Message (4)

She gave herself a small, deprecating smile and said sarcastically, "I am such a capable person. So capable, in fact, that I cannot even find a single way to help save anyone. Nor a single way to ease his pain."

Scarlet thought to herself, "Now then, how should I clear the road? A detour would take at least another two days and I don't have that much time to spare. The forest off the road is also filled with dangerous monsters."

She paused for a moment and considered what she had. Currently, her only weapon is the dagger strapped to her waist and that obviously won't work. Her armor and her earring are also powerless against these fallen trees. She might be able to have her horse sprint and jump over it, but that would be extremely risky as her horse might be hurt by all the thorny branches on the ground.

There are mainly two types of trees in the Unpen Forest: Tall, hard Blorn trees with its thorny branches and the smooth, medium-sized Wapen trees. The fallen trees and branches were both from Blorn trees. Also, her horse is carrying the soldier which would slow it down and increase the risk of this maneuver even more. She also had enough food for about three days in a bag slung over her back.

Scarlet decided to take a risk by taking off her armor, leaving only some red clothes underneath. She also ate as much of her rations as she could and gave the rest to her horse before throwing the rest away. She thought to herself, "Hopefully this will make the burden on the horse light enough to make the jump with minimal injuries."

She lept back onto her horse and urged it forward. "Come on, Cress, give me one big jump. Go!"

Cress charged towards the road, ignoring the small cuts at its foot as it neared the cluster of fallen trees. It jumped and soared over 4 stacked tree trunks. Scarlet held tightly onto the reins, while the wind blew her hair back.

Cress barely managed to jump over all the trees but he landed right on a branch. Cress whinnied in pain and collapsed with one of his hooves bleeding badly. It had been stabbed deeply by a thorn from one of the branches.

Scarlet and the soldier both fell off the horse. The soldier remained unconscious while Scarlet winced in pain but kept her focus on Cress. Scarlet quickly tore a small piece of cloth off of her bag and wrapped it around Cress' foot. She said under her breath, "Damn it!"

Cress neighed in response and tried to stand back up. As soon as he started to place the injured hoof down, he collapsed once more. Scarlet patted him on the head and said soothingly, "You did great Cress. Just wait here for a while."

Scarlet started walking off the road towards one side and heard the sound of a stream. Cautiously, she slowly crept towards the stream, making sure she didn't snap any branches.

She navigated through the dense woods, staying aware of any possible animals or enemies nearby. She arrived at a clear stream and glanced around. Noticing no other people or animals, she quickly made a few makeshift animal traps with twigs and stones nearby.

Scarlet thought to herself, "These three traps should be able to catch at least one nice, juicy rabbit before I get back."