
Ch. 7 - Full Circle

" Here they can't move around as they like , hopefully that will be enough for now . "

Cor grabbed the edge of the hotel room's heavy curtain , his comment semi-soothing Luna who sat on the bed next to Raya as he shut out the view of the bustling city below .

" I guess we aren't going to be doing too much sight-seeing then , huh ? " Raya calmly spoke , eyes on the ceiling while laying back on the bed -- talking to no one in particular . Luna's eyes didn't leave Cor's . She found so much comfort in just being able to stare into the oddities . There were no more shimmering tears running down his cheeks and all the leftover sparkles had dissolved and disappeared . They had been a tool used by the Guardians to blind and distract runaway criminals -- most people didn't know what it was or that it was even a thing back on his planet , but apparently Cor wasn't most people . Luna was eager to discover what exactly he was . Raya was less eager , more solemn -- the uncomfortable nap on the bus seemingly taking all the fight and good spirit out of her .

" No , we wait . " Cor's constantly perfect tone had stretched thin for a moment , the sure sound of tension and fear vocalized by the small inflection .

" What're we waiting for ? " Raya was grumbling , hand folded over her eyes because of a recently acquired headache . Cor went to sit beside Raya who peeked from under her hand to observe the action , then looked to Luna who sat on her other side .

" Can a girl at least get some food ? Or Advil ? Ibuprofen ? Something ? "

Cor looked to Luna , skeptical , but was met with a soft reassuring smile . Looking into her eyes and following her thoughts only made Cor's face fall and unease emit from his body , though .

" Walking around the hotel should at least be fine -- I'll grab some things from the vending machines we passed on our way . What do you guys want ? " Cor's face gave away his obvious objection to Luna leaving the room by herself , unprotected , but Raya was too drowned in her delirium to realize the risk as she asked for an energy drink and chips .

Before Cor's lips could open in protest , Luna shot him a glare , a prominent and clear thought going across her head as she did .

What if they see you ? They're less likely to notice me . Be smart about this .

Cor bristled slightly , his mouth folding into slight annoyance and his brows knitting in anger . They held the stare a moment before the look quickly passed , replaced by worry and defeat as he sighed and answered, " Get me whatever you think is best . "

She nodded and guaranteed a swift return before leaving Raya to sleep and Cor to cut on the TV and see if he could figure out how exactly it worked .

The walk down to the main lobby was slow and steady , more caution than usual in her glances . When she reached the base of the stairs she peered around the corner to the vending machine . It was a hall with a few other vending machines stretching on one side of the stairs and the hall to the lobby reaching towards the opposite . It felt silly sneaking around and being scared of something she hadn't even seen in such a public place , but no one was around to observe her paranoia and she did know Cor was really afraid of them . That was enough to make her at least perturbed by the idea of a chance encounter .

She made a final glance down the hall to the lobby and continued to the vending machines , finding everything she wanted and using some cash she had in her wallet to pay . It was a blessing she had her wallet in her pocket as they were running away , because where they stood now she seemed to be the only one with money to pay for anything and it would've been trouble had they not been able to pay the bus fare or find a place to hole up in . She smiled as she picked up the last of the items dropped by the machines , a cold tea for herself . She'd also gotten a cold tea and chips for Cor and exactly what Raya had requested , her arms now full but balanced .

She was already stepping up the stairs when her head started to get airy and light . The feeling hit her so quick she knew it wasn't normal , knew she had to get back to the room faster . But she felt like she was slowing down regardless of how quickly she trudged up the stairs . She ran down the hall , groggy but still conscious and threw the door open . Cor's head shot towards the door and Raya's followed suit , sitting up now .

" Guys , I -- " Before she could get the words out Raya's head swiveled around to block Luna's view of Cor . She was kissing him . The entire building fell into darkness . Luna slumped to the ground .