
Lea and Samuel were pretty proud of their strategy, they talked about it and expected some students to neglect the preparations needed for such a trip, and by predicting this situation they decided to get the best of it by helping those students and gaining something while helping them.

Those students were happy about such a deal and those that didn't need anything or just didn't find it fair weren't compelled to agree to it and could just ignore it.

After around half an hour the students that went looking in the forest for food came back with some fruits and small animals like rabbits and birds they quickly exchanged some of it with the differents Items they wanted and kept the extra for themselves.

Samuel started placing and placing his tent and Lea was starting to get some wood as to start a fire, they could use magic to start a fire but at their level, maintaining the fire with only magic would exhaust them mentally.

Samul said as he looked at Lea: "The tent is made we will have a place to sleep tonight!"

Lea: "The fire is ready we will cook the meat first as to not waste it, the fruits can be kept for a longer period of time"

James who was passing by looked at them with a cunning simile, he wasn't happy as he found it unfair for them to use such a trick and he still held a grudge against them as he didn't what happened in their last meeting.

James: "Haha, you guys we will see what happens to cocky people like you!"

Lea: "Why are you always looking for troubles? Can you just let us alone? we didn't ask you anything.."

James: "Don't think that just because you are a princess you will always have all you want!"

After finishing his sentence he left without looking back.

Zaho and Georges couldn't interfere with the training so they had to camp a little farther.

All seemed to go pretty well, Zaho and Lea already secured Food and a place to sleep tonight all that they lacked was water, but with a water spell it was easily solved.

Now that they had all their basic necessities were secured they started trying to make it more comfortable.

Lea used some earth magic to soften the earth around them as to be more comfortable inside and outside the tent.

Samuel used wind magic to create some wind and push the leafs and insect from around, while the two were tending to their tent Jason went to the instructors panicked as he said: "Instructors! teachers! I lost Chang and Walker in the forest!"

Rodolph: "Calm down James! tell me what happened slowly "

James: "We were looking for food in the forest and I lost vision of them for two seconds, but then I couldn't find them anymore, I kept looking for him for more than an hour but couldn't find them I think they ventured deeper in the forest"

Rodolph looked at Daniel: "We have to look for them!"

Daniel nodded he went to Georges as he was the only other adult following in this trip he said: "We really need all the help we can get if they ventured in the forest they could face wolf or beast we need to look for them before anything happens"

Georges looked at the princess as he thought: 'Nothing can happen here we are in the outskirt and we will not spend too much time to find them.'

He then responded: "okay we can go right now! they quicker we go the quicker we will be back"

Soon after they left to look for the missing kids asking the others not to stay together and not to venture to the forest until their returns.

After fifteen minutes wolfs howling could be heard and James who looked panicked until now tossed a bag towards Samuel and Lea tent before running in the opposite direction.

Seeing this Lea and Samuel who were talking between themselves understood that James planed everything from the start to harm them and that he tossed a back with an odor that could attract the beasts.

Instead of panicking, Samuel took his sword as he said: "Can you let me try fighting on my own to start? I want to gain as much experience as I can, If you ever feel that something is dangerous to feel free to cast spells"

Lea nodded: "Okey, but you will have to let me fight on my own too! don't monopolize all the fun"

As she just finished talking a wolf jumped from a bush nearby and stared at the two of them forfore howling
