Sebastian raised his hand and an orange fire lit on it, it then separated to multiples smaller fires of different colors, red, green, blue orange and started to dance in the room.
Sebastian: "There is 9 level in each Arkana elements, you can separate the training of Arkana in two parts, the first aspect is spells, there are different spells that you have to learn for each level of each element."
"For example the most common spells for basic element, level one are: respectively
- Lit for fire witch lit a flame.
- Sprinkles for water witch allows you to generate water out of nothing.
- Harden/Soften for earth element witch allows you to harden soil or softening it.
- Blow for wind witch help you control the wind direction around you."
Sebastian moved his arm witch extinguished the fire he generated. then he continued his explanation: "This word is constituted of Atmos and molecules witch are minuscules particles connected to each other and constituting everything existing in the world, there are also magic atoms present for each element and each level of Arkana"
Sebastian paused as to let Zaho digest what he already said then continued :
"For example, if you want to use a level 7 water spell you will have to have leant the spell and absorbed all seven water's magic atoms corresponding to each level."
Zaho :"Ohh ..doses it means that all I have to do is learning spells and absorbing those magic atoms? good seems pretty easy!"
Sebastian's lips twitched as his vision became unfocused as he remembered all the dangers he had to face to collect all the different spells... all he almost died because of a level 5 spell he stole to an ancient family, not to mentions the differents ruins he has to explore for even higher level spells.
Zaho : "Master? master? ..."
"Yea you did understand correctly." said Sebastian he then smiled evilly and continued "But magical atoms are not that easy to find..., for the level one as example you can find one in 1 cubic meter (1m x 1m x 1m) but there are millions of different atoms in this volume you may have to inspect for almost 2 months to finally find it.
"So imagine yourself looking at a level 4 magical atom which you could only find one in cubic meter (1km x 1km x 1km)there are many people who search their whole life to end with nothing"
"But there is a trick to it, the element present in an area will depend on the environment we are.. near a volcano 80 % of the magical atoms are eath and fire atoms, in the ocean 90% of the magical atoms are of water elements."
Sebastian then got back on the main topic: "I will teach you a spiritual cultivation method to search for the magical atoms in the future en strengthen your spiritual senses."
and just like that training officially started.
The next day.
Zaho: "Why does it hurt more to circulate my physical energy?"
Sebastian: "I made your clothes even heavier to optimize your training"
Zaho: "..."
One week later.
"I finally got my level one fire element, but are you sure that this giant flame ball above me is necessary?" said Zaho looking up, as sweet generated due to the heat got instantly evaporated
Sebastian: "Yes to optimize your training, it's easier to change the environment for you to collect magical elements quicker"
Three months Later
Zaho :"I finally started understanding the first layer of this array and with the improvement on my physical body I can now get out without being injured as long as I say less than 50 meters from the house"
Sebastien: "Oh you finally understood that the house is the core of the array the farther we are the more we get attacked, good let's move the house 500 meters from here!"
Zaho :"is there any need to move the house from here?"
Sebstian: "Yes for your training efficiency it will definitely be more efficient this way"
Zaho :"..."
5 years later
Zaho: "Master hey master .. do you hear me? don't throw me in a volcano I will definitely find a fire element tomorrow"
Sebastian: "don't worry your physique improved you would need 5 minutes to burn to ashes and with me here you can never die,.. you can even stay longer healing yourself with the lvl 3 light element your learnt last month"
Zaho: "Ahhhhhhh... Help... Somebody Help !"
50 years later
Zaho: "Sebastian ...I'm immortal don't you remember I can't age here why the rush..."
Sebastian: "Don't be a scaredy-cat... I will just bury you for 100 years it is a good environment for earthan elements, you didn't have much progress on it lately"
Zaho: "Why... hey I take back what I said let me die"
Sebastian: " Hahaha.. look how energetic you are it's good to be young"
"I'm more than sixty years old it's just my body not growing" said Zaho sadly.
"Hey I made the wrong choice, let me go, I made the wrong choice, I made the wrong choice it doesn't count I wasn't an adult yet it doesn't count"