A Lost Soldier (2)

"I don't know what would happen to the new citizens once Zoria takes enough land. The letter said that they would do it in one-fell-swoop. Originally, I was going to find one of my generals at Lion's Peak but now, I don't even know if the army is still at Lion's Peak." Scarlet told Des.

While Scarlet was continuing in her thoughts, she heard someone whisper in protest behind her, "Why are we still dealing with her? If what she said was true then there is a mage coming after her! What if the mage decides to take it out on the village as well? Are we going to risk it?"

She heard a deep voice grunt in response, "Mundar, trust the chief. We don't know her background yet. If she is someone with a powerful backing who knows what kind of trouble there will be. At the moment, until we can be sure of her identity, we should proceed cautiously. I am sure the chief will give an acceptable decision."

Scarlet casually glanced behind her to find a man with gray hair and a younger boy who appeared to be his son in his late teens. There were no weapons by their side and the younger boy was somewhat skinny. Their cautious nature suited Scarlet perfectly fine as she only wanted to reconnaissance at the moment.

After a while, Denson brushed away the cloth from the hut and gestured for Scarlet to enter. Scarlet entered the hut and was greeted by colorful tapestries adorning the walls. In the middle of the hut was a large circular wooden table with a newly drawn map on it. Inside, the chief was sitting down cross-legged on a mat.

Denson extended a hand towards a mat facing him, implying Scarlet to sit down. After Scarlet sat down, Denson waved away a few of the villagers guarding the door from inside the hut. Scarlet felt it curious for all this secrecy and why Denson sent away his guards. She asked, "No guards? Do you trust me so much already?"

Denson did not respond and silently stared at her. The silent environment was broken when Denson broke out into a smile and asked, "Are you Princess Scarlet?"

Scarlet tensed up and subconsciously put her hand on the hilt of her sword, ready to draw it at a moments notice. "How do you know?"

Hearing Scarlet's confirmation, Denson's smile became wider and he excitedly said, "I was a soldier under General Manard. I-" Denson suddenly paused and his excitement quickly dulled down replaced with a more somber attitude.

Scarlet raised an eyebrow, "Was? What happened? Are you the only one who knows who I am?"

Denson took a deep breath and continued, "I... I deserted his army a year ago. Please don't blame me, the war was going horribly for us." His voice started getting choked, "Many friends died. I just... I was just sick of it. They used magic from the legends like breathing fire and conjuring small beasts that tore our lines apart. I made this village after I deserted and more and more fleeing refugees decided to settle down here as well."

Scarlet gave Denson a few moments to calm himself as she sat there patiently with her brows furrowed in slightly. She thought to herself, "Is all this magic from that 'Blue Mage'?"

After Denson calmed himself, Scarlet asked, "You still haven't told me how you know my identity."