
Rei's morning still consisted of his usual training but this time he has been training in three times of his body weight with the help of the bracer given to him by his master which is quite the burden if you look at it normally, his goal is to be able to move like normal at this weight then increase it slowly.

Aside from his physical training he decided to work on his chakra control and let his shadow clone use the small pond in their training ground to practice walking in the water's surface. Given that he has chakra control given as a talent everything should go smoothly right, well everything is a lie.

Rei has been wanting to shout that for quite some time now that almost any training progress he watched in the original story are lies since everything doesn't go smoothly as they've shown, no matter Rei has no choice but to continue on training his control one day even the great Sakura Haruno or Tsunade the sannin would think that he has better chakra control.

All of you just wait and see me make crazy things with my chakra is what he wanted to shout out loud but can't since he doesn't want to be taken as a crazy child so he used the built-up frustration on training.

Right around after lunch Rei took off with the usual amount of rice balls and went towards nearby the "gravestone" of his master to train in taijutsu. Rei then wondered while training with his master if he has in-depth knowledge about chakra control since he is supposed to be a Legendary figure he has to have some knowledge right.

Rei: Master, I've been having some troubles lately.

Chen: Hmmnn, I think you should bring more rice balls then maybe my motivation to train you might just get rekindled.

Rei: Really, I'll bring more tomorrow then.

Chen looked at Rei with more interest now.

Chen: You should bring twice as much tomorrow!

Rei: You got it master!

Meanwhile in Rei's brain just how weird could the extremely strong ninjas could get... I wonder how strong master was when he was younger.

Chen: What was it you were having trouble in?

Rei: I've been training my chakra control recently but it is getting harder.

Chen: What training are you doing?

Rei: Walk on water surface.

Chen: You should start with tree climbing, seriously why are kids so impatient no matter what generation. -Chen said while he was munching on a rice ball.

Rei then climb the trees like how his master said he should train in, which lead to shocking his master and spurting out the rice balls from his mouth.

Chen: What the hell, just how many surprises are you going to give me kid... my heart's not as strong as it used to all these surprises are not good for me.

Rei: That's why I'm doing water surface training master, since I've already done tree climbing practice for chakra control and mastered it.

Chen: tsk, sometimes I don't know if you are stupid or a genius.

Rei was puzzled why his master called him that but when Chen explained why he hasn't notice how his body has been improving, his training method of constructing more of the pink muscle fiber he told him some time ago is tremendously changing his physical abilities that even now he is wondering what level his physical strength, speed, endurance could reach.

Chen is sure that given enough time this little kid in front of him would actually reach crazy level of raw strength and speed without the aid of chakra, aside from the obvious advantage Chen further told his student that he should learn some medicine so he could examine his body. At the end of Chen's speech, he gave his student a huge smack on the forehead on why he hasn't understood his difficulty in chakra control yet.

Rei: oww... why'd you smacked me master?

Chen: Don't you understand how chakra is form?

Rei: Physical and Spiritual energy combines in equal proportion to form it.

Chen: What happens if they have equal proportion but the quality is different, your body is starting to produce a higher level of physical energy than it should be.

Rei: Then they're not really equal...

Chen: That's why your chakra is quite problematic to control you should go and train your spiritual energy through meditation, study as well... you should deplete your maximum chakra as well in practicing either ninjutsu, taijutsu reinforced by chakra, or genjutsu. I'm not sure what kind of physical prowess you'll have in the future but it'll definitely make your chakra harder to control if your spiritual energy can't keep up.

Chen then further explained how this affects him. Mostly trained ninja's can do this as well but their body has already been weight training much heavier than Rei has if this continues Rei's physical energy might reach higher ranks first compared to his spiritual energy. Reaching the point that his physical energy might be comparable to an elite jonin but spiritual energy is that of a chunin's. Rei will probably become a ninja that needs to work harder than most if his spiritual energy's quality doesn't match with his physical energy but if he succeeds Rei might just become one heck of a problem to anyone.

Rei: Then I'll train both as hard as I can.

Chen: there's hope for your chakra capacity kid, with training you could increase it and once you hit the limits because of your genetics make up for it with quality. You've already solved the physical energy just continue training in it... what's left is your spiritual energy. just meditate and spin your chakra into a tight spiral.

Chen looks at the top of Rei's head.

Chen: Spin it to the left, now let's start sparring so that I could digest the rice balls and eat more later!

After training with his master Rei walked home sluggishly but full of hope, since he finally seen some light at the end of the darkest tunnel that ever existed. Rei thought that he might become a mediocre of a ninja if he wasn't able to solve his chakra capacity but now there's a little hope of increasing it through training in addition to that he likes it that he has a future towards quality of chakra after all there are a lot of times that quality beat quantity in this world, in Naruto's case though that's just an almost infinite amount chakra you shouldn't count on quality against that.

Rei thought of how much work he has to do spiritual energy training, physical body training, chakra control, ninjutsu, bukijutsu, now he even plans to learn a new element and, in the future, learn some medicine to better understand his body and develop techniques. Rei felt quite exhausted thinking about all the things he has to do and there's only little time left he'll be happy if he could actually summon more shadow clones but that will have to wait as his chakra capacity and reserves expand.

Meanwhile in the Miyano household where Seiho and his family lives, Sayoko looks at her son with worry even though he is just a reserve member and wouldn't take any mission yet the division would definitely give him special attention because his kekkai genkai is just as valuable as the first hokage's since it is also a form of combined nature transformation.

When the time Seiho reaches power that's acceptable to head out and accomplish missions he'll probably even receive much harder missions than his equals because of his kekkai genkai. Once Seiho becomes the top agent of anbu the most difficult missions that no normal shinobi could survive will probably be given to her son.

Sayoko: Are you sure about being an anbu son?

Seiho: yeap, mom! I'll become really strong so you don't have to worry.

Sayoko: That'll never happen Seiho, even if you become the Hokage I'll still worry for you as your mother. -She said while looking at her son full of concern.

Seiho feels proud the he'll become an anbu just like his father and looks forward to the kind of training he'll receive from the organization that he'll have to take seriously since he doesn't want his mother to worry.

In addition to that he learned that his best friend would be a part of it as well the only problem now is when he'll be able to graduate from the academy given that there's so much general knowledge he still has to work on, but all those pales in comparison to making new friends he hasn't become close yet to everyone in his class so anbu could sit back and wait.

Another morning came Rei woke up and dispersed his shadow clone from meditating and spinning its chakra counter-clockwise then gained all the experience, sure the building up of chakra didn't transfer but the experience is enough so that he could do it better in his own body.

The training method sure is effective since it only controls the existing chakra and not expend it but he is sure surprised that he only had to use shadow clone technique three times the whole night till morning to continue the meditation thing his master told him to do.

Rei tried to do it on his own last night as well but the numbness it gave him from sitting position was not something he could resist for the whole night since he can only last an hour. Rei swears to create a meditation technique and chakra spinning inside his body while he is sleeping.

Rei started his day with meditation till the usual time for his training arrives. While doing his meditation Rei suddenly thought of all this spinning inside his body in one tight spiral is taking so slow to build up chakra he is thinking of methods to improve it, but what he has thought of requires a control that he doesn't have right now so he decided to postponed it for now.

Once the sun starts rising Rei took on his usual training with a renewed drive since all his efforts has finally given him some hope once he reached physical exhaustion he walked it off and looked at his Shadow clone's training.

Rei realize how troublesome his chakra has become because of the imbalance, he remembered that he gained the tree climbing skill quite easily though threaten by death, but when he woke up the next day and perform it he grasped it quite easily. What he just realized now is that why did it seemed like his chakra control was regressing instead of improving and all the explanation his master given him yesterday finally made sense so he has to increase his spiritual training.

Rei finally took it upon himself to train the water surface walking method and got himself drenched in water more than it should have. Pissed at what happened he decided to exhaust his chakra reserves in ninjutsu and genjutsu and worked on water surface walking again after his breakfast.

With the help of his shadow clone the two of them working on just to walk on water he was finally able to make it once just a few minutes before their lunch starts.

Rei: Finally, you didn't really fail me, I was wrong please don't get mad and take away my talent. - Rei looks up in the sky waiting for a response.

Rei left his shadow clone and made it train water surface walking till it dispersed. the light of the sun quickly passed by and now the Miyazato household are having their dinner.

Mokichi: Son, suit up later you have to look sharp since I'll take you somewhere.

Rei: Huh?

Fuyuki: Where are you going to take him in the middle of the night?

Mokichi: Where I work.

Rei never seen where the anbu H.Q. was in this life and previous one. Even though being in the anbu would probably get him into more trouble than he wants, actually going through some secret hideout excites him. In this life or previous one no adult hasn't dreamed of being an extremely cool guy like movie stars who plays roles as a spy that saves the day.