Im no longer a virgin!

"Too thick faced! Really shameless!" Cyllene whispered under her breath and bit her tongue. She is going to give her some face. For now. She rolled her eyes and awkwardly pushed her hand away from her shoulders.

"Kekeke" Cyllene laughed like a mad woman and shakes her head.

"Why are you gathering here anyway?" she asked as soon as she recovered. The reporter's looked at each other and started interrogating her again. She answered them swiftly and avoided questions that are too personal. With their attention on her, Prishene was soon forgotten. Like she didn't exist.

"That's all for now fellas! I still have work to do" She left with her alluring smile leaving them dazed.

Days passed and it has been too tiring for her. The moment she woke up, her mind will soon be planning her next runaway route. Planning and execution has big differences. It was easy to plan her move but putting it to action is hard. Her followers are just too inspired to chase her around. Her every move is being monitored and there's no way she can get away from their eagle eyes.

She was heading home from her work then she decided to take the other alley. The alley was dark, the post light was broken so only the light from the moon helped her. She heard some scratches from behind that made her look back. Random thoughts flashed through her mind that made her stop from her track.

She started to walk again and she heard light steps that made her sprint from fright. She looked back and saw a man following her. She screamed when he successfully grabbed her arm.

"I don't have money! I'm no longer a virgin! I'm not sexy! I'm ugly! I have a bad breath! Get away! Ahh!" she shouted some lies that could possibly discourage the initiator. She felt his hard chest and smelled his sweet mint scent.

(An: what!? Haha. Seriously Cyllene?)

"What the hell are saying, woman!?" the man asked. His deep baritone voice tickled her ears making her tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand. She felt that she had heard this voice before but she can't tell where.

"w-why are you chasing me!?" she said and raised her head and his eyes welcomed her. His face was covered by darkness making it hard to distinguish his features. But one thing is sure this guy can destroy the world.

"Because you are running away! Stupid!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought" she cleared her voice and stood there fixing her shirt and her hair.

"give it back" he demanded

"What?! Back?! What back?!" she stupidly stated.

"don't give me that look woman! Give me back the thing"

"What thing should I give back?!"

"Tsk piercing"

"oh! But I left it at home" he looked at his phone and looked back at her.

"It's with you" her eyes grew big and was about to yell at him when he told her it's in her bag. She then remembered she put it there when she left her apartment. She searched for the thing and quickly gave it to him.

"Now we're even" she quickly sprinted away from him. He looked at her fading figure and smirked. Sly little lady. He looked at the thing in his palm. Really? A woman's piercing not the one he was talking about. He shakes his head and turns to leave. He wanted a piercing? There she gave him one. No longer a virgin huh. He scoffed and softly chuckled.