his experiences that solidified his mental fortitude as a ninja which was quite funny to rei since rei knew he'll betray the hidden leaf and ally with orochimaru.

Mizuki: ok guys we'll train our body today through cliff climbing not only it will strengthen our bodies it would also train our discipline.

Naruto: I'll definitely reach the top first you better believe it!

Mizuki: calm down naruto nobody's competing with you alright, let's group ourselves up and climb the cliff.

One thing Rei was wondering now is what would happen to naruto since he turned into a training freak like rock lee was in the original series. Sure, naruto wasn't training every single second of the day but when there was time to train his body he does it like crazy since he learned from rei's taijutsu training on how to strengthen his body effectively and with his ridiculous amount of stamina and life force you'd wonder that naruto might just reach extreme strength and speed. Rei won't be surprise if naruto started asking him about training weights at some point in their academy life.

Moving on Rei wanted to start climbing the cliff since it has been a long time he remembered in his past life how he loved mountain climbing and cliff climbing but why is it that sasuke was giving him a mean look he doesn't really remember doing anything bad towards him.

Sasuke: Want to race up?

Rei: Are you talking to me? -rei replied bewildered.

Sasuke: who do you think that loser naruto, he won't even catch up to me.

Naruto: Like hell I won't, watch me leave you in the dust!

The two argued then quickly race towards the cliff eager to see who's going to reach the top first. Rei on the other hand was just dumbfounded he just got left out like that but that was ok since naruto is taking on almost every challenge of sasuke for him leaving him in peace in addition to that the "rivalry" relationship the two supposed to have is happening. Rei is a little bewildered since naruto was supposed to be the one asking sasuke for challenge every time now they have a weird three-way relationship which sasuke thinks of him as a rival he is eager to beat to prove himself number one in their class and naruto looking to win against sasuke at any given time.

Rei on the other hand just wants to improve since he knows how strong the two would become in the future he fears the day when he is challenged by a sasuke with a rinnegan and an eternal mangekyo sharingan that would be really horrible. After the cliff climbing rei realize that it wasn't easy as it was in his previous life since this time no safety gears and such are available and climbing tools are technically not developed you are climbing a stiff cliff with just your bare hands but it wasn't so bad since he had experience.

After class rei decided to walk around the academy since the place also serves as the jonin standby quarters and the mission desk for now he hopes to bump into some strong ninja maybe he could be acquainted with because it doesn't hurt to have more friends. Rei's aimless casual walk lead him to the training hall what he thought a fruitless afternoon turn out to be a time to meet one of his favorite character rock lee whose power was produced by hard work though you can also call him a genius since he opened four gates at the age of thirteen which kakashi was impress by but the sheer amount of hard work he had to go through to reach that level was immense.

Lee didn't look like the first time he appeared in the series at all who looks to be might guy's copy from head to toe in fact before becoming might guy's disciple he wore a white shirt with black trimmings, black pants, blue sandals, and he wasn't wearing that bowl cut hairstyle instead he had his hair parting in the middle rei was able to recognize lee because of his bushy brows and those large eyes nobody could have those brows except from him and might guy.

Rei decided to watch lee's practice for the time being he wants to know what kind of training lee goes through to reach the level he had when he fought gaara. Even if lee's power spike came from might guy's training he wouldn't be able to go through that if he didn't have the required foundation. What Rei didn't realize is that looking at a ninja's training could be considered spying when rock lee found him to be watching he didn't bother at first because the person might just be passing by but when he realize that rei was watching him for quite some time he delivered a flying kick towards rei.