Reemergence (1)

In the dimly lit, seemingly endless corridor of the prison, Des and Scarlet were walking and chatting.

Scarlet poked at Des and asked, "You still haven't told me how to fix my lifespan."

Des shrugged and said, "It's actually pretty simple were we not on Trumoris. You see, all you need to do is to gain a heart of magic. As people grow up in dense mana environments, their constitutions are 'upgraded' like when you use the magic leaking from your earring. The difference is, once you absorb a certain threshold of mana, you gain a heart of magic where mana is easily channeled and you won't be limited by your constitution. People with hearts of magic are only limited by the amount of mana they have stored in their body."

Scarlet replied, "Well how am I supposed to find a dense mana environment?"

Des laughed nervously, "Well... you see... you can't. Not on Trumoris at least."

Scarlet stopped, "So you're saying that it's hopeless."

Des continued, "Not exactly. If you could find enough decent-quality magic artifacts, you could create an artificial environment that should be dense enough in mana."

Scarlet thought to herself, 'The mercenaries I encountered earlier mentioned a guy known as the Blue Mage that had magic and he even gave out magic artifacts like the orb. Since he is allied with Zoria I should be able to get enough magic artifacts along the way.'

Des changed the topic and said, "So, Scarlet, what's the outside world like save for the lack of magic?"

Scarlet took out her map and showed it to Des, "Trumoris is mainly comprised of my kingdom, Girid, and another, Zoria. My kingdom had always been stronger but with the addition of magic, we might be far behind depending on how much magic Zoria has. The citizens are happy and prospering in Girid while Zoria devotes most of its wealth to the military, relying on conquering for their acquisition of resources and wealth."

Scarlet put her map away and said, "Enough about that, could you tell me what you said earlier when you said that death magic is selective in its targets? I mean, it would be great if I don't suddenly turn into one of those 'amateur' death magic users from legend."

Des cackled, "No worries, it would indeed be horrible if you turned insane. Imagine if you ordered me to go for a swim." Des shuddered. "Anyways, you can only attack those weaker than you with death magic. By weaker, I mean those with less mana than you."

Scarlet held her chin thoughtfully, "So, you mean since there is basically little to no mana within Trumoris other than from magic artifacts, I can attack anyone without the magic artifacts?"

Des transformed into a human and said, "Basically. Oh right, you could use death magic for three strikes-ish against wielders of other magic artifacts. Your dragon earring is basically Binglong's corpse shrunken down and he was a legendary dragon. Facing a low-quality artifact, even though your earring is leaking a lot of mana, it should still be enough for three strikes against it."

Scarlet smiled, "Great! With death magic, I should be able to keep Girid safe from Zoria's magic at least." She turned towards Des and asked, "Anyways, what exactly can you do?"