Term end part 3

The final four of the male group are now getting cheers from the crowd for their extraordinary display of skills and those who displayed ninjutsu well beyond their age gained the admiration of the female students. Some crazy female and male students are shouting hysterically like a crazy fan in the modern earth who saw an athlete or an artist they admire.

Since the four fighters are already quite spent from the series of fights they went through the teachers decided to give them a small break to recover their chakra and stamina which in turn the others took gladly. Meanwhile Rei and Seiho didn't really mind if they have a break or not so they decided to visit Naruto on the infirmary first since their best friend just got barbecued they might as well visit and tease him about it right. When Seiho thought about Naruto's possible reaction he rushed towards the cafeteria to grab a bottled sauce.

Seiho and Rei walk inside the infirmary with a huge grin in their faces.

Seiho: I heard there was a huge boar who stupidly rushed towards a ball of fire and barbecued himself in the process.

Naruto: I'm not a boar, and I'm not stupid either! -Naruto shouted alarming the other patients inside the infirmary.

Nurse: Keep it down... you are still injured Naruto, besides some people are having their rest.

Naruto: Sorry... it won't happen again.

Seiho and Rei moved closer to Naruto and started talking and explain how the competition has been going but were keeping it down since they didn't want to get scolded by the nurse again.

Naruto: Is the competition done?

Rei: Nope, we're just a having a small break.

Seiho: Seriously though you should learn body replacement technique.

Naruto: I'll learn even better techniques, Believe it!

Rei: But it really smells like there's a barbecue here Seiho... it's making me hungry did you bring the sauce?

Seiho took out the barbecue sauce now looking like a hungry wolf with a droll on his face.

Seiho: Yeah, let's dig in!

Naruto Nooo!!! Big sister Nurse help me!!!

Seiho and Rei were kicked out from the infirmary because of the commotion they caused but they both said it was totally worth it, having seen Naruto running around and trying to get away from them gave them a good laugh.

Rei thought that Naruto's wounds would probably worsen but remembering the Uzumaki blood which makes them like a mutant with regeneration powers, he knew that in a day or two Naruto would probably be good as new.

After getting a snack from the cafeteria Rei and Seiho went back to the training hall as fast as they could since they didn't want to get disqualified, making a waste of all their efforts.

Iruka: Where did the two of you go to?

Seiho: eeerrhhhmmm, are we disqualified now teacher Iruka?

Iruka: I would, if I could make the final decision but the teachers decided to give the two of you some time.

Rei: Sorry about that teacher.

Iruka is a strict teacher towards his students since he likes to prepare them for their future and having a good discipline would help them not just in their everyday life but as a ninja as well.

Rei's finally looking forward for the competition to end since he was thinking that this is taking so long he could've team up with Seiho and win against everyone, having a strategy of Seiho as the big gun while he takes out lurkers or "disrupters".

Iruka called Seiho to come up on stage along with Kiba, Rei thought for sure it's going to be him or Sasuke since Seiho already showed his prowess in ninjutsu having Kiba fight against him is just a mismatch even with his speed. But the teachers didn't know about Seiho's earth release that could restrict Kiba's movements so they match him up against Seiho who only used his fire release once.

Seiho: I got to admit your taijutsu is quite something else...

Kiba: As if you could really understand our fighting style.

Seiho: Why are you being like that when your getting praised? -puzzled with Kiba's reaction.

Kiba: A genius like you wouldn't understand us, Akamaru and I will show you!

Seiho: Eh, is a dog allowed here teacher?

Kiba: How dare you call my partner a dog, he is my friend!

Teacher: It is considered a tool like kunai and shuriken don't worry about it.

Rei saw how Kiba behaved and that's just the typical Kiba having a short temper. Suddenly Kiba started using "Ninja Art of Beast Mimicry: All-Fours Jutsu" to battle on all fours like an animal and gain that feral instincts he further complimented it with "Beast Human Clone" transforming Akamaru his ninken into an identical copy of him.

It would be pretty amazing if Kiba suddenly spins with akamaru for their cooperation taijutsu technique fang over fang at this point but well it didn't happen Kiba and his clone rushed towards Seiho with their animalistic like agility and speed. Seiho remembered the time when he and Rei were stuck in the jungle which resulted to his killing intent suddenly surging out, alarming the teachers and wondered why such a young student would have that kind of killing intent.

Seiho's killing intent pushed him into pulling out all the stops since his hate for wolves who almost killed him that time still lingers in his subconscious mind and seeing his opponent resembling them triggered his blood-lust. Seiho suddenly used "Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm" resulting into the earth opening up about to swallow Kiba and Akamaru.

With Kiba's and Akamaru's animal like instincts and senses they felt the movement of the ground before it even opens up and jumped out of the way which leave the both of them expose mid-air. Seiho saw this as a chance throwing a number of shurikens predicting where the two would dodge combined with the "Clone technique" creating an illusion that he unleashed a huge number of shurikens now on its way threatening to hit his opponents.

With Kiba's and Akamaru's mutual understanding of each other they use each other's feet to push themselves out of the way but what they didn't realize was that it was all illusionary shurikens from the clone technique they got away from once they landed Seiho's prediction of where they'll dodge to was dead on.

Surprised by the shurikens Kiba tried to deflect it using his claws but was still hit on his shoulders lucky for him he wore a mesh guard so it only gave him a flesh wound. Akamaru was not so lucky though with the "beast man clone" canceled showing his true form he was injured by shurikens with a few stuck on his body.

Seeing what happen to his partner Kiba was full of rage and decided to get back at Seiho with "Passing Fang" which he hasn't perfected yet but fueled by his rage the technique was executed perfectly spinning in mid-air and was about to deliver multiple beast like attacks.

Seiho used "body replacement technique" easily avoiding the attack but the sheer power of Kiba's move was clearly shown since the small wooden log that replaced Seiho was torn to shreds. Seiho didn't stop and use "body flicker" to instantly closed in on Kiba so that he couldn't use such a dangerous technique and gave him a trashing using his taijutsu once he was kicked up in the air Seiho choose to end it with "Fire Release: Flame Bullet" with his full power.

The technique was strong enough to kill someone if hit when defenseless but the teachers already had their guard up when they sensed his killing intent so they quickly reacted towards the upcoming "incident" and prevented it with their water release and almost hitting Seiho in the process.

Iruka: Seiho! why do you have such a killing intent towards your classmate?!

Surprised by the sudden turn of events Seiho woke up from the state he was in where his mind was reacting base on instincts to eliminate the danger before him, which was Rei and Seiho's state when they were stranded in the jungle.

Seiho: I got nothing to say Teacher Iruka... I just sort of blanked out and did what I had to do.

Iruka: You should ask your guardian to come to the academy after this competition we can't let you having such a killing intent against a student Seiho, specially that you have the ability to kill with your Ninjutsu.

Kiba and Akamaru where brought to the Infirmary, this kind of event was such a bad day for the people who works there taking care of the injured. But such things are necessary since they'll even face something much worse when they all become a ninja. Walking back from the fighting area Seiho looked at Rei troubled by what just happened.

Rei: You remembered that time when we were in the jungle?

Seiho: Yeah, I thought he was going to kill me like those wolves... Since they resemble each other with their movements I sort of blanked out and went for the kill. I'm just happy that the teachers were able to stop me or else something bad might've happen to Kiba... I'd feel guilty he is such a good friend of Naruto as well and they hang out a lot at times when he doesn't train with us.

Rei: Don't worry you can just apologize to him after the competition... Tell him the truth so that he wouldn't hold a grudge against you.

Seiho: Are you sure Rei?

Rei: Yeah, if it doesn't work at least you tried right, just blame my father and your parents if worse comes to worst from throwing us in that jungle. Hahaha!

Seiho: but would that really work?

Rei: Just tell them they went crazy and gave us some trauma who knows... Kiba might've experience the same thing with his parents as well.

Seiho: I hope so...

Rei: Just get him something right after... to apologize, besides it was a fight without holding anything back is what they said right if we fight later you can't hold back on me anyway...

Seiho was upset at what just happened, he could've prevented that outcome if he didn't blank out when he gets home later he decided to ask his father to come to school and explain about what happened to him. But when he heard Rei's sort of explanation he kind of feel assured that somehow everything would be ok.

Now that the match between Kiba and Seiho ended, Rei slowly walked up the stage since he knows he'll be the next one to fight. Sasuke followed and took his spot as well waiting for the teachers to come back and signal the start of their fight.

Sasuke: I've been waiting for this.

Rei: Can't say I wasn't.

Sasuke: You better prepare yourself, I'm not someone weak.

Rei: Hahaha... how could an Uchiha be weak. -Rei said without thinking since for him Uchiha were like born warriors that just makes life unfair.

Sasuke: tsk, I'll show you the strength of an Uchiha.

Sasuke was quite upset with Rei's laid-back attitude because it seems like Rei wasn't taking him seriously. On the other hand, Rei was just calm and laid-back since over stressing himself over the waiting time is stupid for him besides that Rei's thinking that his master's laid-back attitude is sticking into him paired with his calm and collected self resulting into him looking like belittling his opponents.

The teachers are finally back since the only remaining didn't dare to facilitate the fight on his own due to unforeseen incident like what just happen he waited for Iruka and Mizuki to come back.

Iruka: You guys should be ready now right?

The two fighters' nods to confirm at Iruka's question, since Iruka saw that the two were ready and eager to fight he signaled for that start of their fight after seeing their confirmation. Sasuke was calm and collected throughout his fights but now his eager to take the advantage since he has a rough idea of how strong his opponent is, so he quickly unleashes a barrage of shuriken Uchiha style.

The shurikens that's coming towards Rei were coming from weird angles which make them hard to dodge so he couldn't just weave through them like he did with the other contestant, Rei countered with his own barrage of shurikens since he didn't want to blindly dodge and be expose to chain attacks like what Sasuke has been doing from his previous fights.

The shurikens Collided with each other but some of Rei's thrown projectiles hit nothing but air, clearly the Uchiha's way of throwing techniques far surpasses his own and combined with a talented ninja using it he is now in danger of getting hit from steep angles.

Rei took out his kunai and quickly transformed it with "transformation technique" into a long kunai which is the size of sword to knock off the shurikens and used its body to defend himself. Sasuke didn't let his attack be stopped that easily using a wire string attached to two of his shurikens he manipulated the trajectory of two of his shurikens thrown at Rei and tried to perform 'Manipulated Shuriken Technique".

Rei saw the shurikens alter their paths mid-way and dodge his deflection right then he knew what kind of technique Sasuke was doing since he mastered the technique himself so he listens to the wind and waited for the shurikens to comeback then used the body of his long kunai to block the shurikens.

The students were surprised by the level the two were fighting one was using an advance shurikenjustu while the other used the transformation technique to his advantage and looked like he had eyes on the back of his head to block the returning shurikens. Seeing that no more range attack was coming after him he cancelled the transformation technique and hid his kunai on his sleeves.

Sasuke: Just as I thought you're better than most of the students, but I think I'll still defeat you.

Rei: I wonder where that confidence is coming from... You haven't even saw the extent of my abilities yet.

Sasuke: That's because you haven't seen mine either!

Rei wondered why these people likes to have the last word is that a rule to come on top of a fight, he didn't want to linger on talking instead of fighting so he didn't bother to reply. Rei dashed towards Sasuke looking for a close combat since he didn't like to reveal all his cards when using ranged attacks against him.

Sasuke's well verse in range attacks, ninjutsu, and close combat but Rei's display of taijutsu from his earlier fights made him wary of fighting him at close range so he used the clone technique to somehow confuse Rei and rushed towards him as well.

Rei didn't bother with the clones since with his accomplishment in genjutsu those were just a child's play, so he identified real one easily then leaped forward and followed it up with a middle kick.

Sasuke was surprised that Rei could tell the real him right away he blocked his attack with all his might and decided to cancel the clone technique since it was useless against his opponent then fought in close quarters without giving Rei the advantage.

Surprised by Sasuke's accomplishment in taijutsu, Rei decided to get serious and use his strong fist style to overwhelm him. Rei increased his speed and used his strong fist style and unleash a series of combination of kicks which scored him a few solid hits knocking Sasuke back.

Pissed by the sudden increase of ability of his opponent Sasuke decided to get even with him in taijutsu to try and earn his pride back they exchange blow for blows but when Sasuke was clearly at disadvantage he decided to make use of his taijutsu technique "Surging Fire Wild Dance" which he modified this time to start with a low right kick followed by a punch to the head and ending it with a left middle kick.

Rei hasn't stop practicing all the three-basic discipline of ninjas which are taijutsu, ninjutsu, and genjutsu and with his recent accomplishment he decided to try out that move where the Clone technique can become an after image or a feint to confuse his opponent without the release of smokes when using the clone technique.

Rei blocked Sasuke's low kick then move towards Sasuke's left side while leaving an illusionary body with the use of his genjutsu making Sasuke send a punch towards the illusion's head leaving him open for an attack so Rei exploited that and sent a middle kick towards his body.

Sasuke was confuse on why he suddenly missed his mark and got attacked out of nowhere was Rei's current speed fast enough to leave an after image like the best friend of his brother Shisui.

Sasuke couldn't believe that so he took out a shuriken and transform it using "transformation technique" into a large size shuriken and throw it towards Rei. Rei was surprised by Sasuke's counterattack even though it was a small shuriken at first transforming it into that size can now be considered as fuma shuriken which is banned at the academy so he looked at the instructor but they were just focus on the fight so he took out his kunai to transformed it with "transformation technique" as well and change it into a huge hammer to deflect the shuriken.

Sasuke saw what Rei did and thought he'll be burdened with his large weaponry which would reduce his speed to dodge so he unleashed a barrage of shuriken hoping for lucky hit. When Rei heard the whistling of the air he knew right then that this young Uchiha opponent of his threw another barrage of shuriken, so he thought to himself doesn't he run out of those.

Rei quickly use "Body replacement technique" and dodge right above of the shurikens target now midair he decided to drop the hammer and unleash a barrage of shuriken of his own. Sasuke formed hand seals to counterattack and hopefully hit Rei dead on since he is expose midair so he used half of his remaining chakra to use "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique" blowing away the shurikens Rei threw.

At this point the teachers had their guard up ready to save Rei since they didn't want another accident to occur but they were surprised when Rei formed hand seals of his own midair then used "water release: raging waves" the two ninjutsu collide against each other and cancelling each other out. Pissed with the result Rei thought that he should've put more chakra so that there'll be excess water lying around so he could use his "water clone technique" since he can't use his usual combo, Rei decided to finally end the fight and used "Leaf-Style Willow" showing a number of hands holding a kunai try to slash towards him to confuse Sasuke. Rei followed it up with "Leaf Whirlwind" hitting Sasuke with a spinning-roundhouse kick knocking him flying backward and landed half kneeling to the ground.

Sasuke: It's not over yet.

Rei: Come on you look like you're about to faint.

Sasuke: Never!

Rei didn't want to waste more time so he used another genjutsu "Demonic illusion: death mirage jutsu" showing him an image of his death. Rei thought about showing him the death of his clan but was afraid of things back firing so he didn't dare too, besides who knows what'll happen since the Uchiha clan is basically a hot potato right now if he showed something like that they just might do something nasty towards him. Rei walked towards Sasuke and pointed a kunai against him then dispelled his genjutsu.

Rei: It's quite Ironic for an Uchiha to lose because of genjutsu.

Sasuke: tsk... next time I'll be the winner.

Rei: I know in the future I'll probably be no match against you, so give me a break that time ok.

Sasuke: Stop being cocky.

Iruka declared Rei as the winner of their fight which now leaves Seiho and Rei for the final to determine who the strongest is among their class. Meanwhile the female students were disappointed by Sasuke's defeat.