Song of Death (3)

After an unknown amount of time has passed, Scarlet's eyes fluttered open and she gasped, "Where am I? Am I dead?"

She got up and looked around, there was not a single injury on her body. It was dark and the air was moist with a revolting stench. A few candles were lit, revealing a long hallway and before her were numerous, enormous closed cells. The bars of the cells looked to be made of numerous thick bones.

Scarlet lightly touched a wall, feeling a warm sensation from it. She said, "Okay... So I can feel things. Guess I am still alive somehow. How did the orb's explosion send me here?"

Scarlet crept towards one of the cells and peered inside. She covered her face with her hands as she saw that a gigantic skeleton was inside. From the skeleton, it could be inferred that a monstrous existence was trapped inside this cell before.

Scarlet had many thoughts swimming through her head at this point such as, "What kind of being could trap such a monster?" and "Where is this place?".

She walked down the cells, and the stenches seemed to be growing fainter but it was still revolting. As she walked down the cells one by one, she was increasingly shocked because inside each of them were the skeletons of large beings.

After walking down for an hour and as she was about to give up, she saw movement in one of the cells ahead of her. She ran towards it and stood in front of it.

Inside the cell, was a skinny wolf with pitch black fur. Its bones were visible through its flesh and it was staring curiously at her. It growled, "How are you inside this blasted place?"

Scarlet replied, "I don't even know where I am!"

It slowly crept over to her and sniffed at her scent. Scarlet saw a few dark blue particles fly from her towards the wolf. She saw the wolf give a hungry and dangerous smile as it crept even closer repeatedly sniffing at Scarlet and breathing even heavier. More and more particles flew from her earring towards him as he came closer to her.

Scarlet took a step back and the wolf was stopped by the bars of the cell. It visibly looked stronger and muscular as compared to a few seconds ago before the blue particles flew towards him. Scarlet saw the wolf melt into a black puddle of an unknown substance before it reshaped back into a dark-haired man wearing a cloak of raven fur.

He gave an evil smile and gripped at the bars of the cells, "Ah... Sweet, sweet, mana." He rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "To answer your question, you are currently in the stomach of the great dragon of ice Binglong."

He snarled at Scarlet and said with a chilling smile, "Now then answer my question, how did you get here? Last I checked, that old bastard died for a loooong time now. All that's left is his worthless decomposing skin and bones so there is no way he sent you here."

Scarlet took another few steps back and said, "I have no idea how I got here. All I know is that a new magical artifact exploded near me with an intense purple glow." She did not mention hearing the dragon's roar because it did not seem to be a good idea to being associated with a dragon of any kind when talking to a creature trapped inside of a dragon.