Calm Before the Storm (3)

Kevin pointed towards the back of the cottage and said, "Anyways, I have most of my goods in the back. The Zorian commander of this region, Commander Henry, will be collecting the tributes today."

Scarlet thought to herself, "It couldn't be that Henry, right?" Scarlet quickly reassured herself as Henry died before her eyes.

Kevin continued, "The goods I have should be more than enough to cover the tributes for all four of us. Since you are new to the village and you haven't really had much prior warning, I can cover the tribute for you. If I don't offer to cover it for you, I'm sure chief Denson would do it as well."

Scarlet asked, "What exactly do you trade? Also, do you only sell with Zoria?"

Kevin nodded and said, "That's right. We're only allowed to trade with Zoria essentially."

Scarlet's guess was correct. It seems that Zoria firmly controls trade after conquering each nation, causing the conquered nation's trading partners to find new ones.

Kevin seemed hesitant and his fingers were fidgeting unconsciously. Maisy asked her husband, "What is it?"

Kevin faced Scarlet and asked, "Did you use magic to come here?"

Scarlet nodded and honestly replied, "In a sense."

Kevin asked, "You are from Girid yes?" He leaned forward, deeper towards the table and whispered, "Don't reveal your magic artifact unless absolutely necessary. Zoria seizes them all and kills the owner if they are not serving Zoria. Vid Giria sal Faneri."

Scarlet asked, "Vid what?"

Kevin gave a mysterious smile, "I have a feeling you will know in the future."

Scarlet was about to continue badgering Kevin but Sarah tugged at Scarlet's shirt, "Can we play again now?"

Scarlet smiled and said, "Alright." She placed down the bread back on the table and walked out the doorway. After she walked outside, a loud "clang!" sound reverberated across the village.

From behind her, Maisy and Kevin stood up as well. Maisy said, "It seems that the envoy arrived already."

Kevin nodded and said, "I'll prepare the tributes. I'll meet you guys at the center of the village."

Maisy nodded and picked up Sarah, "Let's go girls." She said seriously to Sarah, "No matter what, behave okay? When we get back I'll help buy another toy for you when the merchants pass by, okay Sarah?"

Sarah laughed and said, "Don't worry! I'll behave!"

Maisy kissed Sarah and said, "Good girl."


After they arrived at the village center, there was a sizable crowd present. It was much bigger than with Denson's announcement about Scarlet. There were people carrying sacks of furs and tree branches. The crowd spanned across half the village with some villagers spilling out onto the road.

On the village platform, stood Denson and a large figure covered in gold armor with dark green trims. The figure's head was obscured by a knight's visor and he was holding a large parchment in his hand. On the figure's helmet was a gray feather, symbolizing the knight's rank. Beneath the village platform, stood two knights with the same armor but with black feathers on their helmets instead of gray ones. The two knights were holding up Zoria's banners.