Term end Part 1

Rei has been preparing himself for the term end exams which he puts on more importance rather than what everyone's looking forward to the spar which will determine the strongest in their class. Preparing for exams made Rei think about his previous life he remembered what he was doing back then in his college days where studying hard comes first then after all the suffering he and his friends would go out drinking till they drop now as a young child he'll probably train till he drops.

On the other hand, Naruto felt like the time was slowing down exponentially whenever he tries to study since he's not what would you really call a smart student but a good one still. When Naruto finally had enough studying alone he rushes towards Rei's household to ask for help since he basically didn't understand anything and was sleeping most of the time in school.

Seiho had more patience with his studies although he's not as smart as rei he could make do somehow but left with no one to teach him at home since both Parents are ninjas and siblings who has their own troubles he packed his stuff and went to the Miyazato Household as well. In front of the Miyazato Household Naruto and Seiho were surprised to meet each other.

Naruto: yo, Seiho hehehe you gave up studying on your own? -Naruto asked in a mischievous way.

Seiho: Hahaha yeah, I still think I'm doing better than you though since you're one of the guys who always sleeps in class.

Naruto: eehhh... errrhhmm Shikamaru sleeps but does fine why do you think I'm not studying well.

Seiho: Come on Naruto we're friends do you think I don't know you... you must've been feeling like Teacher Iruka was somehow nagging at you while studying all those things without understanding them.

Naruto looked so uncomfortable that Seiho knew that what he said hit the bullseye.

Naruto: eerrhhhmmm... Let's go ask Rei for help! -Naruto said with a laugh.

The two rushes inside the Miyazato household since they were regular guest they were let inside without any question. While looking for Rei the two stumbled upon Shizuku who's playing with the tiger cubs. Naruto and Seiho were alarmed since tigers even to ninjas are dangerous and seeing the little sister of their friend playing with it horrified them, what if something bad happens.

Naruto: are those tigers? -Naruto asked not believing what he saw.

Seiho: I think so... why is she playing with them isn't that dangerous.

While they were contemplating and trying to understand what's happening Shizuku saw them and ran towards them in a skipping manner while the two cubs accompanied her. They were technically cubs since they are only more than a year old but they sure are huge.

Shizuku: Attack them! -shouted with a crispy voice of child while laughing

Naruto and Seiho were horrified when they heard Shizuku's commands towards the two tigers even if Seiho can use ninjutsu tigers are still tigers besides the two were so fast it caught him off guard. The two tigers pounce toward them, horrified by the sight Naruto and Seiho tried to run but was caught in the end. What they thought was their end turn out to be comedic scene since the two tigers just lick them once they were down.

Shizuku: That was really funny big brothers you looked so scared! -laughing

Rei turns up sneakily without anyone noticing and suddenly said.

Rei: Didn't know you guys were afraid of tigers hahaha.

Seiho: why do you have tigers at home, I've been coming here a lot and I haven't seen them.

Naruto: Yeah, Rei!

Rei: We had them since before I went to school... father's been training them as well. They are also quite attached to shizuku.

Shizuku: Come on Fujin and Raijin let's play some more!

Shizuku called the two tigers and departed.

Seiho: you guys name the tigers with wind god and lightning god?

Rei: Yeah, dad named them, I think that's quite weird but Shizuku likes it.

The three friends move into the living room. Rei was quite puzzled why the two brought a huge bag so he asked them about it which in turn Naruto answered that Rei might need his help on studying so he brought a lot of things resulting into a huge laughter between Seiho and Rei. Afterwards the three studied in preparation for the term end exams, well it was more like two and Rei being the Tutor.

Time flew by and the day of the exam came, Rei looks to be extremely calm since he already studied the best he could while still maintaining his training, He was only able to do this because of his shadow clone without it he'll be hard pressed for time as well. Rei's two close friends on the other hand doesn't look so good still cramming the things they could just before the exams and Naruto just looked like he had a bad breakfast and an upset stomach. Well Rei did every possible means to teach his two friends the two now could only pray.

Rei breeze through the exams since he was confident alongside him who pass their papers early were Shikamaru and Sakura. Sasuke wasn't titled as the number one rookie in the original series for no reason at all since he also excels in in brainy things unlike a certain MC we all know as Naruto. Majority of the ladies in the class pass their papers early aside from hinata who sat nearby Naruto she was trying hard for Naruto to get a look on her paper.

Seeing that Rei remembered that Hinata was already having those feelings this early for Naruto since this blonde squirt friend of his helped Hinata against bullies on her first day though Naruto got beaten up in the end that was still worth it since he unknowingly gains the affection of his future wife.

Meanwhile Seiho could be counted as good crop in their class since along with his Ninja skills he can score in his exams enough not to drag down his general average.

On the other hand, Naruto was just having the worst day of his year since paper exams are not really his thing, which sort of made Rei laugh since even with all his efforts he thinks that Naruto wouldn't be able to shake off the dead last title in their batch he just hopes that teaching him taijutsu would somehow speed up his power spike in the future so he could better deal with those scary villains.

Sure, he would pitch in to contribute for the safety of the hidden leaf and everyone he loves but if the chances of winning are low to bet on his life it is not worth it, he'll definitely not risk it and for those things not to happen he could only train till he reaches a power where he can defend himself no matter who the opponent is.

Meanwhile inside the academy where the three kids usually have their meals.

Naruto: Why do we need to learn all that to become a ninja... answering those questions are just...

Rei: Difficult?

Naruto: yeah...

Seiho: that's ok Naruto, I had a hard time as well.

Thinking about Naruto's future as a Hokage Rei wonders how Naruto finish up all the paper works in his desk given the fact that Naruto was not really the smart type of person and he develop the hidden leaf astonishingly compared to the previous Hokages.

Sure, Naruto has Shikamaru as his advisor and multiple shadow clone working on things but why did the guy still have no time for his family maybe the reason why is because of his lack of skills in management. Rei doesn't want to change Naruto's character at all since he is fine the way he is but when he remembered how he was so successful as a hero, Hokage, and role model for everyone is actually failing his role as a father since all his time was consumed in his work as a Hokage.

Rei decided to somehow help Naruto maybe including some studying session in their training would help even if a little. Besides Rei has to prepare for the future since things just doesn't end with the fourth great ninja war, now he is kind of frustrated on why the author has to make things so complicated.

Rei: then I think we should add study sessions in our training time?

Naruto: what?! I could still become the strongest and the Hokage even without that right...

Rei: I know you can, but you should become the best Hokage as well with brains and brawn! that way everyone will Idolize you! think about it what if you're as smart as Shikamaru then as strong as the first Hokage wouldn't that be awesome?!

Naruto was very simple in his youth when he heard that everyone would Idolize him he suddenly felt so motivated.

Naruto: Ok, I'll do it! I'll become the best Hokage you better believe it!

Seiho: hahaha... why do I feel like Naruto just signed himself a membership for unlimited training in hell.

Rei's goal was never to become the Hokage to begin with since he knows what sort of responsibilities it comes with, so he'll be glad to push Naruto towards that goal without a problem. Besides why the hell would you compete with someone who has almost unlimited chakra that's just stupid, Rei just wants to live his life peacefully. though he swore that he'll try harder this life he is not trying harder to compete with other people but with himself improving himself on a daily basis and that's his Ninja way. After their short break the students were gathered in the training hall.

Iruka: I'm pretty sure everyone's looking forward for today's event.

everyone nods.

Iruka: Then let's start!

The event was separated between the biological genders since the boys were naturally stronger base on genetics itself since male's body are stronger normally. but this wasn't made to discourage or be sexist towards the fairer gender instead it was to motivate the female that they can be as strong as their male counterparts surpassing them is possible as well. In fact, the teachers even made an example that one of the legendary sannin who boast of physical strength so strong capable of crushing rocks and destroying terrain was a female. This set up was only for now since they were all still young and hasn't train that long yet.

The Competition between the students was going smoothly and nothing out of the ordinary is happening yet. Eight people from the rookie nine was doing great winning battles against their classmate smoothly even Sakura who had the worst taijutsu among the nine won her fight cleanly.

Every teacher's bet was on the people from great ninja clans on taking the top spot some were even telling that the kid from the Uchiha clan would win it all. Until Seiho's turn came up, Mizuki called Seiho to have his turn for the competition and another student which rei didn't really recognize.

Once the fight started Seiho dash towards his opponent right away going for a left kick towards the torso but the student knew right away what Seiho was planning and stood his ground to catch seiho's kick and grab towards it. But when Seiho saw his opponent's tactic the supposed to be middle kick turned into a switch kick the middle kick becoming a feint and a solid right high kick hitting his opponent's temple knocking him out without even showing what he is made of.

The teachers were surprise even though they knew that Seiho was somehow capable they didn't expect him to end the fight that fast. walking back towards Rei, Seiho had a huge grin on his face.

Rei: You shouldn't show off too much Seiho.

Seiho: I know rei, I didn't intend to... I sort of just move reflexively.

The unfortunate student was quickly sent to the clinic so that the nurses could properly check him, meanwhile even Sasuke was taken a back with Seiho's fast reflexes and thought that he wouldn't be able to deal with the situation unless he uses the body replacement technique.

The teachers made a few mumbling sounds that's inaudible for Rei and the others. Iruka then ask to continue the competition and called for Naruto to step in and another student. Everyone was expecting Naruto to lose since all he had was that unlimited stamina with no technique or what so ever but Rei and Seiho grinned and told the other students to watch the fight.

Naruto still have his old habits but he now knows how to deal with attacks against him since he has been sparring with Rei and Seiho almost every day since the term started. Once Iruka signaled for the start of their spar Naruto threw a barrage of shurikens right away forcing his opponent to use body replacement technique to dodge.

Naruto didn't stop from just a range move he followed up with his reckless charging and slashed downwards with his kunai, the student didn't let himself be beaten easily though since he was able to deflect Naruto's attacks. They exchange blows for quite some time without rest, Naruto's opponent was looking for a way to counter attack but is always stopped whenever the opportunity presents itself now exhausted and Naruto still full of energy he decided to risk it and end the fight. But Naruto already knows what his opponent was planning so he retreated and wait for his opponent to exhaust himself till the last drop of stamina and struck him out cold with an uppercut.

The teachers were flabbergasted with Naruto's improvement since at the start of the term he was just that wild kid with no form and didn't even know how to defend himself now turned into this.

Naruto: told you I'll be Hokage!

Rei: Hahaha... keep up the good work.