The next morning as the Trusted team was eating their breakfast together.
Samuel asked: "Hey Lea, Albert you guys did not tell us your states yesterday!"
Lea noded: "hum... that's true we were too focused on listening Zaho's advice and we totally forgot about it, but you better tell us your stats too!"
Jason smiled and said: "Don't worry as we are on the same team there is nothing to hide from each other, and we will never force somebody to reveals his secrets if he doesn't want to share them"
Zaho: "You got a good point there Jason, we will need to make some small rules for the team! you guys try to think about some of them, we will talk again about it a month, this will give us more time to think of it"
Samuel: "I don't think it's a good idea to have rules binding us... I'd rather be free of doing whatever I want, I don't want to follow some stupid rules just because the majority chose something"
Albert: "How about this, we will allow a rule to pass only if everyone voted in its favor?"
Zaho: "Don't think too much about it either Samuel. What I want is more a bottom line that we will all have to respect, for example, are we allowed to keeps secrets from each other? can we and these kinds of things"
Samuel: "Oh, if that's the case then there is no problem with me!"
Lea: "Well seems like we will talk again about it one month from now, well concerning my stats"
Lea said outloud: "Status appear!"
Name: Lea RINGAN
Age : 6
Water (2),Fire (1),wind (1),earth(1)
Water (30%),Fire (5%),wind (14%),earth(10%)
After hearing Lea's stats, Jason and Samuel lost confidence in themselves.
Jason: "You are two years younger than me yet you are this powerful ! how is this possible ?"
Samuel: "You have all the basic elements? how did you do that ?"
Lea blushed as she responded: "STOP LOOKING AT ME WITH those eyes! ...I'm a princess remember? of course, I had the best teachers since I was four years old and my father is also the strongest mage in the country with few of his advice you too guys would be just as strong as me."
After Lea told her stats everybody looked at Albert curiously.
Albert didn't try to hide anything and told them his states
Name: Albert MIRSIL
Age : 8
physique: lvl 1 (67%)
Water (1),Wind(2)
Water (80%),Wind(23%)
Lea: "You said physique level 1 what does it mean?" as she asked Albert
Albert: "Well, our family has a martial art cultivation method and my father is a level 3 martial artist, he made me train very hard and I improved my physical abelites."
Lea then looked curiously at Zaho as he was the one who created the system, and also the most knowledgeable of them.
Zaho: "Well don't forget that there are two paths in training, Magic isn't the only way to get stronger, it's just that it's easier and faster to get stronger by learning magic at low levels, that's why most people around here would rather learn magic than train their body, but don't underestimate a martial artist! in a fight between knight and magician or similar level, the victor will depend on who is the most skilled."
Lea responded doubtfully: "This strong? but how come even in the palace guards I didn't see someone stronger than level 3?"
Zaho: "I don't know, I'm not too familiar with them, but either their cultivation method is not good enough or they didn't put that much effort into it"
Albert added: " My father is definitely really strong he killed several levels 3 mages in his life. but cultivating martial art require a lot of resources to improve the body and heal it from the strenuous training"
Zaho took a metal fork from the table and started distorting her with only two fingers: "Do you think your bones are stronger than metal?"
Jason: "..."
Samuel: "..."
Lea: "..."
Albert: "..."
Zaho: "You guys will have to train every day to improve your physical when fighting having a good physical is primordial", Zaho looked at Albert and asked: "for how long can you run ?"
Albert: "If I only rely on my stamina it would be about 1h30 if I can use my wind magic too about 5 hours ?"
Zaho: "Do you guys think that you can chase him for more than 5 hours while throwing spells around ?"
Zaho: "That's why you will also have to train physically and this should also be the reason why starting from third year students in the academy, the first two hours are always dedicated to physical training."
After successfully convincing everybody of the importance of training their body they had to separate as to each attend their respective lessons.
Today lesson was with a new teacher, he was a tall muscular man of around 192cm in height,
Black hair, black eyes, and a big scar on his forehead.
"Hello, my name is Rudolph Marzmine I will be teaching you the spell casting if you guys have any question you can just raise your hand and ask them"
Rudolph: "I think you all learnt a few spells didn't you? so how did you learn the spells? did someone close to you taught it to you or did you "
Rudolph: "Those who learnt from a book raise your hand"
around 6 students raised their hand Rudolph nodded and said: "Good do you guys remember what was written? if you do write what was written on a piece of paper and give it to me"
All the students nodded and did what the teacher was asking them to do after that Rudolph proceeded to read Paper by paper what was written.
Paper1: "Drow water from space around you and transform it in a spherical shape, after successfully reaching this step push it with your mind as fast as you can"
Paper2: " Water, sphere, shoot!"
Paper3: "Water is present everywhere around us to focus your magic to transform all the small water particle a water sphere as big as a fist, one done, imagine this ball attached to the tip of a whip and lash it the stronger you can"
Paper4: "pepulerunt hostis tibi aquam mundus target"
The last 2 papers contained a similar version to the second and third paper.
Rudolph: "What I'm training to explain is the spells aren't that important, and the key utility of spellbooks is to show you that something is possible and have been done in the past"
Rudolph: "90% of spell casting is how well you visualize the process and the last 10% is about whether you understand the processes behind the spells, so you guys while learning spells its good if you have someone make you a demonstration it will quicken your mastering of the said spell."