Reemergence (3)

Scarlet heard the howling of wind from the prison. As she and fairy Des approached the entrance, the sound of the wind grew louder and a blinding white light could be seen shining in. At the entrance, She could see a large gate of what seemed to be dragon teeth. The only issue is that there is an enormous hole that in the closed jaws.

The blinding white light was shining in from the large hole in the cracked teeth. It looked as if someone blew up the teeth in front. She stood in awe in front of the hole while, beside her, Des said, "It seems that someone escaped before us a long time ago."

Scarlet remarked, "Luckily it was a long time ago. Any idea who?"

Des closed his eyes in deep thought, After a while, he said, "I can't remember anyone that escaped. There wasn't any noise throughout the years save for the cries of the other beasts being digested in the prison. The thing that escaped is certainly powerful though, the hardness of dragon teeth is no joke."

Scarlet said, "What's past is past. Do you think any other creatures can escape in the future? Even though I haven't seen any that are still alive except for you I can't be sure that there are any others still alive."

Des patted Scarlet's shoulder, "Don't worry, once we leave, I'm making sure we destroy this prison and everything in it."

Scarlet took off her earring and held it in her hand, "You want me to break the earring once we leave?"

Des grinned mysteriously, "Not quite. I mean if you want to keep the physical earring its no problem at all. Anyways, as for how to destroy the prison and the remaining things inside it, I'm going to keep it a secret for now."

Des turned his head and something caught his eyes, "Hey Scarlet. Do you see that piece of chipped tooth over there?"

Scarlet followed his gaze and saw a somewhat small piece of dragon tooth, about the size of a somewhat large fish. "Yeah what about it?"

Des fluttered over to the tooth and patted it, saying, "You know how I talked about how dense and hard dragon teeth are? Why not take this back? It's a great material to work with." His tongue circled his mouth, "We could sell this for a ton of money and buy some good food or we could use this as bait for the best kind of food."

Scarlet shriveled her brows, "Dragon teeth as bait? What kind of creature eats dragon teeth?"

Des laughed, "The best kind! Any kind of creature that has high mana! Upon eating the dragon teeth they can transform and become much stronger!"

Scarlet asked, "Can't I just forge the teeth into a dagger or something?"

Des' joy dulled and he muttered, "That's such a boring use for it. Do you know how long I have starved?"

Scarlet picked up the dragon tooth and found it surprisingly light, like a piece of burned-out wood. After Scarlet picked up the tooth, Des transformed back into a raven and perched on Scarlet's shoulder, "Shall we leave now?"

Scarlet smiled, "Time to go." Scarlet walked past the hole in the gate and everything turned into white. After a few seconds, the white faded away revealing a bustling village and she was right in the center with the villagers staring wide-eyed.