Third year

Once backs at their dorms, Samuel and Lea told Jason and Albert everything that happened during their trip, hearing that they were able to face a wolf alone rendered them astonished.

Zaho: "What did you feel when you faced the wolf? Was it Strong?"

Albert: "I and Zaho will have to fight beasts in a few months as school's training."

Samuel thought a little bit and started explaining: "Actually, the wolf wasn't that strong, I and Lea should be able to fight it alone."

Lea feeling frustrated noded: "The most difficult was that we weren't able to showcase all our power."

Samuel: "Yes... We didn't expect to be attacked so we weren't on our guard, I didn't even have my weapon at first, and even with my sword, I neglected the environment."

Lea added: "I couldn't focus on my spells, On the training room, I'm able to shoot a water ball each second but facing the threat of death I barley shooted one"

Listening to their friend getting more and more low hearted as they explained their shot comings Jason interrupted: "The important part is that you are safe and become stronger, I and Albert didn't face a monster yet and here you are first years won a battle against one."

Samuel: "Ahh! by the way, I forgot to tell you I and Lea might join your classes in a few days"

Albert: "What did you say to join our class? do you mean that there will be joint training between the first and third years?"

Lea: "No, it's just me and Zaho that will become third years in a few days."

Seeing that Jason and Albert still did not understand the news Samuel explained: "Due to our fight against the wolf the headmaster of the academy agreed that we could become third years as long as we are level two magicians, So all is left is for me to find a level three atom and I and Lea will join you class"

Jason: "..."

Albert: "..."

Jason: "Whaaaaat ? you will join our class?!"

at first, Shocked then happy, Jason, Albert, Samuel, and Lea celebrated the good news as they will be spending more time together.

Zaho looked at his team happily as he said: "Let's not waste time! the sooner you are level 2 the sooner you would Join class three"

then as Zaho continued: "The fastest way is to become an earth level magician, if you go the level minus 10 of the tower the earth atoms are much richer than any other element as its deep undergound"

Samuel's eyes brightened up and he followed Zaho advice, except for going to the different lessons he spent the rest of the time meditating in the tower and just like that after 3 more weeks.

Samuel: "Yee! I'm finally a level 2 earth magician."

After meeting with the Academy headmaster one more time and confirming his new achieved level, Lea and him successfully joined Jason's and Albert's class.

Samuel wasn't the only one that progressed, but the other three followed Zaho advice and focused more on their understanding of spells and their casting as it was much more efficient looking for atoms is a better environment.

With the lesson Lea received on their lack of actual fighting experience, she and the other two started sparing regularly between themselves.

The three kids could now cast spells much faster and react much better depending on their opponent's actions.

Zaho: "Well done guys! you all progressed a lot and you will be able to test the results of your training in two days asthird years will go outside to fight beasts, let's check you, status board, one last time and spent the tomorrow recovering to your obtimal condition"

The four kid nodded as they said: "Status open"