Introduction to this volume

So finally volume two is finished and now it is time for a new theme and new characters to come. I wanted to do this idea for quite some time now. What I am talking about is the theme of Modern Horror.

This volume is going to concentrate on the fears and anxieties that come with living in this fast and technological advanced era. This era that is characterized by a urban lifestyle.

The place, where the stories of this volume will be located, is Leipzig. This is another aspect of this volume that I am personally hyped for. Leipzig is a city I have personally been to and I can say I love it. I figured the best place for me to describe realistic Horror experiences is a City I myself experienced. To introduce you to the city, Leipzig is located in East Germany with a population of around 600.000 people. It has evolved from a small trade city in the medieval times to one of the fastest growing cities of Germany (10th biggest at the moment). It has many cultural highlights and a wide variety of different districts that are unique in their own way and give a fantastic stage for some good stories.

What fears or topics are going to be the centre of this Volume? The topics are going to be the unique experiences only the modern days make possible. Following that, there are not going to be any general fears that are independent from time and age. Every Story is going to focus especially on the characteristic that differentiates today from the past or future. No Science-fiction and no history. Realism is what I am trying to strive for in this volume. A task that is not easy accomplished, especially within the horror genre. Humans tend to reject any ideas that would induce fear and label them as fictional, not because they are, but because this is a natural defends mechanism of human nature. I am going to try breaking that border between reality and fiction. I want my readers to look over their shoulder while reading this, because they heard something. I want to stimulate the corner of one's mind with this chapter. Of course this is not going to be easy and I am not going to say that I will definitely accomplish it, but I have to try at least.