Storage Ring

"You… You are one interesting fella," said Butcher Kain as he received the five headless White Rabbit.

"Hey, do you happen to know if there is an inventory system in this world?" Xiao Yun asked him.

"Carrying around my loot is very inconvenient, you see."

Butcher Kain looked at him with a dumbfounded face.

"Hahahaha! Good! Since you have returned much faster than I had expected, and I can see the hidden potential in you, I will throw this in as a bonus!"

Butcher Kain took out a dagger with a golden-brown blade along with a copper ring, and then he handed it to Xiao Yun.

[You have completed Butcher Kain's Quest.]

[You have gained experience from the completion of Butcher Kain's Quest.]

[Congratulations, you have leveled up.]

[You are now level 3.]

[Because of your excellent performance, Butcher Kain has taken a liking to you, increasing your Fame.]

[+5 Fame]

[Your relationship with Butcher Kain has deepened.]

[You have unlocked the Relationship System.]

[Your relationship has advanced from (Strangers) to (Acquaintance), increasing your Fame.]

[+5 Fame]

[Because of your relationship, Butcher Kain has decided to give you a bonus for your Quest completion.]

[You have obtained a Bronze Dagger (Common)]

[You have obtained a Storage Ring (Small)]

Xiao Yun received the items with a smile on his face.

"Thank you."

"Come back if you need anything else from me, I plenty of requests to hand out, you know?"

"I will come back another day," said Xiao Yun.

He said his farewells and walked away.

'Let's see how to use this…'

"Open Equipment."

His avatar popped up on the screen.

Because he was holding the Bronze Dagger, the window showed it as being equipped.

Touching the Bronze Dagger in the window, another small window popped up.

[Bronze Dagger (Common)]

[Bonus: N/A]

[Note: A dagger made from copper, decent for skinning animals.]

'I do not see this copper ring on the avatar…'

Xiao Yun wears the copper ring on his right hand, ring finger, and the copper ring also showed up in the avatar.

[Storage Ring (Uncommon)]

[Bonus: Can storage up to a weight limit of 5lbs.]

[Note: A magical item that allows the user to transfer items into the ring, allowing them to carry items around more conveniently.]

'How do I put items inside?'

Xiao Yun began testing this Storage Ring out.

He touched the Storage Ring with his Bronze Dagger, but nothing happened.

He imagined the Bronze Dagger going into the ring, but nothing happened.

"Open Storage Ring."


A screen appeared in front of him with empty slots.

Next, he tried putting the Bronze Dagger inside one of these empty slots by pushing the dagger towards the screen… but nothing happened.

"Store Bronze Dagger."

He suddenly felt the weight on his right hand disappear, the hand he was holding the dagger.

The Bronze Dagger had disappeared from his hand and appeared into one of the empty slots.

"Retrieve Bronze Dagger."

The Bronze Dagger disappeared from the window and materialized in his hand.

"This is very convenient," he said to himself.

'Now let's see this Relationship System.'

"Open Relationship."


[(Alive) Butcher Kain (Acquentience)]

'Alive? Then what happens if Butcher Kain dies? Will he respawn like players or will he stay dead?'

This question appeared inside his head.

After thinking about the system and this game a bit more, he had decided to log out. It was almost time for his siblings to return from school.

"Log out."

He suddenly felt his conscious leaving his body. It felt the same when he first entered the game. It was almost as if his soul was sucked out of his body.

His view blacked out, and in just a moment, he could see the ceiling to his room again.

That was a pretty shocking experience even for somebody like him.

Taking the helmet off his head, he placed it in the closet along with his old clothes and headed for downstairs.

His mother was already downstairs cooking for dinner.

"Xiao Yun, you're finished playing already?" she asked him.

"Was I supposed to play longer?"

She laughed and said, "Your sister would normally play for half the day, even the entire day at times."

Hearing her mention his sister, a weird feeling entered his heart. How should he act when he meets them again after four years of being away? He did not know.

When he was still serving the military, he would only need a split second before deciding on his course of action and plans, even executing them perfectly. Yet when he came back to the house, he could not help but have conflicting feelings.

"I'm home!"

The voice of a girl resounded from the hall, followed by the sound of closing doors.

Xiao Yun has not heard from this voice since four years ago, yet it sounded awfully familiar, almost as if he had heard it just today.

The door to the living room opened, and two girls walked in.

Xiao Yun turned his gaze to look at the two girls standing at the door, both with a weird expression on their face.

The one standing on the left was a little girl around the age of 10. She had a cute and innocent looking face. Her eyes were big and clear without a speck of impurity. Her hair was tied into two ponytails on each side of her head. She looked like a little angel, and she was staring at him with a confused face.

The one standing next to her was a girl in a high school uniform. Her hair was silky black, her face was beautiful like a grown angel, and she was making an ugly expression with that angel-like face of hers.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house, you bastard?!"

The high school girl screamed at him as if she was screaming at a stalker who had unexpectedly appeared inside her house.

Xiao Yun did not reply and only looked at her with a calm expression on his face. He did not look shocked or even a little bit surprised to see her here.

She was the girl who had been pickpocketing the convenient store just this morning...