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It was a nightmare all was falling apart. Smoke filled the sky bodies littered the ground already turning ashen with the loss of blood. The eyes of the dead were glazed over and hallow. Their bodies were torn in half and what lay as the rest of their bodies lies nothing but shreds. Guts lay strewn about covering walls and wrapped around the dead's necks. Some of the dead even laid in their own blood and guts. I though am alive. I'm alive...

Staring down at the ground screams can be heard along with dripping sounds and people dying. Why is this happening? Looking up the source of the dripping was blood landing on the ground in a pool of blood. Is that all the demons needed to throw at us so that we are whipped out?

Many dead few alive some hiding, a few protecting, and some slowly dying. Is this our date? Has fate decided that you shall end? Looking at all of this death it is no doubt that we shall no longer have any faith. Because if fate wants us to die then we will no longer have faith. Besides what's the point in having faith in something that hasn't saved you. Kneeling down in the middle of the road I looked at the non-existent sky. Speaking in a broken voice I asked, "Why do you hide our pain from your eyes? Are our deaths unworthy of your gaze, or do you cover us in shame not wanting to see the death of which is below you?" But I knew with my questions there will be no answer.

At that moment everything went dim and I knew I had died. With the free spans of my life disappearing. The last thing I saw was the ground and my body with no head laying on it. This was my fate. A fate that will forever be my end...