Chapter 7: Masquerade Party


Smoke rose and red began to cover the floor.

Lu Feng was shocked and had a very incomprehensible look.

The still-hot pizza had fallen to the ground when the pizza guy tripped. The red tomato sauce covered the floor, and the steam was still rising.

My pizza!

The young pizza guy looked very sorry. He had already banged his head on the floor and had a nasty bruise. On top of that, he looked like he was going to burst into tears any second. The poor kid immediately called his boss, who then talked to Lu Feng and promised to refund.

The pizza guy apologized many times over and left hurriedly. Lu Feng merely sighed and told the ready-to-cry teenager not to worry about it.

Lai Jing saw the situation from the couch and frowned. His pizza... IIf ordered once more, the waiting time would take at least 20 minutes...


But he was already starving...

Lai Jing gave up on the pizza.

"Mommy, why don't we go out to eat?"

Lu Feng agreed: "Where should we go to? The noodle shop? The buffet? The family restaurant? Somewhere else?"

"What about that BBQ place? It always smells good when we pass by. Can we go there?"

Lu Feng thought for a moment. It did smell good whenever they passed by that place.

Lu Feng lightly smiled.

"Ok, let's go there. Get a jacket and put your socks on."

Lai Jing cheered and went to get his clothes.

Lu Feng also got his coat and put it on.

Lai Jing soon came back bundled up in a puffy yellow jacket, making him look like a little yellow chick.

They held hands as they drifted towards the BBQ restaurant with the delicious smell oozing out.


One of the guys from the Black Eye gang called out to Lu Feng. Behind him, were several others from the gang noticed their boss as well.

Lu Feng scowled. Can't he have a nice and peaceful meal?!

"Who are they, Mommy?"

Lai Jing didn't look as scared as he should have been of these burly men.

"Mm, these are my... friends." Lu Feng didn't think it was a good idea to tell his son that he was a gang leader. It wouldn't be a good influence.

On the other hand, the gang members who heard this were inwardly crying tears of joy.

They were only known as subordinates. And their names weren't even worth to be mentioned by their boss who had taken them in. Now, being their boss' "friend", they must work harder to steal more money.

Lai Jing "oh"-ed and gave polite greetings toward the men.

The subordinates were very flustered to receive a bow and greeting from the boss' kid, so they were very afraid of what might happen.

Instead of receiving Lai Jing's greeting nonchalantly, they greeted Lai Jing with more fervor.

The foolish men got on their knees and bowed down to touch their heads to the ground.

They addressed Lai Jing as "young master" and looked very loyal. Of course, they would properly take care of their boss' kid. They would even lay down their lives for their savior's child.

To not disturb the two's meal, the men left swiftly and quietly, causing Lu Feng to be satisfied.

The father and son pair went inside the BBQ place and had a sumptuous meal.

They went on a detour to the library nearby to borrow some books.

Lai Jing was a very intelligent child and could pick up any topic easily. And he was very curious about any topic, making him a jack of all trades. But the reason he went to the library this time was for looking up information on cooking.

Lai Jing signed up for a cooking class for children with Lu Feng's permission. Lu Feng thought it was because his son was very dedicated to learning everything. In reality, Lai Jing just wanted to stop eating take-outs every day. He also wanted to cook for his Mommy, since Lu Feng would destroy the kitchen every time he went in.

The following week, the cure was completed and shipped off, Lai ing started his cooking class, and 427 was chatting his head off.

Lu Feng started to get annoyed at his system. 427 seemed like he was hiding something from him these days but he didn't know what. Whenever he tried to ask about it, 427 would go on and on about different topics, making him look like a professional gossiper like those market ladies.

Lu Feng soon found out what it was. 427 knew that his host wasn't really diligent, so he had been hiding his training schedule from the host. Lu Feng finally got it out of him the day before the training started.

He felt like he shouldn't have asked in the first place...

So, when Lai Jing was out of the apartment in his various courses, which included Art, Crafts, Piano, Viola, Cooking, and Photography, Lu Feng was tortured into running, dancing, singing, and doing a lot of other physically & mentally exhausting training.

Lu Feng was finally fit and flexible. Even though his body was already powerful, the training that 427 assigned made him into a monster. His seemingly thin and slim form had a powerful monster hidden underneath. This was after 2 weeks worth of intense training. When muscles felt like they would rip out, 427 muttered some codes and they felt cool. 427 replied that since this was his first world, he would get some bonuses to try and get used to the missions.

Lu Feng felt chilled at the thought that he would have to go to other worlds and experience pain without 427's backup...

One afternoon, a strange package was delivered.

Lu Feng opened up the package and found some kind of masks and a letter.

Apparently, there was another meeting for all the gang bosses in this country. It would be sort of like a party this time and two days later. A masquerade ball of a sort where there wasn't dancing. Only socializing.

Lu Feng had hated these type of parties before on Earth since they were full of stuffy and snobby-nosed aristocrats. They all praised him for his accomplishments but talked behind his back about how foolish he was for focusing on doomsday researches.

Anyways, he was allowed to bring 2 people with him - all the bosses were allowed to. And they would all have to wear a mask and dress formally. The location was at the #1 hotel in the country, and they would have to have their own ride. There would be food and drinks provided and the hotel manager was to find out if any of the bosses had allergic reactions to any food.

Ding Ye called, asking if he got the package the next day.

Lu Feng sighed and replied. He planned to take Ding Ye and another strong subordinate in case a scuffle broke out, but then Ding Ye reminded his that Lai Jing being left alone at home, even with all of the gang members, would not be good.

Lai Jing had been monitored by the other gangs as a potential hostage. He was always escorted by Lu Feng's subordinates, so he was safe right now. But it didn't mean that he would be safe if Lu Feng was away.

Lu Feng made a difficult decision of bringing Lai Jing with him.

The day of the party...

Lu Feng: "Ding Ye, when are you coming to pick us up?"

Ding Ye: "I'll come in about 30 minutes. Are you all dressed up?"

Lu Feng: "Mm, I just need to put my mask on."

Ding Ye: "Ok, just wait till I get there."

The phone call ended and Lu Feng sighed.

What would happen in the party? What if trouble occurred? Would bringing Lai Jing along be the right choice?

Meanwhile, Lai Jing was looking at himself in the mirror. Satisfied with his new look, he bounced over to his Mommy, his eyes gleaming. His eyes seem to convey a clear meaning: 'Don't I look handsome? Praise me!'

Lu Feng laughed and said, "You're the most handsome person in this world!"

In a distant universe, a God coughed. Is my wife talking about me?

A system looked at his host and turned away. Sometimes his host was really shameless...

"Then, Mommy is the most beautiful person in this world!"

Lu Feng broke out into a fit of coughs. Shouldn't he be saying something like how I'm handsome? Am I really that feminine?

Unfortunately, yes, Lu Feng looked very feminine right now. Even with his slim black suit, which matched Lai Jing's, on, he still looked like it. It couldn't be helped. Who told God to make his face so pretty?

Ding Ye soon came and ushered the two into the limousine. He, on the other hand, was wearing a red suit, making his black hair, dark eyes, pink lips, and slightly shining skin stand out.

"Hey, what did you put on your skin? It's so shiny!"

Ding Ye replied: "My mom got her designers and makeup artists to fix me up for this party... I don't know what they did to me. My skin still feels itchy from all the herb treatments they did on me."

"Eh... Your mom is good."

"En. Just to over the top with this sort of thing. She wants me to find a girlfriend from the party we're going to today. There are going to be powerful figures invited as well."

"Oh, good luck."

Lu Feng felt sorry for his friend and shut up.

Lai Jing tugged on the hem of Lu Feng's clothing.

"Mommy, mommy, what kind of party are we going to?"

"Don't worry about it. It's a party where you don't have to talk to anybody if you want to. Nobody's good enough to talk to my Xiao Jing!"

The corner of Ding Ye's mouth twitched. Haven't you turned into a son-con these days?! And this is a socializing party!

Lai Jing cheerfully smiled, thinking that he wouldn't have to do anything but just eat and talk with his Mommy.

Ding Ye listened to their conversation the whole time during the ride and was about to lash out at Lu Feng for only caring for Lai Jing and not properly looking over the gang these days when the limousine arrived at the hotel.

Ding Ye merely sighed and opened the door for the two.

The hotel looked very grand and luxurious. Almost like a castle.

Lu Feng gave his invitation card to the guard and his name was announced.

"The leader of the Black Eye Gang and the fiancee of Master Ji Xiang!"

Lu Fend walked in, not paying attention to the looks that he received from the whispering crowd.

When he finally processed what the guard said, he cried out, "WHAT?! Fiancee?! Bullshit!"

All the guests stared at his outburst.

Only Lai Jing was willing to talk at this quiet moment.

"Mommy, will I get a Daddy? If he's not good to you, don't get married!"

Lu Feng could only miserably cry out in his head.

'I don't remember having a fiancee! What is this nonsense?! And I'm wearing a mask! This is a masquerade party! Isn't this to hide our identities? Why'd they announce me then?! This shitty meeting!'