
After calming his mind, Zaho Zaho started walking toward the forest, just as he walked a few meters further from where he was blood splashed again on the ground and just like the first time he healed as quickly as the first time.

This time he didn't stop he started walking not caring about it anymore except for the pain he felt, his life was not in danger, and the pain wasn't that hard to surmount for him.

When he took a second step he heard behind him "be more careful .. you might as well kill me of exhaustion I just saved you a second th.." before Sebastian cloud even finish his sentence Zaho Zaho spat blood.

Sebastian skillfully changed the end of his sentence just as if he had predicted it ".. three times".

Hearing this old man nagging him almost made zaho spit blood from the rage, but decided to ignore his "master" and keep walking toward the forest.

A few hours passed and the night started falling, the sun wasn't didn't completely disappear yet but the sky had that pink and orange color just before sunset.

Zaho looked at a tree happily proud of his achievement, he finally reached it, he was so happy tears started flowing from his eyes "I did it" thought Zaho, just when he was happy celebrating his first achievement he heard from behind him

"Kid ... did you really have to get hurt a few thousand times to walk to the nearest tree? it's only at forty-two meters from home ..."

More tears started to flows from Zaho's eyes

"Go sleep you seem quite tired " Sebastian

Zaho didn't even try to think he just headed to his room, the more time passed the quicker he was hurt, but even though he got hurt a few thousand times he didn't yet find what was attacking him. He couldn't get used to the pain either at first, he thought that the more he gets hurt the more used he will get to it and the less he will care about it, but he just realized how much he was wrong. As he got perfectly healed each time by Sebastian so his nerves stayed perfect and their sensibility did not worsen, but his as mental health didn't get healed or even though it got healed he still felt mental exhaustion. the pain was more and more affecting him.

Once back inside the small stone room injuries finally, stoped appearing out of nowhere. Just as he closed the door behind him, he collapsed onto the ground not even reaching the bed a few meters away from him.

18.200 he got hurt 18.200 he remembered Sebastian's voice nagging him before closing the door.

Getting hurt this much in one day totally exhausted him but his brain seemed to process the differents informations he got today.

When he attained the nearest tree, he got hurt only around 3.000, which means that he was hurt more than 15.000 times on the way back.

Zaho was thinking to himself 'Why did I get hurt more on the way back than when heading out? the farther I'm from the house the more likely I'm to get hurt ? or is it that the closer we are from sunset and the darker it is outside the more injured I get?'

Before he could come to a conclusion his exhausted my and body made him lose consciousness.