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Test 2

With my introduction out of the way, Swift had a cunning look in his eye's. He spoke to me loud enough that any louder he would sound like he is shouting, "Ohh, Do you really know who we are then go ahead tell us who are we let me test your knowledge."

With a sigh, I pointed at the people as I said their names and who they are, "Well you are Zealander swift the assassin hero through most information on you is hidden. The man next to you in the chair is Alexander Clemitite the swordsman hero most information on him as well is unknown rumors about him though are very common. Like there is one where he is a demon. I am personally surprised you don't have that rumor going on about you as well besides the fact that not only are you good at sneak attacks but head-on collision fighting. Now next to Alexander sits Mrs. Alexia Julian Asher Provence Queen she is the sister of our king who is standing to her right. Also, she is a hero as well she is the Mage hero known for her powerful magic. Then in the luxurious chair is Princess Quinne Emerald. She is the most known out of all of you she is referred to as a goddess of healing she is the Healer hero. As well as that she is the eldest daughter of the king so many raves about her on many topics and not in a bad way. Now the ones standing is are the 6th prince of the king Sir. James Mad Earl who was introduced to everyone who took the test. Next to him is his general for his guard General Mattis. Then beside the king is his most trusted general High general Maximus Elkon. Do I need to introduce more people?"

By the time I was done with introductions most had their jaws almost hanging to the floor. It was a funny sight since this introduction done by me was really just what I know for a fact. Even the king seemed surprised. With that as soon as the shock wore off everyone was like how did you even tell that we were who we were and stuff.

With a few claps of her hand, Princess Quinne got everyone to go silent. With that, she said, "There is a tradition in here that we heroes started a few years back. For you, since you are a male you shall take off your shirt as well as the other boys so that you don't ruin your clothes. You shall spar and this is a test of strength you shall not use any weapon, and if you wield magic you can only go on the defensive, not the offensive." With that, the two male heroes started to take off their shirts. Looking at their chests you can tell that they had never gon through what I had so that I can fight. Not even a single scar married their chests except for a few bruises here and there obviously from their training.

Both of them removed their weapons and stood at the center of the room away from the table. With a sigh, I removed my cloak showing around twenty blades in the cloth. On my back, I had two blades attached to me on a belt. with that, I removed the blades from my back and removed the belt. I then started taking blades out of my boots my pants and from my pockets. That is when I removed my shirt causing the others to gasp which is usual for me. It is what usually happens when one sees scars on those who live a life of struggle rather than them who lived a pampered life. I had multiple burns and scars running along the top part of my body some were faded and others were just a few weeks old. Let's say that It looked horrific especially on me a 15-year-old who has not seen war.

The princess when she saw my chest and back even she looked surprised when she saw the scars, but I didn't care. It was something that I had gotten used to over the years. Even the king and the generals seemed frightened and looked sorry for me. Shaking my head I walked to the center of the room where the two were. And surprise surprise they both too were looking at the scars, but apparently swift noticed that not only did I have so many scars, but I also still left the bandage on my hand. He even seemed to notice that I have what most girls would call perfect abs that's if my chest wasn't covered in scars. Deciding to ignore the fact that I had better abs then both of them he decided to not say that out loud and mentioned my hand, "Are you going to remove those bandages?"

Looking at my hand I said, "Well if it bothers you so much sure I'll remove them." Unwrapping my hand I hoped that it was almost completely healed, but when the saw my hand covered with fresh scars they looked at me with even more remorse. Seriously quit the pity party. Dropping my bandages on the ground I looked like a survivor of war just with no missing limbs.

When you live a life of pleasure you forget the life of pain, but when you live a life of pain you forget the life of pleasure.