Extra: Warning for smut!

""Hm, you've definitely gotten a little chubby..." Long Su murmured into Li Bai's ear.

Li Bai exasperatedly chided, "I'm pregnant! What do you expect? ...But am I really that fat?"

"Baby, you're wonderful no matter what. Even if you were an ogre, I'd still love you the same!"

Li Bai scowled, "You!"

"But you love me," chuckled Long Su.

Sighing, Li Bai didn't say anything else.

"Baby, I really am bored. What should we do? Your skin looks smoother because you're pregnant and you're now in stable condition. Besides, you now have small breasts for milk. Your nipples look delectable, won't you give me a taste?" came the seductive tone.

Li Bai blushed. His husband was more roguish than he was before. Where did that shy schoolboy go?

"Y-you should go home for today. Don't you have classes tomorrow?" Li Bai tried to veer Long Su away from taking advantage of him.

"Break starts 3 days from now and practically nobody comes to class. Not even the professors teach. Now, how about it? I think I can exhaust you without entering you. And the doctor said that it was ok to have sex since you were healthy. Let me try, hm?" Long Su asked in a deep tone.

Ah, his husband's trying to act cute! After Long Su persuaded him for less than 10 minutes, he was taken advantage of as he was groped while being kissed deeply.

"Ah.... mn...Ahn..." Li Bai made embarrassing noises as their actions progressed farther.

Tongues entangled, Li Bai moaned as he was lifted up and laid onto the table.

"Ah... Su Su... Don't touch there.... it feels weird..." moaned out Li Bai.

"You're saying this while precumming? What a cute liar you are..." muttered the preoccupied Long Su who was unzipping Li Bai's pants.

"Su Su!" Li Bai glared at the man who already had his huge thing rising up steadily.

"Baby, you look so sexy when you're angry. Are you deliberately seducing me?"

Before Li Bai could retort, he was roughly kissed. Their teeth smashed each other's as they were overwhelmed by lust and fought for control.

Of course, Long Su won, and he once again started groping at Li Bai's ass and taking his lover's clothes off.

Li Bai could only bitterly comply with the man as he was aroused by the man's actions.

'This man will be the death of me!' He cried out in his heart.

Long Su started wrapping his hand around the smaller man's body and possessively roam all over it. Li Bai complied and started nipping at the man's neck lightly.

Long Su grabbed Li Bai's thing and stroked it suggestively for a while before yanking it, making the smaller man cry out in pain.

"Su Su..." he cried out. The tears that were on the verge of falling made Long Su want to console the man but it also made him want to bully him a little bit more.

Long Su slammed Li Bai onto the table backward and the victim groaned in pain, making the other's manhood rise faster at the seductive sound. Li Bai's balls bounced in every direction as he was slammed onto the table once again when trying to climb up.

As he pulled away Li Bai's underwear completely, Long Su put his other unoccupied hand towards Li Bai's back and pulled him forward.

Li Bai watched in embarrassment at the guilty pleasure as Long Su fondled his chest and moved his lips closer. He licked the nipples, bit them and swirled them around his mouth before grinding them lightly between his teeth and sucking on them.

"Ah....ahhh... Su Su...it feels so good..." moaned out the young man.

The right nipple was thoroughly battered and had turned bright red and was still looking soft with the shiny saliva and bite marks around it. Long Su moved towards the left one and started using the same techniques but much more experienced this time.

"So lewd..." muttered Long Su as he started holding up the smaller man higher.

Li Bai gave a light groan as Long Su shoved one finger in quickly. Without a pause, the artist's long finger shoved their way into the small hole that was twitching slightly.

"Y-you said you wouldn't put it in today!" shouted out Li Bai in injustice as the man pulled out his huge monstrosity.

"Did I?" was all he said as he didn't give Li Bai any time to prepare before the tip was struggled in.

"Baby, you're so tight," Li Bai heard in his ear as the man licked them and bit on the soft earlobe.

Li Bai blushed bright red and angrily bit on the man's shoulder.

Long Su hissed from the pain and firmly slapped poor Li Bai's ass, making the smaller man cry out. Clear tears fell as the young man turned around to give his beloved a bullied expression.

Long Su merely grinned, so seeing that it didn't work, Li Bai angrily gave another chomp to the other's shoulders.

Pumping fiercely, the man didn't give his lover a chance to run away.

As Li Bai's slightly puffy chest smashed onto Long Su's firm chest, the soft and squishy feeling gave the latter a sense of ecstasy and he began to pump ferociously many times.

Li Bai scratched at Long Su's back and turned it into a scalding mess, but he was still moaning from the pleasure that he was receiving.

Meanwhile, Long Su was enjoying seeing the smaller man's constantly changing face. He showed a grieved look and then turned flirty next. His body was a perfect fit for his own and the rhythm they formed was in perfect sync. He was truly lucky to have a wonderfully perfect lover tailor-made for him like this...

After 6 rounds, Li Bai barely had any strength left and just let Long Su do whatever he wanted.

In the end, after 11 rounds without rest, the kitchen was filled with a fishy smell. The table and floors were covered in sticky white liquid.

Li Bai was fully covered in the same sticky white cum as well.

While giving Long Su a blow job, he had accidentally swallowed some and it had tasted extremely bitter. His body looked extremely slutty right now. His chest had bite marks all over with hickies trailing around his chest. His neck and shoulders weren't spared either and were filled with red marks signaling the lover's possessiveness. His four limbs had scattered kiss marks and his smooth skin didn't seem to have a trace of his usual pale glowing tone left. On his back were bolder bites and some were even on his ass. He had cried out when the man had bitten on it so harshly.

His tiny hole had been stretched far because of the huge dick it had to take in, so it was protruding outwards a bit and swollen with a hint of pinkish red.

The sticky cum had spread all over to his chest, his mouth, and legs. It was on his soft hair and was messing it up, making him look adorable even in a situation like this. The murky white liquid was slowly climbing out of his tiny hole and spilling onto his legs, making him shiver.

"Ah, baby, one more time?" asked the shameless man.

"We just had sex for several hours straight and you want more? I'm too tired, go away, you beast!" Li Bai hoarsely yelled out. He had used up all his voice in begging Long Su to stop while crying out in pleasure.

So for the rest of the day, Long Su was forced to give Li Bai a bath without doing anything to him, clean the messy kitchen, and sulk at Li Bai forbidding him from having such hard sex for a month.

The artist hugged his beloved who was lying on the couch trying not to move his bruised butt.

The annoyed Li Bai gave the man a flick on the forehead but sighed at the man's puppy eyes.

"Fine, 2 weeks. But promise me only 4 rounds at most! I'm pregnant and I really don't want to have even a chance of losing our child over some 'hard activities'!" he complied.

Seeing his small lover's helpless look, Long Su possessively smothered Li Bai in his embrace and spoke soft words about how great the baby would turn out to be.

The two lovers fell asleep at about the same time cuddling up to each other on the soft couch. Long Su woke up a bit later and carefully moved the smaller man with a princess carry hold. Instinctively, Li Bai reached around his neck making him chuckle lightly. After putting him on the bed and covering them with heaps of blankets, Long Su dozed off watching the other's peaceful expression.