Time flies.

Rei's little sister Shizuku has been going to the academy for one year now, though she didn't bedazzle everyone with her might like her brother she made up for it with her tigers. Imagine someone going to school with two tigers on both sides and going back home in the same manner, some teachers were even alarmed since the tigers could pretty much tear up a civilian with little effort.

Shizuku has been training with Rei for quite some time now, since her father couldn't make it as he was busy with his duty in the anbu. With Rei's training methods she has improve herself a lot, though Shizuku isn't at the top she is not that far from it either.

But what has been puzzling Rei for quite some time now is Shizuku's Affinity, since Rei tried to teach her water and lightning but the results are the same it would take Shizuku some time to master them. Puzzled by Shizuku's affinity, Rei gave up since even if he gets a chakra induction paper and learn of his sister's affinity, he has no idea how to teach her.

So, Rei decided to focus on what he can teach her instead. By the time Shizuku learn almost every trick her brother knows in applying E-rank techniques and some D-rank techniques their father Mokichi arrived.

Shizuku: Daddy! -she ran towards Mokichi while laughing and gave him a hug.

Mokichi: Did you miss me my cute little angel? -He then proceeds to carry Shizuku and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Rei: Welcome home, Dad! -he said while smiling.

The father, son, daughter trio then moved inside their house to catch up on things Mokichi missed. The family then proceeds to discuss about Shizuku's academy days, since it was her first year attending the academy.

When Mokichi heard about Rei's side of training Shizuku and not knowing her affinity, he then chided that Rei should've been more responsible and should have taken the time to take some chakra induction paper.

Rei then countered that even if he knew what affinity his sister had, he would've had no way of teaching her since the two basic nature transformation he knows is surely isn't Shizuku's affinity. Mokichi then took out a chakra induction paper and gave it to Shizuku. A few moments later they were able to find Shizuku's affinity, which was quite unexpected, since the paper was burning and turned into ash.

Mokichi: That's quite unexpected for it to fire. -looking confused.

Rei: How did that happened dad, I thought affinity is genetically pass down usually?

Mokichi: Might have come from your mother's side. -He said while looking at Fuyuki.

Fuyuki: Well even though we're a merchant family my father when he was alive dabbled in kenjutsu and learned a fire technique, so maybe she really got it from us. - said with a little sound of sadness remembering her father's moments when he was alive.

Mokichi then said that he couldn't possibly teach Shizuku fire techniques, since he isn't an expert in that area but he would try his best to get someone to teach her aside from him now taking over of her other ninja skill practices leaving Rei with more time to train on his own.

In Rei's thoughts why was it he didn't get to have the fire element as his affinity, things would have been so much easier since he could blast things apart or incinerate his opponents. But with his recent accomplishments in water release he is quite pleased with it as well, only time will tell on how far he could train it.

Maybe at some point he'll be even able to apply high pressure of water in all his techniques like those water jet cutters in his previous life capable of even cutting steel like they were nothing. A few days quickly pass by and Sayoko who is Seiho's mother came by their house looking extremely pleased when she saw Shizuku.

Mokichi: Thank you so much for having the time to come.

Sayoko: No problem, besides are family are so close we could practically consider each other as relatives -she said with a smile.

Shizuku: Do I get to learn cool ninjutsu like brother? -she said playfully like a kid.

Sayoko: Of course, but we have to train really hard. Do you want to learn as well Rei?

Rei: I can try... maybe I'll just learn how to make oil with my chakra.

Sayoko: Why is that? -asked curiously.

Rei: I think it would be hard for me learn fire techniques that doesn't require oil... -He said a little disappointed.

Sayoko: Don't worry you could just train harder than usual.

Rei decided to participate in this fire release technique lessons but what he really cares about is how to turn his chakra into oil. Since he could perform combination techniques with his sister or Seiho with it in the future.

The idea is not so original since Rei saw Jiraiya from the canon perform it a lot of times but the power it produces was quite something, even though a lot of it was a result due to his sage mode the result with using normal chakra for the combination should still show a lot of difference than usual right.

Time flew by and Rei is now considering his options learning to turn his chakra into oil prove to be troublesome, but with his chakra control he would be able to achieve it soon. Learning shape transformation to its peak is definitely one of the things he has to achieve, although he has some achievements in it with his B-rank ninjutsu "water release: water weapons".

Rei thinks that it isn't enough to become a trump card in his fights and he'll definitely has to improve his techniques through shape manipulation and transformation not to mention there's also nature change or transformation, there's only one method he knows so he could achieve shape transformation's peak quickly and that is Rasengan.

Rasengan is the only technique in the canon that has clear explanation on how to train in unlike the others who were just shown out of nowhere. Though the technique is extremely strong and is probably much stronger than chidori if we only count the damage it could cause there is no way Rei could use it as his staple technique, since issues might pop up on where he learned it.

Rei could only train in it secretly to raise his chakra control and hope he learns it before deciding to graduate from the academy, which he is pretty much skipping on for quite some time now.

Rei hopes that achieving the peak of shape transformation through ransengan helps him in improving his techniques without using much chakra. Training in the technique wasn't so easy though even with all his achievements in chakra control through medical techniques spinning your chakra in multiple direction requires a different kind of control than medical techniques. Another day nearby Chen's "gravestone" Rei spars with his master purely in taijutsu.

Chen: With your mastery in taijutsu it is only a matter of time and you'll reach high standards, but your physical abilities are lacking way behind compared to your battle techniques.

Rei: I'll increase my training then, master.

Chen: It is stupid to do that since you have ninjutsu as well and training the body needs time, but you could only show the strength of your taijutsu once your physical abilities actually reach the right standard. Although you can pretty much fight against chunins and win, there's no hope for you against a jonin right now. Since their physical abilities are way beyond what you'll expect that's ok though your body is still that of a child.

Rei: but you said my body's been improving better than everyone? -looking confused.

Chen: that's true but you still shouldn't underestimate jonins or even chunins they pretty much train their whole lives. Besides you need time to mature even if you perform the same technique they will all have a much stronger techniques in taijutsu because of their body strength. So, don't clash with them head on.

Chen tried to resolve Rei's physical abilities handicap for now with his own creation. A technique which was inspired by Tsunade's chakra enhanced strength, but this one doesn't behave like Tsunade's that explosion of power capable to kill their enemies in one punch.

Chen's technique compresses chakra in one point then bursting it to send chakra towards his muscles violently giving him a short term burst of power and speed. Though the technique is extremely crude and body taxing, since there's a risk of injuring your body with too much use it could solve Rei's handicap when fighting against adults who clearly trained much longer than him.

With all of Rei's current achievements the third Hokage has been pressuring him to graduate as well and become a part of the force. Since his current abilities are pretty much that of a chunin already, but the third Hokage clearly promised their families that he and Seiho could only enter anbu once they were chunin.

If Hiruzen wanted to, they wouldn't have a choice since he could clearly promote Rei into chunin instantly. But with the passing of time Hiruzen has gotten quite soft and much more caring for the young and letting Rei do what he wants for now. Time will come that he has to graduate and contribute to the hidden leaf, Hiruzen also made his ultimatum that Rei should become a genin at ten years of age the latest any more than that will not be acceptable and he would be directly recruited in the anbu.

Pressured by Hiruzen's ultimatum Rei didn't bother to attend the academy anymore, which even before he has pretty much abandoned aside from exams and such. Rei decided to train crazily to the point that before his two years was up his master decided to teach him his final trump card "leaf dragon god" that is famed to be one of the strongest taijutsu technique without the use of the eight gates.

But what upset him right after was his master's sudden disappearance having no way of contacting him aside from the rice balls which disappears every day. Rei gave up since Chen is clearly now avoiding contact with him, even with his current skills it would be difficult to locate such an excellent ninja like his master. What's more even if he had the training methods using leaf dragon god is impossible for him right now since his physical body has not enough strength to perform it.

Two years quickly gone by showing up in the academy every now and then is just so he looks to be a student. Rei's accomplishment in his trainings has reach levels that he could pretty much try out for special jonin class if it's just techniques but physical abilities wise he is still lacking, but that could wait until the time is right.

Now he is left with no choice but to take the exams, which was so easy for him and passing it was just like waking up in the morning. The Hokage wanted him to become anbu right away but to honor his promise to the family he decided to assign Rei in the usually formed team of four with three genins and a jonin teacher.

All this time aside from the usual training Rei has developed a few applications of his medicine skills and water release. Rei once tried to manipulate the water in his blood stream to accelerate his blood flow. The result is accelerated healing, strength increase, stamina increase, speed increase because nutrients were carried out to his muscles much faster than usual.

But it gave him a disadvantage as well he bleeds out faster when wounded, so he definitely has to avoid being stab or else it would be such a bad ending. Another is if he increases the speed of his blood flow so much there would be chance of heart failure but the advantages it gave him was much higher than usual.

The technique was a lot like opening the eight gates, he decided to work more on it so he could develop it to a much stable technique that wouldn't give him such disadvantages, after all the human body has a lot of water in it who knows what he could do.

Inside a classroom in the academy he meets his two new team mates for the first time, since he came earlier than usual he decided to have a chat with them.

Rei's team mate Ayaka Sarutobi is at the same age as him, only ten years old and having Black, long hair clumsily hangs over a lean, gloomy face. Narrow gray eyes, with fair skin that compliments her eye color, standing nearby the blackboard trying to look tall with her petite frame. with their short conversation Rei found out that she was in a different class than he was and she started a little later than him, but still heard about him and his best friend Seiho.

The other one looks to be much older than them who complained a little bit when he saw him, since he thinks he'll be the baby sitter of the group because the two are two years younger than him. His name is Ichihara Seiji ginger, short hair is pulled back to reveal a chiseled, worried face, bulging brown eyes and towering over Rei with his robust build that doesn't look that of a child.

Rei: Who do you think our teacher will be?

Ayaka: As long as his strong and could teach us, it doesn't matter who. -she said in uncaringly manner.

Seiji: I just hope it's not that guy who's been failing students a lot and sending them back to the academy.