Seeds of War (2)

Des was shaken up and exclaimed, "You're married?"

Scarlet gestured for him to be quiet and hissed, "Hush! Denson and the other villagers outside might hear us talking!"

Des waved a wing in a dismissive gesture and said, "Just keep going, keep going."

Scarlet sighed and said, "So I was technically married. Although there wasn't a grand ceremony or anything. Just some contract."

Des urged Scarlet, "Who were you married to?"

Scarlet shrugged, "One of Zoria's princes I believe. Not sure which one."

Des' crow mouth was gaping open painting a funny picture. "How do you not know who your husband is?"

Scarlet corrected him, "Was. Who my husband was. To be fair, I never really saw the contract at all. It was my father who signed it after all."

Des was even more confused, "Didn't you just say that your father cared about you? Why force the marriage?"

Scarlet clenched her fist, causing it to go white, "That bastard king Cala threatened my father with trade blocks and political pressure." She traced the border around the Aspen forest, "At that point, most of Girid's crucial trade routes outwards were through the Aspen forest and Zoria conveniently controlled all the land on the other side. Meaning, for land trade, Girid will need to pass through Zoria. Girid specialized in creating new innovations so trade is crucial in maintaining our economy."

Des transformed back into a human and sat on Denson's seat. He rested his head on the table and said, "You're giving me so many questions to ask here. Why a forced marriage? Why you?"

Scarlet rolled her eyes and said, "Do you not know anything about politics?"

Des ignored her and turned into a dog giving her puppy eyes. Scarlet sighed and continued, "Anyways, if you would stop interrupting me, my father did not agree with the marriage but I convinced him otherwise because Girid needs the trade."

Scarlet's gaze and voice turned sharp as she scowled, "Of course, the 'just' king Cala voided the treaty soon after and declared war on us."

Scarlet clutched at her dagger and spat with disgust, "That's not all. King Cala stated that the only way that he would accept Girid's surrender is if my father personally 'gifts' me and my mother to him."

Des' eyes flashed a deep crimson, "I guarantee you that you can kill him with me by your side within the decade of my servitude."

Scarlet gave a chilling smile as well, "Good. I can't wait to feed that bastard to the dogs."

Des turned back into a raven and perched at her shoulder, "I still don't understand why Cala would change his mind though. Why dissolve your marriage when Zoria could eventually gobble up Girid anyways with the political marriage?"

Scarlet shrugged and said, "How would I know? Zoria already grew stronger so irrationally fast. Perhaps he thinks that it would be more 'fun' to conquer Girid instead of obtaining it the easy and bloodless way."

After she answered Des' questions, Scarlet calmed herself down and called back Denson.